24 Jun 2022


Labor Law and Unionization

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 308

Pages: 1

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Labor unions comprise workers in a particular industry who join efforts to protect common interests such as wages and working conditions. Unionization is the process of forming unions to fight and defend workers' rights, acting as an intermediary between workers and their employers. There are various labor unions in the United States, such as teacher unions (Barro, 2011). The benefit of being a union member is that one enjoys all benefits negotiated by union leaders. There are various laws and regulations that govern unions regarding wages and taxation. Collective bargaining is one of the main freedoms union members enjoy where they can come together to pressure employers for favorable working conditions, safety, or an increase in wages. 

The article by Barro (2011) points out various freedoms unions enjoy in the US since the advent of collective bargaining. According to Barro (2011), union members have freedom of speech, assembly, and press, which are fundamental civil rights portrayed through collective bargaining. The article also highlights the right-to-work laws implemented in Oklahoma, which give workers the choice to work under a union or independently. This law makes it optional for workers to pay union dues in unionized workplaces. The right-to-laws make working conditions favorable for employees through the freedom of choice to unionize or not. 

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Cass (2017) pointed out a need to change labor unions from past approaches, which have been improved over the years. According to the article, as much as labor unions focus on the workers, employers should also be considered modern times to suit the new class better. Cass (2017) also identified that union membership had fallen since 1953, which indicates a diminished need for unionization among today's workers. Workplaces today have changed, and unions don't seem to have much use to the millennial workforce, which portrays less loyalty to work compared to the period when unions began. Therefore, a change in union structures, goals, and leadership is required to serve the workers better today and in the future whose needs keep changing. 


Barro, R. (2011, February 28). Unions vs. the Right to Work. Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704150604576166011983939364 

Cass, O. (2017, August 31). American Workers Need a New Kind of Labor Union. Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/american-workers-need-a-new-kind-of-labor-union-1504220896 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Labor Law and Unionization.


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