17 Jan 2023


Implementation Plan for Program to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 1336

Pages: 5

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The implementation of the plan seeks to create an approach through which to ensure that students can improve on the particular learning outcomes. The program aims to provide that students are well positioned towards getting a clear picture of their learning outcomes with the sole focus being towards meeting these outcomes. The overall expectations for the program are that it will allow students to engage as part of the learning process with the aim being towards matching set out learning goals. Carini, Kuh, & Klein (2006) argue that one of the critical challenges that majority of students are facing is that they find it somewhat challenging in matching meeting their learning outcomes, which is affected by the fact that most of the students lack the expected understanding of the learning approaches used. However, it must be noted that this program seeks to create a clear path through which to maximize on students meeting their set out learning outcomes in the learning environment.

Functional Tactics 

Functional tactics seek to highlight some of the critical approaches that students are expected to take as part of advancing overall expectations in delivering on overall efficiency in meeting the learning outcomes. The first notable functional tactic to consider is that student engagement as one of the critical factors that promote effective achievement of set out goals and objectives. By fostering student engagement, the program will seek to create a somewhat effective platform through which to build or define performance for the students with the sole intention being towards ensuring that they meet their respective learning outcomes. The second functional tactic to consider revolves around the advanced evaluation of student needs with the aim being towards ensuring that these needs are met as part of the students’ engagement in their respective learning environments.

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Action Items 

An important aspect of consideration when designing an implementation plan for program improvements entails focusing on the action items to discover the key factors to be considered within the implementation plan. The first element in the action plan requires identifying the task of the project, which entails the strategic goal. Understanding the strategic goals of a program plays an essential role in ensuring that the implementation plan will help in the achievement of overall goals and objectives of program improvement. In this case, the strategic goal entails enhancing student learning outcomes by focusing on program improvements. The purpose of the implementation plan is to ensure that the program associated with student learning outcomes are improved to maximize on the knowledge of students upon completion of their learning within the universities.

The second element in the action items entails analyzing and delegating tasks within the plan with the aim of defining persons responsible for achieving the overall goals and objectives of the project to improve programs associated with student learning outcomes. The process of delegation of tasks provides an avenue for developing on the consequences of the program considering that the persons selected works towards achieving the said goals and objectives. The third important aspect within the action items entails focusing on the processes that are necessary to make the purposes mentioned in the plan. Designing of an appropriate method to help in improving the programs will assist in ensuring that students gain the ability to maximize their outcomes upon completing their studies. Lastly, it is necessary to focus on developing a timeline that will help in ensuring that the goals and objectives defined within the plan are achievable within an established timeline.

Milestones and Deadlines 

Students will be expected to learn the importance of having to set their expected milestones and deadlines as part of the learning environment (Hu & Kuh, 2003). One of the critical factors to note is that most of these students find themselves in a position where they are expected to meet specific goals. For the students to be in an active position allowing them to determine their capacities, it would be essential to come up with critical frameworks through which to determine the set out milestones. The milestones will serve as determinants of whether indeed these students are in a valid position through which to maximize their set out expectations. For the deadlines, the students are expected to set deadlines for their achievement of the milestones, which would serve as one of the motivating factors that would allow them to improve their performance outcomes.

Tasks and Task Ownership 

When focusing on the area of tasks and task ownership, students will be expected to learn the importance of having to consider the tasks that they have concerning the general expectations in learning. Learning creates a front through which students can engage in a wide array of tasks that seek to serve as justifications for their performance and abilities to meet their respective learning outcomes (Carini, Kuh, & Klein, 2006). Students are expected to learn the value of having to create multiple tasks that would serve as critical fronts through which to achieve the set-out goals and objectives. Additionally, the students will also learn the importance of having to arrange tasks depending on the set-out priorities.

Regarding task ownership, students will be expected to learn the value of having to take ownership of their tasks regardless of the consequences, as this would serve as one of the critical factors that allow them to build on their responsibility. One of the key factors to note is that the students would find it much easier for themselves in trying to build on an active front through which to ensure that indeed these students can meet laid out outcomes. On the other hand, task ownership would also mean that the students would be in a position to learn from their mistakes while considering that it is highly likely that they would make specific mistakes. Their abilities to learn would mean that they would be in a somewhat proactive position through which to support their generalized expectations in active learning.

Resource Allocation 

Organizational Change Management Strategy 

The organizational change management strategy that would have positive impacts towards ensuring that the implementation of the plan is effective will focus on overall engagement before the actual implementation process. Through engagement, it will be much more comfortable in determining the responses that can be associated with the expected changes while creating a platform for making specific modifications. It would be essential to consider the overall position through which to ensure that the change management process is efficient; thus, creating the need for having to come up with an approach that would support overall engagement. The outcome of this engagement is that it will help bring out positive impacts of the change while considering the influence that it would have on the performance of the students in meeting their respective learning outcomes.

Key Success Factors 

The first key success factor that would be considered is the ability for the students to set deadlines that they would be able to meet as part of their overall engagements. One of the critical aspect to note are that the majority of the students find themselves in a challenging position that affects their ability to meet deadlines. However, this is most likely to change if the change is implemented, as it would seek to provide students with a rather practical understanding on what would be expected for them in defining their capacities to meet set out learning outcomes. The second critical success factor to consider is the ability for the students to forecast financials as part of their engagement within the learning process with the focus being towards matching overall objectives on practical learning.

Risk Management Plan 

The risk management plan seeks to create notable contingencies on what would be expected if the identified risks occur as part of the student learning process. The first key aspect of consideration in the risk management plan is that it seeks to introduce new approaches through which to ensure that indeed students can develop a structured avenue through which to learn without having to concentrate on the challenges that they encounter. That would mean that the students would be able to minimize on their exposure to some of these risks while ensuring that they build on overall capacities to match possible outcomes. The second risk management approach would involve having to ensure that the students can share any issues that they encounter, which are likely to affect their abilities to meet their respective learning outcomes.


Carini, R. M., Kuh, G. D., & Klein, S. P. (2006). Student engagement and student learning: Testing the linkages.  Research in higher education 47 (1), 1-32.

Hu, S., & Kuh, G. D. (2003). Diversity experiences and college student learning and personal development.  Journal of College Student Development 44 (3), 320-334.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Implementation Plan for Program to Improve Student Learning Outcomes.


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