7 Jun 2022


Global and National Citizenship

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 543

Pages: 1

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Technology has enabled many ideals that were once considered impossible to be possible. It has enabled modern people in the current world to be both citizens of their respective countries and the globe. This paper suggests that indeed it is possible to be both a good global citizen and a good national citizen. 

Many scholars agree that being a global citizen is an acceptance of a virtual reality. This is in the sense that one becomes a citizen of the globe through their minds. On the other hand, being a national citizen entails being born in a country. Ideally, one automatically becomes a national citizen after being born in that country. Indeed, it is possible to become both a good national and global citizens as being one does not hinder the other. 

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Consequently, being a global citizen requires one to ignore geographical and political borders. Neither do they have to express disloyalty to the countries in which they are born in. The connection that one global citizen has with the others is strengthened by many ideals. Such ideals include response to global phenomena that affect people across the globe. For instance, global citizens empathize with wars, hunger or even technological advancements. It does not matter where such incidences occur provided they affect other human beings. Evidently, one does not require abandoning being a citizen of their country for them to become a global citizen. The two can exclusively exist and have absolutely no effect on each other. Moreover, global citizens are linked economically, socially, technologically and culturally. Such citizens are able to use such transactions as wire transfers regardless of where they are in the globe. Additionally, communication is in real time as they use advanced communication tools such as whatsApp and Facebook. 

Everyone needs to understand that it beneficial to have both citizenships. This allows the global and national citizens to be better people as they have more responsibility. First of all, they are required to be responsible and even loyal to their nation states. Apart from this, they also need to exercise their roles as global citizens. For example, as global citizens, people are required to engage in such conversations that seek to uphold gender equity, environment protection, getting rid of world wars, eradicating poverty and even preserving global cultures. 

The presence of a world community encourages people to believe in the existence of global citizenships and national ones concurrently. However, there must be acknowledgment that currently there are no practical policies that govern global citizenships. It is actually a beneficial belief as it even fosters unity but there is no infrastructure. This can make it difficult as it just remains a thing of the mind to be a global citizen. There are no strategies that have been suggested to aid other willing citizens to join the beneficial movement. If there are any leaders of such global institutions then they always fail to connect with other citizens of the globe. This could be attributed to the fact that they are technocrats and belong to countries considered to be super powers. 

In conclusion, being both a good global and national citizens is quite possible. Consequently, people must be encouraged to become citizens of the globe and help one another. If good global citizens support one another by moving from the belief that it can only exist in their minds, great change will occur. For example, other citizens who live in poor countries are constantly fighting countries can be helped. If nation states fail in governing their respective nations, other nations can help them since all of them are citizens of the globe. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Global and National Citizenship.


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