4 Aug 2022


Inclusive Talent Management: The Key to Unlocking Success

Format: Harvard

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 3899

Pages: 12

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Executive Summary 

An inclusive talent management approach aims at including all employees in implementing the organization’s talent management policy. Consequently, it enhances worker’s productivity and performance at all workforce levels. Most organizations that use this approach, including Wal-Mart, have significantly benefited from it in terms of employee retention and succession. For instance, while hiring technical workers, selecting individuals with the right skills is key. However, the program has enabled Wal-Mart Corporation to develop an effective job description, an excellent hiring process, and various ways of ensuring the team is happy and motivated. Also, the program has been significant in hiring, endorsing their talents and knowledge through training and mentorship programs, and fair promotions. Subsequently, the approach has helped in ensuring retention strategies and succession planning of both technical and administrative workers are effective, less costly, ethical, fair to all employees, and follow all the legal implications. 

Notably, excellent management is vital in securing future leadership capabilities, which are critical for enhancing organizational performance. Organizational talent management is a critical and active continuous business process that embraces vibrant market imperatives. Besides, it covers long-standing practices to identify the correct individual at the right time and in the right job. As a result, every organization should have appropriate human resource management that enables their employees to master their competence while developing resources for their colleagues. Consequently, this paper will report to the new Director of HR, identifying the organization’s inclusive talent management approach concerning technical and administrative groups of staff. Furthermore, it will also evaluate the implications that every method may have on the firm’s retention strategies and succession planning of the two staff groups in question. The evaluation will consider effectiveness, cost, equality, ethics, and legal implications of the current practice in the organization. Lastly, the report will provide a rationalized set of recommendations to address the issues identified to ensure the organization’s talent management is equitable regarding flexible working and diversity management. The appendix section has Wal-Mart’s SWOT and STEEPLE analysis and an implementation plan. 

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Inclusive Talent Management Approach 

Arguably, the inclusive talent management approach is one of the best as it desires to include all the firm employees in implementing the talent management policy. The strategy is vital in enhancing performance at all workforce levels. It helps workers play to their strengths, thus maximizing their impact. Unquestionably, every employee has a role to play in the organization and something to contribute. Therefore, by utilizing an inclusive talent management approach, the organization develops as a whole (Teijeiro n.d.). Most organizations, including Wal-Mart, have started using this technique for their workers depending on their needs and characteristics. Subsequently, most of them have experienced magnificent growth and expansion. For instance, Wal-Mart experienced 97% sales growth in their digital business in 2020. The retail company’s non-store sales for the Q2 were up by 27%, while the total retail sales, excluding restaurants, gasoline, and auto, were up by 3.7%. Compared to the company’s average sales of 6.2% for warehouse clubs and discount stores, the sales were up 9.5% in 2020 (Kohan, 2020). Although several factors have contributed to this significant growth, inclusive management techniques played a vital role. However, to enjoy such productivity, a lot of talent development and maintenance activities were conducted. 

Inclusive Talent Management Approach About Technical Staffs 

Technical staff professionals are essential in every organization as they offer a broad range of assistance and support services. This staff group helps in configuring, installing, and maintaining technical equipment and systems. Therefore, organizations should ensure they attain the right talent for this role. Developing a practical job description for the new staff technicians is essential for obtaining the right individual for the task. An excellent job description defines the kind of talent attracted to represent the company. Besides, an effective recruitment process is essential as it defines the organization’s success since employees’ performance and productivity determine the business’s success (Brannen, 2016). Wal-Mart having a relatively diverse job candidate’s field, sets up an effective hiring process capable of helping them have the best candidates. 

Wal-Mart Company ensures that its job description attains international standards by including all the necessary information describing primary functions and essential responsibilities required. Some of the components that they provide are present in their job description have the working conditions. Arguably, working in the technical department can be relatively risky if the proper measures are not put in place. Therefore, it is essential to outline the physical demands and working conditions directly related to job duties and responsibilities. Listing the preferred qualifications is vital as it helps determine the individual’s ability to handle daily job functions. Likewise, the required qualification section is significant in a job description. It assists Wal-Mart in listing the necessary qualifications, including abilities, skills, knowledge, experience, and education, essential for the tasks. The job duties and responsibility section help describe the real job’s nature (Bodnarchuk, 2012, p. 11). Wal-Mart Company uses the job purpose section to show the scope, role, and level of responsibilities. The job title is another crucial component of a job description. It reflects on the scope, purpose, and content of the job. Such a description attracts suitable applicants, hence making their work easier. 

Additionally, the company offers equal opportunities to all aspiring candidates by only accepting online applications. Since the COVID 19 outbreak, individuals are highly advised to maintain social distance and avoid unnecessary body contacts (World Health Organization, 2021). As a result, an online job application is the most effective and safe method of applying for a job. Furthermore, since the applicants can make their applications from home, they have lesser distractions, hence saving on time. Wal-Mart organization also conducts an assessment test to help the firm evaluate how the potential aspirants are likely to be dealing with various situations concerning their colleagues, supervisors, customers, and other general issues. The question test is essential in determining the ideal candidate for future talent management. The organization then conducts interviews with qualified candidates (Roberts, 2020). Poor employee selection is one of the primary causes high employee turnover rate in an organization. Subsequently, the effective recruitment process enables Wal-Mart to have the best technical team that is right for the company values and culture, making it easier to manage and retain. 

Another inclusive talent management approach is by ensuring that the entire technical team stays engaged and happy. Arguably, employee coaching and mentoring are some of the most crucial ways of keeping employees motivated. Besides, offering appreciation and constructive feedback to employees helps develop a culture of trust between the employer and the employees. Also, as the employees grow, the career paths should be transparent and visible. The company should also assist their technical team in increasing their potential by focusing on nurturing, developing, and motivating their workers (Savanevičienė and Vilčiauskaitė, 2017, p. 248). Unlike exclusive talent management strategies that show an interest only in “superstar” employees, these practices should be done across all technical staff levels. 

Wal-Mart’s human resource management utilizes various inclusive talent management practices to optimize employee retention. For instance, Michael (2016) states that Wal-Mart regularly conducts need assessments for its employees as career development strategies. Consequently, the organization designs effective training programs efficiently to meet every department’s objectives. For successful training, Wal-Mart’s human resource first establishes when, who, how, and why the training is necessary. Since such training occurs across all employee levels, the technical department can address existing gaps, including workers’ abilities, skills, and knowledge in meeting their specific job requirements and carrying out various operations. Due to the practices in question, the company has become one of the largest employers globally, with approximately 2.2 million employees (Hines, 2020). Although the company’s turnover rate is relatively high compared to other organizations, it could be higher if it were not for its inclusive talent management approaches. 

Inclusive Talent Management Approach About Administrative Staff 

Similarly, administrative workers are vital in every organization as they offer support for various tasks, including clerical work, answering phone calls, and general office management. However, different practice and performance enhancement activities are required in this field to enhance talent management. An inclusion approach for administration workers helps them endorse their talents and knowledge. As a result, they can use them most efficiently, hence achieving significant operation benefits. Additionally, the inclusion talent management technique is crucial in utilizing relevant employee’s competence (Mousa and Ayoubi, 2019, p. 92). For instance, providing equal training opportunities for all employees and offering advanced options to every administrative work is essential. When all individuals in an organization are treated equally and fairly, their general levels of motivation, morale, retention, loyalty, and perception of justice get enhanced. Additionally, the activities in question enable organizations to attain a diverse workforce. 

Arguably, employees who get promoted are likely to face new challenges. As a result, Wal-Mart Corporation has learned to offer frequent mentorship programs for its employees. The programs help the workers to benefit from the guidance and advice given by other experienced leaders. Guidance about new opportunities and career changes enables the employees to grow their potential, have flexible working initiatives, and diversified management strategies. Thompson (2017) argues that the turnover rate at Wal-Mart is experienced among hourly sales employees. However, to address the situation, the company developed various retention strategies, including non-financial recognition. Through its training & development and promotional design, the company can motivate and enhance employees’ morale, thus minimizing the turnover rate. Subsequently, Wal-Mart has become one of the most robust employer brandings, attracting the ideal candidates for future hires. 

Additionally, Wal-Mart hires promising specialists in administrative issues and develops them to be more competent. Due to its fair and strict hiring process, Wal-Mart identifies its employees’ talents with ease. Consequently, it creates them through training and promotes them to top employee levels. This approach helps the firm access its administrative workers to know them better and understand their developmental drivers, needs, and strengths. With such information, the company can empower its staff, thus allowing them to operate at different levels. Also, the strategy helps the company to have a qualified and competent management team. As a result, the company becomes more competitive due to its skilled and loyal professional staff. Since every organization has unique objectives, Wal-Mart starts by stating its goals and ensures they are achievable. Such techniques enable the firm to identify ideal workers for particular tasks, then developing them towards that direction. The method becomes inclusive since employees across all levels are differently empowered. 

Implications of the Inclusive Talent Management Approach 

Retention Strategies 

In the recent past, most companies are using inclusive talent management techniques due to their effectiveness. This talent management application is effective in helping companies hire the best candidates. The inclusive hiring process attracts various potential candidates for the interview. Consequently, since the hiring process is effective, the employer can select the most qualified candidate. Besides, it is easier to hire a candidate whose character is compatible with the organization’s culture and values. For instance, while hiring technical employees, the strategy gives the employer a chance to hire the most competitive and qualified talent. As a result, it is easier for the organization to retain the candidate since they are suitable for the task. Similarly, the process in question helps with workforce planning, hence enabling the firm to develop and empower administrative employees to the top employees. Subsequently, the company will have a high employee retention rate since the workers will be enjoying their career growth. 

The inclusive talent management approach is also cost-effective. Unquestionably, a high turnover rate leads to frequent hiring, which is relatively expensive for the organization. In modern society, most organizations have been experiencing a low rate of return in the recent past due to COVID 19 impacts. For instance, Bartik et al. (2020) research indicates that about 54% of firms in the Mid-Atlantic region were closed due to COVID 19 impacts. The study further argues that the employment rate in the area also went down by 47%. Such statistics represent the global effect of the pandemic across the globe. As a result, companies need to save on the cost to stay afloat. Using the approach in question in both technical and administrative staff groups helps the firm save on cost, thus retaining employees. 

Enhancing employee equality is vital in every organization as it keeps employees motivated and engaged. Inclusive talent programs help the firms focus on fair treatment for all employees regardless of age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, disability, gender, and race. Consequently, all the workers enjoy a better onboarding experience due to a fair and equal talent management process (Harrisr and Foster, 2010, p. 492). As a result, the approach makes it easier for both administrative and technical staff to match training, mentors, and more, thus enjoying a personalized onboarding experience. Such comfort is vital for employee retention. 

Arguably, employees are likely to produce better results and stay longer in an organization that facilitates ethical behaviors. An inclusive talent management approach enhances ethical behaviors in a company by providing equal opportunities for recruitment processes, reskilling, and training. Such ethical behaviors enhance employees’ career growth potential, creating a better rapport with the company (Hegarty and Moccia, 2018, p. 5). Additionally, transparent career paths and mentorship programs motivate employees to be loyal to the company. Such practices help both technical and administrative employees enjoy working for the company, increasing the firm’s retention rate. 

An inclusive talent management approach assists companies in adhering to legal policies. For instance, the approach suggests safety working environment for all employees, similar to the employment act. For example, the method in question offers safer working conditions for technical employees since their job is relatively risky. Besides, the method touches on better compensation management for all employees. In the United States, the federal government has set the federal minimum wage as $7.25 per hour (U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.). When a company offers reasonable remuneration and bonuses to its employees, the turnover rate is likely to be lower. 

Succession planning 

Notably, succession planning is an essential human resource planning process that involves an integrated, systematic approach for identifying, retaining, and developing skilled and capable employees in line with current and projected business objectives. According to Ali & Mehreen (2019), succession planning is a practical part of the talent management process. The planning is effective in identifying employees who are skilled and knowledgeable about some regions of the business. An effective succession plan provides a precise job description of various positions. Employees who aspired to take up multiple roles in the company will have to ensure that they attain the desired skills and knowledge for the job. Hence, succession planning effectively ensures that employees acquire the desired skills and expertise for the successive position. Therefore, successful planning ensures that the human resource identifies and hires staff members qualified to perform the tasks and responsibilities of a given job. 

Also, Schepker et al. (2018) noted that succession planning is effective in saving costs. The recruitment, hiring, and training of new employees are expensive. The human resource must advertise the position to enable potential employees to apply for the job. After the company receives the various applications, the shortlist potential candidates who are later interviewed. The process of shortlisting and interviewing candidates is a rigorous one and consumes a lot of time and money. To cut costs and save money, the human resource plans for succession in advance. The human resource can train potential employees to succeed in various positions. The preparation proves a qualified employee to fill up a specific job, thus saving on cost and time spent on recruitment and hiring. 

Additionally, Schepker et al. (2018) stated that succession planning promotes equality and fairness in the workplace. Succession planning gives priority to employees in the firm who are qualified to perform specific duties and responsibilities. The planning provides the employees a chance to fairly and equally participate in the growth and success of the organization. For instance, when the chairman of a specific department is about to retire, the human resource considers promoting his assistant or requests any qualified employee to apply for the position without hiring a new employee. This process of succession promotes equality and fairness. 

According to Ali and Mehreen (2019), it is not an ethical obligation for a business to have a succession plan. It is economically beneficial for companies to have an effective and efficient succession plan. Legally employees should have a succession plan that details how the succession process will take place. Human resources need to ensure that all procedures of succession are followed. In case of dispute about the choice of a successor, a succession plan is essential in ensuring fairness and justice. Hence, legally it is suitable for an organization to have a succession plan. 


In conclusion, an inclusive talent management approach is significant for any company as it seeks to include all workforce levels in the company’s talent management policy implementation. It involves effective hiring processes, training, mentorship, and motivational programs for employees across all levels. As a result, companies that practice inclusive talent management practices expiriences low employee turnover, hence minimizing on recruitment cost. Additionally, the approach in question facilitates for a smooth succession planning. Enhanced performance and productivity are other benefits that companies enjoy due to excercising this approach. Therefore, the approach is effective, less costly, ethical, fair to all employees, and follow all the legal implications. 

A Rationalized Set of Recommendations 

Hire employees permanently and offer them better salaries. Colacicco (2018, p. 21) noted that an effective way to impact employees and retain them positively is to provide better working terms and better payment. Hiring employees permanently and increasing their pay can help reduce the high employee turnover rate.  

Selling organic products. According to Robinson (2016, p. 36), the demand for organic products is steadily growing. Walmart can thus start selling organic products to meet the demands and needs of the customers.  

Online sales. According to Xinyang (2019), Walmart can offer an online platform that consumers can use to purchase products.  


Appendix A 

SWOT Analysis 

To ensure continued growth and success of the business, Walmart Company needs to focus on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The company is engaged in retail, wholesale and other units in various formats around the world. As a result, the following table illustrates Walmart’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 


Experience: Walmart has been in business for over 30 years 

Walmart is effective for selling a variety of product at an affordable price 

Walmart is adaptable in its diversity, from large super canters to local mall-based sites to serve customer needs. 


High employee turnover 

Negative publicity 

Little differentiation of products 


Global growth 

Online shopping growth 

Organic products 


Political interference 

Intense price competition 

According to Chang, Y., & Hu (2020), Walmart Company has been operational for more than 70 years and is one of the largest retailers in the world. As a result, it has gained adequate experience to maintain the confidence and trust of the employees. Also, the company is effective for providing a variety of products at an affordable price. This ensures that they serve a wide variety of customers. Additionally, the company is adaptable in its mode of operations. The company is diversified from mall-based and local units to large supercenters to meet the customers’ diverse needs. Therefore, the company’s strength is in its experience, value, and adaptability.  

Martínez et al. (2017, p. 76) noted that a significant weakness of the company is an increased employee turnover rate. A majority of the employees earn minimum wage thus lack the essential benefits of permanent employment. Thus, Walmart experiences a lack of employee loyalty. The unpleasant pay and lack of job security result in job dissatisfaction and high employee turnover. Recently, the company was facing the challenge of negative publicity. The company was being criticized for its questionable practices, such as poor working conditions and bribery of authorities. Additionally, it does not have a specialization of products. Thus, the company has to compete with other major retailers that sell similar products. The weaknesses of Walmart are negative publicity, little differentiation, and high employee turnover.  

Notably, Chang, Y., & Hu (2020) stated that Walmart has an opportunity for global growth. The company can explore new markets and cooperate and form businesses with other businesses in Europe and other parts of the world. Also, the company can explore online shopping growth to ensure shoppers’ convenience and access to their products. Additionally, the company can investigate the demand for organic products. The need for organic products is steadily growing, which is an area for potential growth and success. Opportunities for the Walmart market are global growth, online shopping growth, and organic products. 

Martínez et al. (2017, p. 80), in their analysis, noted that exposure to political problems is a significant threat faced by the Walmart Company. These political issues can be informed of policies and regulations that govern how business is conducted in the region. Another threat is intense price competition from other retailers. Competitive prices have forced the company to shift its production overseas and compete with other retailers that sell their products at low prices.  

Appendix B 

STEEPLE Analysis 

STEEPLE analysis is an essential tool used by organizations to identify their macro forces. The letters in this acronym stand for Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical, Political, Legal, and Ethical factors (Frue, 2020). It is fundamental for every company to conduct a situational analysis before implementing any strategy or tactic plan. A STEEPLE analysis for Wal-Mart is essential as it helps in identifying its macro-environment changes. 

Social-Culture Factors 

Analyzing the social factors assists in identifying emerging trends in the social environment. This analysis helps the company to understand their customers’ wants and needs. For instance, there are various opportunities that Wal-Mart needs to utilize to become a global brand. In the recent past, healthy eating has on the trend. As a result, the company should use this opportunity by increasing its array of healthful products. Additionally, the company should also use the cultural diversity trend by developing more varieties of its products (Rowland, 2019). Subsequently, it will satisfy several cultural preferences, hence increasing its market share. 

Technological Factors 

Technological factors contemplate the technical development and innovation rate that could impact the company. Such factors include automation, mobile or digital technology, development, and research changes (Rowland, 2019). Wal-Mart has addressed technological trends by utilizing the increasing business automation and the usage of mobile devices among consumers. For example, it has already adopted robotics and automation for more efficient business processes. 

Economic Factors 

Unquestionably, economic factors affect the economy and its performance. These effects then impact the organizations directly and their profitability (Frue, 2020). Therefore, economic factors analysis enables Wal-Mart to know when to increase or lower its cost to remain competitive. 

Environmental Factors 

Conduction environmental factors analysis for the company is essential as it helps understand the ecological aspect impact and the influence of the surrounding environment (Rowland, 2019). Consequently, Wal-Mart should ensure it produces environmentally friendly products. 

Political Factors 

Political factors analysis assists the organizations in understanding how government and government policies may affect the organization. Wal-Mart being a global organization, must analyze and follow every country’s business policies. Various procedures can influence the company’s suppliers and manufacturers (Frue, 2020). For instance, Wal-Mart uses its cost leadership generic strategy to attain a broader market share in America. However, such a strategy may be against cost minimization policy in some countries. 

Legal Factors 

Businesses must understand the rule of law of the territories they operate in to avoid going against it. Besides, they should take note of any legislation change and the impact it might have on their businesses. Being a global company, Wal-Mart must check for threats such as tax law reform in every country they operate in, as it might lead to high tax rates (Rowland, 2019). Additionally, they must check for food safety regulations in the area and improve the quality standards accordingly. 

Ethical Factors 

Businesses should always conduct ethical factors analysis in the area of operation to determine the correct business activities. For instance, Wal-Mart should analyze these factors to understand the individual’s culture, behaviors, morality, and integrity (Frue, 2020). The analysis is essential for its market performance. 

Appendix C 

Implementation plan 

Notably, an effective implementation plan will ensure the success of the company. The plan will involve selling organic products, online selling, and reducing employee turnover rate. These means are essential in increasing sales and maintaining customer loyalty and confidence.    

Team members 

 Various team members will be involved in the implementation process. These members include: 

Human resource personnel.  Their responsibility will involve recruitment and hiring new employees. The human resource will determine the salaries of the employees and ensure a friendly working environment.  

Marketing team.  The team will conduct research on organic products in the market and those with great demand. They will also be responsible for marketing products online.  

Digital team:  The responsibility of this team is to develop a user-friendly online app that customers can use to place orders and purchase goods.  

Time Scale Requirements 

The implementation plan will be implemented for one financial year. At the end of the financial year, the plan’s success will be evaluated to determine its full implementation into the organization’s practice. 


Various actions are necessary for ensuring a successful implementation of the plan. These actions include: 

Hiring employees permanently and increase their salary. 

Offer a variety of organic products to meet the demands of the customers 

Creation of an App that consumer can use to order and buy goods from the company 


Each process will incur a different cost. The following is an estimated cost of the plan. 

Increased wage bill $ 800,000 

Purchase of organic product $ 200,000  

Development of an online App $ 750,000 

Success Criteria  

 An assessment and evaluation of the plan’s success will be conducted yearly by the human resource department. The success criteria will be assessed on the increased retention rate of employees, increased sales of organic products, and increased online sales.   

Return on Investment  

The company’s management will evaluate the total cost of the investment from the net profit to determine its profitability and success. The administration will assess the value of hiring employees permanently and increasing their salaries on reduced expenses. Also, the company will evaluate how the introduction of new products and online purchases will impact sales. 


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