24 Apr 2022


Industrialization and Pollution in China

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 356

Pages: 1

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Environmental degradation is one of the major issues now experienced in China because of industrialization. Research has it that China has grown economically and has even come to be given the record of being second after the United States, but again, it also holds the record of being a country that has a huge price to pay when it comes to environmental degradation. I am going to outline the price China has to pay or rather is paying due pollution from industrialization.

Air pollution that causes toxic smog is one of the pollution problems in China. Toxic smog coming from industries is forty times more than the levels of toxic smog deemed environmentally acceptable by the World Health Organization. Research has it that these levels are rapidly increasing and are likely to cause extreme damage in the future than it is now. Currently, it has led to many health problems such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases killing many people in the country.

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Another pollution problem that continues to be experienced in the country is water pollution caused by rapid industrialization, but poor disposal of waste and chemicals from the industries. This has led to China facing health issues of bacterial foodborne diseases that are killing so many people. Food safety has become an issue of concern in China because it is not only affecting human beings but also animals. An issue of 20,000 pigs found dead in river Huangpu is a good example (Huang, 2013).

Looking at the social environment, industrialization has polluted it in that there is a huge wealth gap. This social environment problem is undesirable among human beings because it is all about inequality and scramble for the scarce resources that ought to be equally shared.

Industrialization and pollution in China bring to our knowledge that we should look into the pros and cons of every big project that we plan on implementing. Moreover, get measures of handling the problems that are likely to occur well outlined. People will not comfortably celebrate the success if the problems coming with the success hugely affect them. Like now, many Chinese nationals keep on wondering about what will happen to their country in the few years to come instead of celebrating the industrial growth.


Huang, Y. (Thursday, June 6, 2013). China: The Dark Side of Growth. YaleGlobal Online .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Industrialization and Pollution in China.


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