23 Dec 2022


Major Issues in “The Life You Can Save”

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Book Report

Words: 1297

Pages: 5

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Peter Singer writes the book “ The Life You Can Save ” that touches on the issue of ethical arguments, strong thoughts experiments and also it provides examples. The author tries to show the current response to the world of poverty which is ethically indefensible. The author indicates that to live a principled and ethical life a change is required (Singer, 2010). The book talks about the seven-point plan that mixes philanthropy, local activism, and political awareness (Singer, 2010).The major social problems identified in the book includes lack of food shelter and medical care. The author in his views indicates that people can be honest if they choose to concentrate on the issues that count in their lives rather than dwelling on issues with less effect in their lives. The author brings about a traditional view of helping others especially the poor (Singer, 2010). 

Themes and Major Issues 

Social Problems Identified 

Poverty is one of the social problems discussed in the book. Peter Singer describes poverty as an issue that affects the life of many people across the world and therefore requires a virtue of helping hand. The author believes that when aspects such as medical care, lack of shelter and anguish are dealt with, then poverty index can decrease rapidly (Spector & Kitsuse, 2017). Secondly, the author acknowledges that it requires a sacrifice for anyone to prevent him or herself from something bad. Thirdly, donating to aid agencies is important since it eliminates chances of people from suffering, lacking shelter, medical care and food that in most cases results to death. The author encourages everyone to help each other as well as make donations if possible since this eliminates chances of people in need to from suffering. Singer (2010) adds that a giving heart changes people’s life and increases living standards of those in needs, hence eliminating poverty. Some people have the capacity and will to give and help those in need, but others with this capability ought to ignore a virtue to help. 

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Societal Values Prominent in American Culture 

Singer likewise trusts that organizations and associations can assume the responsibility of helping people by giving gifts. There are some organizations in Europe that encourages a culture of giving and gives a 1 % gift bumper to employees and workers to encourage this culture. The U.S., for example, positions as the third most liberal country, behind the Netherlands and Sweden. However, Singer indicates that less than 10% of our generosity goes to help individuals and that most of the government don’t have laws that encourage a helping hand and therefore remains an act for an individual to either give or not. Many politician agendas as per the singer and across the world have little to do with helping poor people. Singer expresses and acknowledges the desire of private organizations such as NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations, otherwise called foundations) that takes the responsibility of helping less fortune communities and ensure they receive basic needs from well wishers through donations. 

Singer recommends that well-off Americans should give fundamentally more and that whatever remains of us can give more without weakening our way of life or denying our families. On his site, he proposes a giving graph that has 7-direct models that can help us when one needs to donate and help less fortune people across the world. Associations that rate philanthropies center around how much philanthropy spends on overhead and raising support. These measures are valuable and Singer gives a few insights about foundations that are completing a sensible activity of estimating adequacy. He also guides us toward associations that are searching for successful philanthropies as well as advises us on a few things that truly can't be estimated exceptionally well (Parsons & Sciortino, 2015). The main issue for Singer is that sparing an existence in an underdeveloped nation is reasonable contrasted with sparing one of every well of the nation and hence is a deal that we should bolster regardless of whether there is some spillage. 

Singer lays down a framework that can help us determine those organizations ready to help those people in poverty and in need and those whose intention is to exploit people’s wealth. Those organizations ready to help those in needs therefore needs to have a coordinated framework with an intention of helping those in desperate need. His case is that of a $100 gift to an association which, for that unobtrusive sum, can avert trachoma, an infection which causes crumbling of vision and extreme visual deficiency. As he places it, "when all is said in done, where human welfare is concerned, we will accomplish progressively on the off chance that we help those in extraordinary destitution in creating nations, as our dollars go considerably promote there." Crucially, he affirms that "genuine assessment of philanthropies helping individuals in outrageous neediness" now make it conceivable to help the one you can be sure will be powerful. 

Policy that it is More Reflective of Social Work Values 

Around the world, the progress, improvement, and development of powerful policy in small scale and large scale fields touches both geographic borders and social values. Social welfare policy is utilized to understand the desires of a whole society, their fantasies and standards grasped by a nearby group, gathering, family, or person. Full-scale social welfare policy gives a structure and intends to reinforce bigger groups (Parsons & Sciortino, 2015). As a channel to progress, social welfare policy can lessen or dispose off a specific issue that effects one’s life and underestimated populace gatherings such as kids, families, seniors, and minorities needs. On the other hand, the social policy may worsen or punish a specific populace gathering. 

Micro-social welfare policy specifically impacts the extent of work gave by the specialist. Program qualification, the type of administrative work, a program's conveyance structure, and subsidizing components are results of smaller-scale social welfare policy. The poor social policy makes baffling practice snags (Abramovitz, 2017). Working policy has to enable customer get ease access to administrations, controls that don't take into account case promotion, and expanded caseloads upheld with negligible assets and topped time limits (Kadushin & Harkness, 2014). 

Incorporation of social welfare policy in any project enhances and eliminates chances of social work programs from failing. For instance, Social work policy requires the investigation of welfare policy to certify any social work programs through an "authorize social laborer" policy. This can be reflected by a case in Australia where one must have information and capacity for examination of an effect with policy improvement. In 2004, the “International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers” embraced the "Global Standards for the Education and Training of the Social Work Profession," which incorporate social policy as a center region of study (Kadushin & Harkness, 2014). 


The book talks about the seven-point plan that mixes philanthropy, local activism, and political awareness. The major social problems identified in the book are lack of food, shelter and medical care. The author thinks that people can be honest with themselves concerning certain issues if they consider what counts and what does not. The author brings about a traditional view of helping others especially the poor. Poverty is one of the social problems discussed in the book. Peter Singer describes poverty as an issue that affects all of us and therefore those with capacity to help should do so with one heart. Through his views, Singer proposed that we need to help those in need to eliminate the virtue of suffering and death due to lack of food, shelter and medical care. Likewise, singer believes that organizations and associations can assume the responsibility of helping those in need through token of appreciation during remuneration. He recommends that well-off Americans should give fundamentally more and that whatever remains of us can give more without weakening our way of life or denying our families. 

Singer on his site he proposes a giving graph and a 7-direct framework that we can follow to help those in need and poverty. The main issue for Singer is that sparing an existence in an underdeveloped nation is reasonable contrasted with sparing one of every well of the nation and hence is a deal that we should bolster regardless of whether there is some spillage. Micro-social welfare policy specifically impacts the extent of work gave by the specialist. Program qualification, the type of administrations work, a program's conveyance structure, and subsidizing components are results of smaller-scale social welfare policy. Incorporation of social welfare policy as part of project instructions help in achieving a given programs and project successfully. 


Abramovitz, M. (2017). Regulating the lives of women: Social welfare policy from colonial times to the present. Routledge. 

Beckett, C., Maynard, A., & Jordan, P. (2017). Values and ethics in social work . Sage. 

Kadushin, A., &Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press. 

Parsons, T., &Sciortino, G. (2015). American Society: Toward a theory of societal community . Routledge. 

Singer, P. (2010). The life you can save: How to do your part to end world poverty . Random House Incorporated. 

Spector, M., &Kitsuse, J. I. (2017). Constructing social problems . Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Major Issues in “The Life You Can Save”.


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