12 Jan 2023


Intel Company: Leadership, Organizational Structure, and Culture

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1837

Pages: 7

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PART 1: Interview 

The primary objective of interviewing with the Intel manager is to ensure that there is an establishment of information related to the organizational culture, leadership styles of the business, and identify the relationship between the individual's leadership style and its connection to the goals and expectation of the company. The results from the interview will be beneficial in assessing the workers' commitment and skills to achieving the set objectives of the organization. For results of the discussion to be useful, questions have to cover different aspects of the organization that requires demonstration of leadership skills in the business. For instance, they focus on short-term understanding goals measured by the current operation and long-term objectives that the company ought to achieve (WebFinanceInc, 2018). This information can only be achieved by focusing on analyzing the process of decision making applied by the business, technological improvements, and the mechanisms they employ in ensuring that there is a development of adequate skills and strategies for reducing the adverse effects that may face the company. 

Part 2 

The interview focused on collecting information from an innovative manager from Intel Company who did not want to have his name published. The conversation focused on collecting data related to both short-term and long-term goals, the purpose and rate of innovation in the company, leadership style, and procedures applied in ensuring an improved level of competition experienced by the company in its competitive environment (WebFinanceInc., 2018). The information gathered indicated that Intel Company focuses on innovation and technological advancement as the best approach for remaining relevant in the market. 

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What is the goal for Intel Company? 

What is the goal of the current situation in Intel Company? 

As an innovation manager, what is your management style? 

Do you use processes to come up with ideas? 

Competition and competitive advantage 

Who are the Intel competitors? 

What mechanism does Intel use to expand into the market? 

Marketing planning occurs in which company’s level? 

Does Intel utilize horizontal diversification? 

Why style of leadership does the corporate level utilize and why? 

How does the organization support your professional development and career growth? 

Through an interview, the manager revealed that Intel Company focuses on ensuring that there is proper management of workers to improve the innovative capabilities of future generations. Intel Company focuses on achieving growth and expansion through innovation and increased research to promote their brand in the market. Though the enterprise faces stiff competition from other players such as Texas, it is evident that Intel Corporation sees competition with lot positivism and they focus on establishing mechanisms capable of improving the company's presence in the market. These findings indicate that it is possible for employees working at Intel Company to transform and strengthen their leadership skills in the future. 

The responses from the interviewee reflected the leadership style of the organization because they have similarities and the leadership traits reflects the goals of Intel Company. For example, the executive manager focuses on ensuring that they higher qualified personnel and create an opportunity for such employees to achieve improvement in their career strategies. This indicates that there is involvement of employees in decision making and welcomes ideas from the workers. This information is reflective of the leadership style because they encourage employees’ participation in the decision making process. This information indicates that if an individual works at Intel Company, they have an opportunity for putting their ideas which are considered and subjected to discussion. For instance, there is an overreliance on people working in the product development group and seeking inputs from different sources such as agencies and consultant organizations. 

The answers obtained from the interview reveal that the executive manager exercises transformative leadership style because the behaviour shows a lot of commitment in transforming the lives of group members. A transformational leader should be in a position to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the employees or group members and come up with an approach for improving the skills and knowledge for the people thus increasing their ability to be effective future leaders (WebFinanceInc, 2018). Through this process, leadership skill becomes an involving process, and each of the members feels involved in the decision-making process. The interviewed executive manager demonstrates strength in this kind of leadership because employees under his management have an opportunity for expanding their skills. Based on information obtained from workers in the company, it is evident that most of the employees under the executive manager feel comfortable and encouraged to pursue their duties and feel encouraged to work towards improving their career. 

Assessing leadership effectiveness begins by analyzing the commitment of the person in solving problems and the mechanisms applied in meeting that goal. In the case of analyzing the effectiveness of the interviewed executive manager, there is an indication that the manager is an effective leader. People under his management reveal that the manager is encouraging and remains committed to offering a solution to problems that face the organization or any of the workers in the organization. The effectiveness of his leadership approach occurs in the situation where the interviewee reveals that he enjoys the challenging tasks and the openness in the company where each employee is always to be creative and bring new ideas to the business. 

Part 3: Organizational structure 

Company's organizational structure depends on the nature of the technology of the business to ensure that there is an establishment of approaches capable of achieving the set goals of the enterprise. In Intel's case, organizational structure is categorized on the product types produced in the company. Intel's organizational structure is divided into three categories. These categories include the product type, functional, and geographical groups. The product division category is the best for divining the types of products that the company offers to the market. They include several subdivisions such as the client computing groups, data centre group, software, and internet things. There is also the establishment of functional groups in Intel Company which is designed to perform administrative functions for the business. For instance, Intel's CEO office and the staff members represent an example of a functional group that conducts necessary duty in the company (Ashkenas et al., 2015). There is also the existence of a geographical group which performs an essential task in providing financial information about the company. 

Client Computing Group 

ntel’s product divisions structure 


Data Centre Group 

C and enterprise computers Mobile and communication group 



Internet of things groups 



Non-volatile memory solutions group 



Intel Security Group 



Programmable Solutions Group 



New Technology Group 


The presentation of Intel’s organizational structure indicates that the company has strengths and weaknesses associated with its operations. For instance, the organizational structure has power in product development. For example, the client computing group plays an essential role in determining the needs of the consumers thus developing commodities that meet the interests in the market. Intel Corporation has firm managerial control especially managed by the company’s headquarters (Gawer& Henderson, 2007). Intel Organizational structure some weaknesses associated with its organizational structure. For example, the composition does not address regional market differences which make the Intel organizational structure ineffective. 

Based on the analysis of Intel’s corporate structure, it is evident that the process is focused on serving the interests of the customers thus making it possible to achieve the set objectives and the targets of the enterprise. For instance, the product division of the organizational structure focuses on collecting information from clients thus creating an opportunity for the company to improve the lives of people by creating products that reflect the interest’s oil the customers. The functional division also ensures that there is an establishment of policies that focus on helping the companies to achieve the set objectives. Despite the success of these divisions of organizational structure, Intel needs to make some adjustments in its organizational structure to ensure that there is an establishment of the most viable organizational structure. For example, I recommend the company to increase flexibility in its geographical division structure to ensure that there are established mechanisms for addressing the differences in the market for semiconductors, microprocessors, and other technological products. 

Part 4: Target Enterprise Culture 

Intel’s values appear to be the main features underlining the organizational culture. Intel’s corporate culture is recognized for its meritocracy which focuses on ensuring that there in improvement in employees’ skills and output thus increasing its ability to succeed in the competitive market (Guiso et al., 2015). This organizational culture creates a significant difference between Intel and its competitors as it focuses on ensuring that there is an establishment of influences that encourage suppliers and customers to adopt the technology required to succeed in the international market. The organizational structure has several main characteristics which describe the company’s corporate culture. 

Intel’s organizational culture begins by ensuring that there is customer orientation. This approach depends on the ability of the company to collect information and create products that serve the interests of the customers (Hartnell et al., 2016). If there is the existence of information that customers need clarity, the company focuses on creating clarity. Intel also operates under the risk-taking policy where they focus on investing in new brands. For example, Intel’s employees are encouraged to present any information designed to improve the company’s performance or to address issues expected to face the organization. Intel has rules and norms designed to govern the operation of employees and conducting business. This information indicates that the company encourages discipline as its first step for the business. The company focuses on ensuring that there are employee motivation and improved morale to ensure an increased level of output, quality production, and commitment to performing their duties. 

The analysis of Intel’s organization culture reveals that the established characteristics of the organizational culture meet the objectives of the company. For instance, Intel focuses on producing commodities that improve the lives of its customers and employees by ensuring that they experience smart products. In an attempt of achieving this goal, the organizational culture is committed to producing commodities that meet the interests of the customers (Hartnell et al., 2016). This objective aligns with the organizational culture that focuses on customer orientation to improve the performance of the company regarding output. Similarly, the company focuses on improving the performance of the business by ensuring that employees develop the skills and knowledge required in improving the lives of the people. Risk-taking approach also encourages businesses to take into consideration emerging markets thus creating a chance for the company to thrive in a competitive environment. Based on this information, Intel’s corporate culture is effective in providing adequate information related to meeting the company’s objectives such providing smart products, enhancing employee skills, and changing the lives of people by providing quality products at achievable prices. 

Despite the existence of strengths associated with the corporate culture, it is also evident that Intel Corporation may fail to achieve the set objective because of the limited support for innovation. The company operates in a competitive business environment, and this company may fail to succeed in its operations. Limited technological research may fail to assist the organization to meet its expected objective for providing smart commodities. Though Intel's culture targets to experience growth by engaging in risk-taking processes, there is a limitation because it does not lead to the encouragement of all employees to meet the expected growth objectives. For Intel Company to ensure there is a creation of adequate skills associated with the growth of the company,there is a need for developing alternative approaches to corporate culture. For example, Intel Company should increase fund allocation towards the innovation which encourages all employees to engage in research and identify new strategies that can improve the products sold by Intel in the market. Increased funding for the innovation approach increases employees' participation in the research project making it possible to improve an organization’s level of technology. 


Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., & Kerr, S. (2015).  The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure . John Wiley & Sons. 

Gawer, A., & Henderson, R. (2007). Platform owner entry and innovation in complementary markets: Evidence from Intel. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy ,   16 (1), 1-34. 

Guiso, L., Sapienza, P., &Zingales, L. (2015).The value of corporate culture.   Journal of Financial Economics ,   117 (1), 60-76. 

Hartnell, C. A., Kinicki, A. J., Lambert, L. S., Fugate, M., & Doyle Corner, P. (2016). Do similarities or differences between CEO leadership and organizational culture have a more positive effect on firm performance? A test of competing predictions.  Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (6), 846. 

WebFinanceInc.(2018). Horizontal Diversification. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/horizontal-diversification.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Intel Company: Leadership, Organizational Structure, and Culture.


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