4 Jun 2022


Improving Emotional Skills and Competencies

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Academic level: College

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In the past, immense emphasis was placed on technical competence. To excel, employees were expected to possess technical skills that allow them to execute tasks effectively. While it is true that technical competence is still vital, greater focus is now being placed on other skills. Emotional intelligence (EI) is among these competencies. Essentially, emotional intelligence enables employees to understand their own feelings and respond properly to the emotions of others. The role that emotional intelligence plays in the workplace cannot be overstated. Among other things, emotional intelligence facilitates conflict resolution and enhances teamwork among colleges. While this skill is vital for all employees, it is particularly useful for practitioners in education. As they confront the challenge of supporting the dreams and aspirations of learners, educators require emotional intelligence. Leveraging this competence, they are able to ensure that the demands of their job do not overwhelm them. To develop emotional intelligence, it is proposed that educational institutions should implement a plan places emphasis on training teachers and encouraging thoughtful reflection and mindfulness.

Need for EI among Teachers 

In order to understand the need to improve the emotional intelligence of educators, it is helpful to begin by examining the role that EI plays in education. Researchers have established that EI is among the essential skills that teachers need to thrive and to effectively guide their students. For example, according to Doleve and Leshem (2014), teachers who possess EI are able to encourage prosocial behaviors among their students. Additionally, these researchers have observed that these teachers leverage their EI to create classroom environments that are devoid of violence and aggression. In addition to helping teachers perform their duties as expected, EI has also been linked to improved academic outcomes (Hans, Mubeen & Rabani, 2013). In summary, EI is a critical tool that makes it possible for teachers to commit to their obligations without neglecting their own welfare. Given the numerous benefits that EI presents for teachers and their students, it follows that schools should spare no effort in improving this skill among their teachers. Some of the strategies that the schools can implement are discussed in the following section.

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Training to Improve EI 

Teacher Training 

Training is among the strategies that are understood to be effective in enhancing EI among teachers. For instance, Gilar-Corbi et al. (2018) are among the scholars who have determined that training is an effective strategy. In establishing the positive impact of training, they conducted a rigorous study which examined a training program that a school had implemented. After monitoring this program, Gilar-Corbi and his colleagues found that the program delivered massive improvements in EI. It is true that for their study, these researchers examined the impact that the training had on students. Despite this fact, the study is still relevant for teachers. According to Gilar-Corbi et al., training helped students to gain a deeper understanding of their emotional states and expressions. Additionally, these researchers observed that thanks to the training, the students became more confident in expressing how they feel and making decisions. Furthermore, Gilar-Corbi and his team noted that the training allowed the students to better understand and respond to the emotions of others. In essence, these researchers confirmed that training is an effective intervention. Given the conclusion that they made, it is reasonable to predict that when it implements a training program for its teachers, an educational institution will witness marked improvements in the teachers’ EI.

Thoughtful Reflection and Mindfulness 

While it has proven effective, teacher training may not be sufficient to improve EI among teachers. It is therefore important for schools to supplement training with other strategies. Encouraging teachers to engage in mindfulness and thoughtful reflection are other strategies. Research indicates that these strategies are hugely effective. For example, Joshith (2012) carried out a study to explore the effectiveness of a package designed to enhance EI among teachers. Mindfulness was a key component of this package. According to Joshith, following the adoption of this package, participants exhibited improved emotional intelligence. In addition to gaining a better understanding of their emotions, the teachers also responded better to the emotions of their colleagues. The observations that Joshith made are not surprising. When individuals engage in mindfulness, they are able to understand themselves better. For example, a teacher who embraces mindfulness takes the time to understand the issues that trigger emotional outbursts. With this understanding, the teacher can proceed to eliminate the triggers. Therefore, by incorporating thoughtful reflection and mindfulness into their routines and interactions with their students, teachers can expect to become more emotionally intelligent. This transformation will be seen in how the teachers relate with students. For example, the teacher helps their students to achieve their dreams without becoming frustrated.

Environmental Modifications 

It is generally understood that one’s environment greatly influences their emotional state. For example, when individuals populate their environment with objects that bring them joy, it can be expected that they will derive immense happiness from this environment. It is therefore not surprising that environmental modifications are among the strategies that have been associated with improved EI. Omid, Haghani and Adibi (2016) have led the research community in endorsing environmental tweaks as a strategy for enhancing EI skills. They authored an insightful article in which they identify a variety of effective strategies. According to Omid and his team, making the environment friendlier and more accommodating yields improvements in emotional responses and states. For example, a teacher could place a photograph of their family at their desk. While this measure is rather simple, its impacts can be significant. The photograph could serve as a reminder to the teacher that they have a loving family. This reminder will go a long way in rejuvenating the teacher and replenishing their reserves. Ultimately, the teacher becomes more effective in engaging with their students.

Transparency and Openness 

The message conveyed this far is that to improve EI among teachers, schools do not necessarily need to employ overly complex and costly interventions. Instead, they can adopt simple strategies whose impact is dramatic. In addition to the strategies already discussed, encouraging teachers to be transparent and open is another approach which promises to enhance EI. This is according to Omid, Haghani and Adibi (2016). The importance of transparency lies in the fact that it helps to foster trust. When a teacher is open with their students about how they feel, they create an environment where the students can also open up about their struggles, dreams and fears. For example, a teacher working with young children can confess about their occasional struggles with anxiety. By being vulnerable, the teacher will help to normalize anxiety, thereby empowering the students to confront their own struggles. In addition to promoting trust, transparency and openness also provide the teacher with an outlet for unrestrained emotional expression. This is as opposed to the usual situation where teachers bottle up their emotions. Therefore, educational institutions should make transparency and openness key policies that teachers are to adhere to. Even as they become more transparent and openness, teachers should be mindful of some pitfalls. For example, the teachers should ensure that they are careful in their engagements with their students by avoiding inappropriate or harmful discussions.

Social Support 

When they adopt the strategies proposed above, teachers poise themselves to experience the tremendous benefit of EI. However, as already stated, these strategies may not go far enough in improving EI. Perhaps the most promising strategy is for teachers to establish and rely on their social support networks. According to Omid, Haghani and Adibi (2016), these networks play a vital role in helping individuals to remain sober and ensure that they are not overwhelmed by the pressures of life. Teachers can particularly benefit from social support. For example, suppose that a teacher has learnt that one of her students has lost a parent. This news would definitely be devastating for the teacher. It is reasonable to expect that the teacher’s capacity to educate will be compromised. As part of her effort to regain her footing, the teacher could seek the support of her friends and family. This example shows how social support can be integrated into efforts to improve EI among teachers. Basically, the social support unburdens teachers and allows them to restock their emotional energies.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence remains one of the most important skills for employees. It allows workers to relate healthily with their colleagues. As a result, the employees are able to focus their effort on pursuing organizational growth. Despite understanding the importance of EI, many teachers lack this skill. Fortunately, there are some simple and practical strategies that the teachers can adopt. These strategies include mindfulness, modifying the physical environment and establishing strong social networks. Moreover, teachers can bolster their EI by undergoing formal training and being transparent in their dealings with their students. There is compelling scientific evidence that all of these strategies are effective. Schools should spearhead their adoption. However, when teachers realize that their schools are reluctant to implement these strategies, they should be proactive and take action. The strategies are simple enough for an individual teacher to incorporate them into how they manage their emotions and deal with their students.


Dolev, N., & Leshem, S. (2014). Developing emotional intelligence competence among teachers. Teacher Development, 21 (1), 21-39.

Gilar-Corbi, Pozo-Rico, T., Pertegal-Felices, M. L., & Sanchez, B. (2018). Emotional intelligence training intervention among trainee teachers: a quasi-experimental study. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41155-018-0112-1

Hans, A., Mubeen, S. A., & Rabani, R. S. S. (2013). A study on emotional intelligence among teachers: a case study of private educational institutions in Muscat. International Journal of Application or Innovation Engineering & Management, 2 (7), 359-365.

Joshith, V. P. (2012). Emotional intelligence as a tool for innovative teaching. Journal of Educational Psychology, 5 (4), 54-60.

Omid, A., Haghani, F., & Adibi, P. (2016). Clinical teaching with emotional intelligence: a teaching toolbox. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. doi: 10.4103/1735-1995.181983

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Improving Emotional Skills and Competencies.


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