5 Jun 2022


International Governmental Organizations and Non-governmental Organizations

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Academic level: College

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Words: 653

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Details about NGO and IGO’s 

A Nongovernmental organization refers to a non-profit entity or group which conduct its functions independent from the government. A Nongovernmental organization can involve in international operations in development or achieve international sustainability missions. NGOs comprise local, national, and international groups aiming to accomplish a particular social mission or serve a political function. Overall, NGOs play significant roles in international philanthropies, aid, and development. NGOs comprise robust budgets that sum to millions or billions funded through donations or government contributions through its members' dues with the government. Contrary, an International Governmental Organization refers to an entity formed by an agreement comprising several nations to work together to accomplish a common goal of good faith, mainly when dealing with common interest issues. The integral focus of an IGO involves attaining economic peace and security in society. 

Comparison and contrast of NGO and IGO’s 

Both the International Governmental Organizations and Nongovernmental Organizations rely more upon financial supports from states, chiefly the superpower states. The United Nations only stands due to financial supports provided by states. Lack of governments' support of UN results in ineffective of UN (Priyanka, 2021). Likewise, NGOs only work with the provided finances. NGOs rely on countries to allow them to operate in a respective country. Both NGOs and IGOs cannot thrill when governments decline to support them. 

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IGOs are formed through countries' agreements to form one organization with common goals. An example of IGOs formation includes the ASEAN, which comprises the agreement of ten countries from Asia to form one organization. Contrary, NGOs comprise private unions, organizations, and entities owned by individuals or private groups. NGOs aim to solve certain detrimental factors in society, such as Cambodia's Mother Nature specifically created for environmental activists. 

Examples of NGO and IGO organizations 

The United Nations organization is an example of the International Governmental Organization formed in 1945. UN currently has 193 governments. UN functions according to the provided charter. UN contributes largely to international relations through reporting wrongdoings committed by a particular country or existing local or international business operations. Overall, the UN organization achieves international relations through deploying the necessary measures to prevent conflict. UN acts as a peacemaker for its member countries by deploying a particular environment to cultivate peace prevalence. Save Cambodia's Wildlife is an example of a non-profit organization. SCW works closely with Cambodia to protect and conserve its natural resources and wildlife habitats. SCWS's roles in nature conservation result in continued international relations through its contributions to international organizations' environmental protections such as NEMA. 

Impacts of the NGO and the IGO organizations on sustainability 

The UN's role results in continued unity among nations resulting in the prevention of conflicts. UN organization helps achieve sustainability by creating a peaceful environment that promotes social operations such as international business operations. Prevention of disputes among nations by UN organization helps prevent the re-occurrence of severe experiences encountered in the past, such as world war that resulted in immense loss of life. Since the UN's formation, countries have not experienced any form of severe conflicts that results in war. Hence, the UN organization plays a significant role in peace monitoring among its member countries. Save Cambodia's Wildlife is currently leading Cambodia's non-profit organization focused on protecting nature and habitat. The continued dedication of SCW results in the continued sustainability of nature preservations (Turreira-García et al., 2018). SCW archives sustainability through engaging in social-entrepreneurship motives to support society in achieving a healthy living. 

Qualifications of the organizations 

Both the UN and SCW organizations play essential roles in society and the environment, respectively. Each qualification plays a vast role in IR in the community. For instance, the UN organization focuses more on the continued unity between nations. The organization has continued to attain peace through deploying the necessary measures such as reporting any form of danger to members to find practical solutions to stop the detrimental factor. For instance, the UN organization helps deal with the notorious bandit groups among particular nations to attain peace and protect humanity (Ergene et al., 2020). Overall, the UN organization plays a significant role in international relations through managing stability. The SCW plays a significant role in conserving the ecosystem, in line with the global environmental sustainability goals. The SCW continues to engage in social entrepreneurship roles, supporting the Cambodian's nature, despite being a privately owned organization. 


Ergene, S., Banerjee, S. B., & Hoffman, A. J. (2020). (Un) sustainability and organization studies: Towards a radical engagement.  Organization Studies , 0170840620937892. 

Priyanka. (2021, February 2). How is an IGO and an NGO different?  Vakilsearch .  https://vakilsearch.com/advice/how-is-an-igo-and-an-ngo-different/ 

Turreira-García, N., Meilby, H., Brofeldt, S., Argyriou, D., & Theilade, I. (2018). Who wants to save the forest? Characterizing community-led monitoring in Prey Lang, Cambodia.  Environmental management 61 (6), 1019-1030. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). International Governmental Organizations and Non-governmental Organizations.


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