2 Jun 2022


Intelligence: From Theory to Test

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

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Many psychologists have come up with different theories of intelligence to help them explain general intelligence. Some of these theories in regard to the general intelligence factor. For example, Spearman's two-factor theory (1927) relies on the development of general intellectual abilities in regard to an analytical factor of intelligence. Cattell-Horn's two-factor theory (1966) also relies on general intelligence and the s factor that both affect human intelligence (Kaufman, Kaufmann, & Plucker, 2008). Cattell-Horn and Carroll's CHC model (1997) relies on the use of factor analysis, the use of the human difference in intellectual abilities, and psychometric approach. Luria's information processing approach (1966) looks at human intelligence in terms of blocks and states that human intelligence relies on functional units, sustained attention, and processing information. Carroll's three-stratum theory (1997) is a 3-factor theory that combines Spearman’s g-actor and other factors that has eight broad effects on intelligence (Kahneman, 2011). 

Using an intelligence theory that has a dual theoretical basis is an important factor in psychology. S uch a theory will review t human intelligence from varied perspectives. For example, Luria’s model aims to examine factors such as functional units, sustained attention, and the ability to process information (Howard-Jones, & Murray, 2003). Thus, this type of theory does not only consider the factors that affect human intelligence but also aims to explain how human intelligence is achieved through different units. 

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My preferred theory of intelligence is Luria’s theory because it looks at factors such as functional units, sustained attention, and the ability to process the information acquired by the person. Luria’s theory aligns with my career because I need to know how people acquire and process information. I also need to know how human s sustain attention and bow this affects their ability to be intelligent. Similarly, my career also requires me to know how people think and use stored information in their memory for future references


Howard-Jones, P. A., & Murray, S. (2003). Ideational productivity, focus of attention, and context. Creativity Research Journal, 15 , 153–166. 

Kaufman, J. C., Kaufmann, ,. S., & Plucker, J. A. (2008). Contemporary Theories of Intelligence .The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. 

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow . New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Intelligence: From Theory to Test.


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