27 Aug 2022


Is Allowing Some Employees to Work from Home "Unfair" to Other Employees Who Do Not Work from Home?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 362

Pages: 1

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Allowing some workers to work from home is not "unfair" because there are factors considered to allow them to work remotely. If conflicts arise among workers regarding the issue, I will give them reasons for the decisions and make them understand that it is not about being unfair. I will let them know that the employees have serious obligations that need close attention at home and that their job functions are easy to work from home (Bellmann & Hübler, 2020) . Due to these and more factors, they would understand that it is not discrimination 

Assuming some employees will be allowed to work from home, how will HSS determine which employees will be allowed to work from home? How will you manage the performance of employees who work from home? 

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HSS will determine the employers who can work from home depending on the nature of their work and the level of interaction required. Employees who require fewer communications will fit best to work from home and save on the office costs. I will set goals for the employees working from home. I will put in place an impartial manner to measure the goals to assess the quantity and quality of work done from home. Thus, I will focus on their results, not on time. 


TO: Board of Directors 




For the past few years, HSS has been successful through the productive work of the software developers. As the company continues to grow, some of the software developers can be allowed to be telecommuting. It will keep the company growing even with the rise of employees and continue to cut on costs that would have been incurred having the employees in the office every day ( Conradie & Klerk, 2019) . With the projected growth, telecommuting will give the employees time to work more on the software from different areas of their preference. However, there is a need to put in place clear policies regarding telecommuting software developers. That will keep them informed of their requirements and ensure that they deliver quality work and at the expected time. As a leader, I will ensure that the software developers' work is closely monitored and report to the office at intervals to show progress and a need. 


Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2020). Working from home, job satisfaction and work-life balance–robust or heterogeneous links?.  International Journal of Manpower

Conradie, W. J., & De Klerk, J. J. (2019). To flex or not to flex? Flexible work arrangements amongst software developers in an emerging economy.  SA Journal of Human Resource Management 17 (1), 1-12. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Is Allowing Some Employees to Work from Home "Unfair" to Other Employees Who Do Not Work from Home?.


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