26 Sep 2022


Intergovernmental Issues and Budgets

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Academic level: University

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Words: 485

Pages: 2

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Any decision on intergovernmental relation affects the leaders and communities at large. A good example is when the intergovernmental cuts down its budget, leaders for various organization in the same geographical region as well as communities, for instance virtual community, are impacted negatively or positively- depending on the decision. (Howell-Moroney, 2008). The relation sometimes involves a system in which multiple government agencies in a common geographical area share power with each other. However, it may be impacted by several issues; one of them being budget cuts. This essay considers how intergovernmental issues such as budget cuts impact leaders and communities, making special reference to the virtual community.

Communities rely on technology development and transfers. Collaborative governance brings together multiple interests with various perspectives and competing goals on problems with the aim of coming up with an integrative, broadly accepted decision that is conducive to innovation. This innovation includes new technological developments in the form of hardware, organizational changes, processes and software. Technology transfer involves transfer innovations from the laboratories to the markets and from one nation or institution to another (Pagano & Perry, 2008). All these processes require finances for conducting research, hiring employees, etc. government ought to intervene in this situation by setting aside some amount for the processes. However, the problem sets in when the budget for these technologies is cut down. This will have a direct impact on communities and regional leaders who rely on the technological developments and transfer.

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Governments raise their budget majorly from tax collection. However, in case of a tax revolt, they are forced to introduce taxes in areas not previously considered for taxation (Rogersl and Weber, 2010). The customer may be charged for using technology. Normally, if personal utility outweighs social utility for a given introduced tax, the community and leaders have no problem complying with the new tax terms. However, this may not auger well with the soceity if there is no direct benefit from the tax. Besides, their online contribution will be negatively affected if the tax system partially affects one region affected by the intergovernmental relations.

The inventions realized in the 20 th century have brought multiple intergovernmental models that may not be effective in solving leadership and community issues, for instance, terrorism and social disorder. Intergovernmental management applied in the 19th century need various reforms to be in conformity with these changes (Stever, 2005). The intergovernmental leaders need to come up with rules and policies that will affect the regions affected by leadership and community activities. This is because, any effect on one region ought to be felt in all other regions. For example, increasing the budget for fight online terrorism should be done in all geographically related regions.

Essentially, budgetary allocations or constraint in one geographical region needs to be considered in broader terms in situations of intergovernmental relations. This is because, any budget cut in one region will eventually affect community relations and any regional budgetary constraint will affect its leadership and lead to imbalances in the leadership and community.


Howell-Moroney, M. E. (2008). A Mixed Method Look At State Growth Management Policy. University Of Alabama at Birmingham.

Pagano, M. A. & Perry, D. (2008) Financing Infrastructure in the 21st Century City. University Of Illinois at Chicago.

Rogers1, E. And Weber, E. P. (2010). Thinking Harder About Outcomes for Collaborative Governance Arrangements.

Sever, J. A., (2005). Adapting Intergovernmental Management to the New Age of Terrorism. University Of Cincinnati.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Intergovernmental Issues and Budgets.


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