Adolescent substance abuse presents a public health problem of epidemic proportions to millions of teenagers across the globe. These teenagers are addicted to misusing prescription drugs and using illegal drugs. They also smoke and drink. Juvenile substance abuse leads to expensive long-range consequences for the entire population. Adolescents who begin using psychoactive substances at a young age faces a series of adverse mental health, educational and Psychosocial effects at a later age. Most of these teenagers begin with abusing alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. There has been a robust literature on substance abuse and dependence.
This study will propose solutions to the current drug abuse problems within teenagers. This research will also analyze the existing systems developed by governments and other organizations to come and mitigate the abuse of substances within teenagers. The strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems will be analyzed, and any improvements will be proposed. The reforms and treatments that have taken place over the past, and the efforts to fight drug abuse amongst teenagers has also been discussed.
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History and Background of Juvenile Drug Abuse
Drug abuse among the youth is the most discussed topic in mental health epidemiology. The juvenile drug epidemic began in the 1960s in the United States and has grown. It has led to the promotion of a number of essential studies dedicated to the finding of the prevalence of drug use within the general population. There have been two major necessary studies conducted in the past about juvenile drug abuse. Kandel and Logan did the first study. Yamaguchi and O'Malley did the second study. Logan reports that various group ages within different geographical areas are different ways affected by drug abuse as the drug user waxes and wanes. More longitudinal studies have however, been Welcome to address the question of stability of drug use patterns within juveniles. More studies have been done within the young adults when they join High School and their lives through young adulthood.
The second study was done by O'Malley to communicate with an elaborate more on juvenile drug abuse. O'Malley only considered new drug users for his research as they provided an assurance, that the teenagers considered initially during High School were like those associated with drug School During the studies conducted in later follow-ups.
One of the fathers of America believes that alcoholism is not a matter of personal choice but is the alcohol itself. Benjamin describes addiction as a moral failure. The United States in 1935 strengthened the war on drugs following the 21st amendment which overturned prohibition. A spiritually based approach to rehabilitation was developed which shows the formation of Concepts such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Marijuana anonymous.
Social and Ethical Issues of Drug Abuse
Drug abuse among juveniles has led to many social and ethical issues. The conflicting values within the society make these issues more particularly complicated especially within modern society. Multiple factors such as religious, personal and social views influence and the societal values. Various opinions within a single society diverge substantially and results in conflict over multiple issues involving drug abuse. Drug abuse, especially within younger adults, have occupied an essential place in the public consciousness since the 1960s. The consequences of drug abuse and awareness have been greatly influenced by programs oriented towards mitigating the drug-related problems. One of the most common debates in most parts of the world is whether the currently illicit drugs should be legalized. Another primary concern in drug abuse amongst juveniles is their use in sports to boost performance. This has sent conflicting messages to younger generations who look up to older professional athletes as their idols.
Conflicting Values in Drug Use
Most modern industrial societies have strong views when it comes to voluntary medical use of psychotropic drugs. A famous American psychologist, Erich Fromm, argued that most individuals’ desirable values and behaviors are instilled upon them by the Social and economic systems. Max Weber argued that it is not proper or reasonable for individuals to achieve and obtain Salvation and pleasure chemically. Max Webber further contends that the earthly rewards considered as legitimate are and through hard work and personal sacrifice.
A significant radical change has taken place in modern societies over the last few decades. The traditional values have not been entirely lost. The traditions practiced in some community areas result in that reflection of the cultural lag within the same Communities. One of the significant cultural values within communities is the absence of correspondence between the World review and the traditional teachings. Modern society has, therefore, experienced periods of instability about prevailing views on drug and drug abuse. They are strong negative feelings about any non-sanctioned drug use that contradicts the existing value system within the cultural transitions and the dominant social orders.
Youth and Drugs
Most young people get into drugs and drug abuse because they see their elders do so to cope with stress. Many countries Are today drug-oriented societies. Adolescents experience different effects from drug abuse as those experienced by adults. Despite adults abusing drugs, they are assumed to have already acquired a purpose and a sense of identity in life. Adults have some degree of social and economic skills (Wallace et al., 2012). They have also assimilated into some dominant social order and has come to grips with problems of love and sex. As much as there have been arguments that both adults and adolescents get into drugs for the same reasons, adults can remain productive and skillful within the society as opposed to the adolescence who abuse drugs. Despite using drugs, adults are still likely to discharge their obligations and stay productive. They also maintain their emotional and occupational ties.
Adolescents who abuse drugs lose themselves. In contrast, juvenile drug users become egocentric and ethnocentric with drug usage. The teenage drug users withdraw within narrow drug cultures within themselves. Most psychologists argue that drug usage within juveniles implies the neglect of responsibilities at the essential time when developmental experiences are key. Quoting from one of the studies:
“ It all seemed quite benign in an earlier time of more moderate drug use, except for the three percent who became crazy and the ten percent we described as socially disabled. Since then, however, more and more disturbed kids have been attracted to the drug world, resulting in more unhappy and dangerous behavior. Increasingly younger kids have come into the scene. Individuals who, in psychoanalytic terms, are lesser people, with less structure, less ego, less integration, and hence, are less likely to be able to cope with the drugs. Adolescents are at a crisis period in their lives, and when you regularly intrude at this point with powerful chemicals, the potential to solve these problems of growing up by living them through, working them out, is stopped.”
As much as modern society does not accept drug abuse as an escape from the responsibility it is well understood that Drug use within adults has important implications in terms of those values and expectations. Drugs can be classified as a psychological reserve, but the drug experience can be costly in terms of an individual becoming productive within society.
Economic Consequences of Drug Abuse
Several researchers have shown how drugs abuse by teenagers inflict immeasurable harm on public safety and health globally. The smooth and peaceful functioning and development of most societies have been ruined by drug abuse. To develop policies that mitigate the costs of juvenile drug abuse within countries, the economic and political values of the same must be well understood. It can be challenging to account for the real dollar costs of drug abuse within many nations. Understanding the domains affected by juvenile drug abuse helps in developing clear pictures on how the problem can be curbed.
Impact on Health
As a person's health is deterred by drug abuse, the economic impact can be manifested through the costs incurred in but prevention and treatment. Societies have dedicated resources to evidence-based drug abuse prevention. More attention has also been driven to rehabilitation and interventions. Studies have shown before that $1 spent in rehabilitation and drug prevention can save the government up to $10 in subsequent costs. The most frequently abused and distributed drugs among the youth include cocaine, cannabis, and heroin. The same study has estimated that only one in six juvenile drug abusers receive the necessary treatment. The total estimated population of 4.5 million and a global cost of 35 billion dollars annually. The figure, however, varies from one state to another. In Africa, for example, it is estimated that only one in eight of juvenile drug abusers receive the treatment they are required to as opposed to a smaller ratio in the United States.
Early use of drugs can result in addiction. Most of teenage addicts’ problems can be developed from drug abuse. The prevention of early drug abuse is therefore important in mitigating and reducing the risks associated with it at a later age.
They have been the development of a broad range of programs to prevent drug addiction in youth. Some of the research-based programs developed perfectly balanced between the risk and protective factors for the drug used within the youth and the adolescent.
The government supports the programs that help in drug abuse control. Rehabilitation centers and other non-governmental organization that help drug addicts are formed and greatly supported by the government. They have also been training of doctors and nurses on how to handle drug addicts. Scholars have been doing research in order to develop a universal drug addict screening System.
What needs improvement
There are several improvements required to help in the coming of drugs within the adolescence. In the recent past, there has been less involvement of the youth when making policies aimed at reducing drug abuse amongst juveniles. More youth and Adolescents should be involved in policymaking to provide an understanding of the situation and help in proposing more viable solutions to the challenge. More funds have also been dedicated to rehabilitation programs. Youths will receive these rehabilitation programs as a limit to their freedoms. The youth addicted to drugs are bound to make impaired judgments. They, however, cannot understand the advantages of being in the rehabilitation programs. More creative ways should also be developed on how to present the addicted juveniles with treatment and care. Most governments have come up with strict jail terms as a solution to drug abuse. This, however, has not been effective enough in curbing or controlling drugs. Drugs have been smuggled into the prison and those jailed for abusing drugs still get access to them while in prison. Governments and institutions that intend to come and control drug abuse within the juveniles should put more effort into Putting off the source rather than controlling the market.
More youth programs should be developed to educate the youth on the effects of drug abuse. Teenagers should be made to understand the different impact drugs have on them as opposed to adults who abuse the same drugs. They should be made to understand their responsibilities in life. Most governments around the world have formed drug law enforcement agencies. The budget used in maintaining the drug law enforcement agencies should be used in reducing drug crimes and researching on more treatment methods for addicted juveniles. In most modern society’s parents are not held responsible when their children abuse drugs. There should be laws that hold parents liable when their children abuse drugs. In this manner, parents will be stricter and will take more care of the children (Wallace et al., 2012). When the youth are well monitored, they are less likely to involve themselves in drug abuse. Does that secretly get into drug abuse are more likely to be found out at an earlier stage where they can be quickly helped before they get addicted.
The deaths due to drug overdose can be reduced by providing easy access to naloxone. naloxone can be used to suppress three spiritually separations caused by narcotic pain pills such as oxycontin and recording. The government should make naloxone available for families and first responders that are dependent on narcotics. the government should also develop a system that will identify and crack down on prescribers who allegedly Prescribed pill mills in large quantities of narcotics. organizations such as the CDC should come up with a standardized drug and alcohol screening method. Having a universal standardized practice for alcohol and drug governments have come up with strict jail terms as a solution to drug abuse. This, however, has not been effective enough in curbing or controlling drugs. Drugs have been smuggled into the prison and those jailed for abusing drugs still get access to them while in prison. Governments and institutions that intend to come and control drug abuse within the juveniles should put more effort into Putting off the source rather than controlling the market.
More youth programs should be developed to educate the youth on the effects of drug abuse. Teenagers should be made to understand the different impact drugs have on them as opposed to adults who abuse the same drugs. They should be made to understand their responsibilities in life. Most governments around the world have formed drug law enforcement agencies. The budget used in maintaining the drug law enforcement agencies should be used in reducing drug crimes and researching on more treatment methods for addicted juveniles. In most modern society’s parents are not held responsible when their children abuse drugs. There should be laws that hold parents liable when their children abuse drugs. In this manner, parents will be stricter and will take more care of the children. When the youth are well monitored, they are less likely to involve themselves in drug abuse (Wallace et al., 2012). Does that secretly get into drug abuse are more likely to be found out at an earlier stage where they can be quickly helped before they get addicted.
The deaths due to drug overdose can be reduced by providing easy access to naloxone. naloxone can be used to suppress three spiritually separations caused by narcotic pain pills such as oxycontin and recording. The government should make naloxone available for families and first responders that are dependent on narcotics. the government should also develop a system that will identify and crack down on prescribers who allegedly Prescribed pill mills in large quantities of narcotics. organizations such as the CDC should come up with a standardized drug and alcohol screening method (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Having a universal standardized practice for alcohol and drug abuse will make it easier to identify and intervene in such cases in as early stages as possible. More drug treatment programs should also be made affordable and available. More than 80% of those who need the care of these programs do not get access to them. As proposed in the Affordable care act, there should be an essential service element coverage for mental health and substance use disorders. Families, doctors and patients should be educated on the essential inclusions of a good addiction treatment.
Reforms and Treatment
Most governments have developed strict drug reform policies. Within their countries. Several institutions such as the United Nations have also joined hands in enforcing policies and supporting movements that fight drug abuse especially within juveniles (Wallace et al., 2012). Most of the drug policies formed in the past have failed. Despite the strict drug policies in the United States, there has been an increase in drug-related violence in the past decade. Health epidemics have also been experienced in the United States despite the struggles and lows. The CDC reported that more than 70000 people died in the United States in 2017 From drug overdose in. Most of these why youths. Within the United States of America, the number of Youths being incarcerated due to drug offenses has skyrocketed. Reports have shown that was confined to drug offenses in United States. in the 1980s were at 40900 while the number grew to 460545 in 2015.
According the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012) “ When the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs came into being 50 years ago, and when President Nixon launched the U.S. government’s war on drugs 40 years ago, policymakers believed that harsh law enforcement action against those involved in drug production, distribution and use would lead to an ever-diminishing market in controlled drugs such as heroin, cocaine and cannabis, and the eventual achievement of a “drug-free world.” In practice, the global scale of illegal drug markets—largely controlled by organized crime—has grown dramatically over this period.”
rehabilitation programs have been developed all around the world to help in reforming youth who have been addicted to drugs. They have also been developments in family therapies Within the United States. Family therapy is a therapeutic approach within the family levels. Different models have been developed in history in relation to family assessment therapy.
Adolescent substance abuse is an epidemic that can no longer be ignored in most parts of the world. The dangers of drug use within the youth show Later when they become adults. Youth who abuse drugs turn out as irresponsible and egocentric. Most youths are influenced by peer pressure. To start abusing drugs. Others get influenced by their adult idols. The youth abuse drugs for different reasons. Juvenile drug addiction in the United States began in the 1960s. Various studies have reported mixed findings on the same issue. Most studies done had different approaches. There are varied social and ethical issues of drug abuse within different societies. The conflicting values within different societies can be based on multiple factors, such as personal and religious views. There should be laws that hold parents liable when their children abuse drugs. In this manner, parents will be stricter and will take more care of the children. When the youth are well monitored, they are less likely to involve themselves in drug abuse. Does that secretly get into drug abuse are more likely to be found out at an earlier stage where they can be quickly helped before they get addicted. Drug addiction among teenagers has been declared as a costly Burden In many countries around the world. strong and drug-free communities can be built through generalize universal prevention programs. these programs will instill the skills within the community to make healthy choices and decisions. the government should aim at Developing targeted and specific prevention measures. The engagement of the community at large in the prevention of drug abuse has proven successful in the past. Those in the early stages of drug dependence can be approved food Brief interventions and screening. Referral to treatment at early stages prove more effective than at later stages. For those individuals who've been on drugs for long enough and have already been addicted medical and behavioral interventions can be done. They have proven more effective than brief interventions. Medication should be provided in the context of social reintegration and rehabilitation as much as there is need to protect the privacy of these individuals.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC. (2012). CDC grand rounds: prescription drug overdoses-a US epidemic. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 61(1), 10.
Wallace Jr, J. M., Bachman, J. G., O'Malley, P. M., Johnston, L. D., Schulenberg, J. E., & Cooper, S. M. (2012). Tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use: racial and ethnic differences among US high school seniors, 1976-2000. Public health reports, 117(Suppl 1), S67.