18 Oct 2022


Jesus and the Kingdom of God

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 286

Pages: 1

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While many people think that Jesus came to help people enter the kingdom of God, the speaker explains that living a Christ-like life is what people must do to be viable for the goodness of the kingdom. I agree with his argument since it coincides with teachings from the Bible. God expects human beings to act accordingly not out of their own selfish interest but with the aim of helping others ( Kimpan, 2013). The kind actions of mankind that are similar to Jesus’ teachings from the bible are what would guarantee a safe passage. However, good actions should coincide with salvation since the Bible teaches that one would only enter the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. Kind acts alone do not warrant a safe passage. 

You and Rob Bell 

The speaker asserts that the term savior was used as a movement in order to gain authority and control over masses. I agree that the Roman empire claimed that their Caesars were divine thereby fooling early Christians. Therefore, proclaiming that Jesus was the Messiah was propaganda since it had no political affiliations ( Mioto, 2011). However, Jesus’s position was powerful and threatened the Roman empire since it had earlier been prophesied. In this case, Jesus’ Kingdom was more divine than Roman beliefs. 

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Historical Resurrection of Christ 

The resurrection of Christ took everyone by surprise as the disciples did not expect it. This is because the resurrection of people was unheard of and impossible. They were only convinced of the emptiness of the tomb and the appearance of Christ in a transformed body ( 100huntley, 2009). In this regard, believing in a superior being makes sense to every impossibility of the world. In every sense, I agree with the speaker that Jesus’ resurrection demonstrated the existence of a divine and superior being. 


100huntley. (2009, January 5). Historical resurrection of Christ? NT Wright responds. (HD). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0Dc01HVlaM 

Kimpan, M. J., (2013). Jesus and the kingdom. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/48124094 

Mioto , M., (2011). NOOMA 15- You –Rob Bell ( legendado ). Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/13822626 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Jesus and the Kingdom of God.


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