4 Oct 2022


Male Health Issues: Common Health Problems Affecting Men

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Higher smoking rates, alcohol misuse, and other drugs and the tendency not to seek help as compared to women and children are some of the health predicaments which affect men. Fortunately, most of the risks that men undergo are preventable while others can be treated if identified in the early stages. Research conducted by Elterman and Pelman (2014) indicates that most men endanger themselves into a lifestyle that is unhealthy while knowing (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). Others fear to talk about their health predicaments, and such aspect contributes to the higher number of men suffering from different diseases. Mostly, there are various social, economic, cultural, gender, environmental and workplace factors that influence men’s health practices. However, there are still strategies that can enhance their wellbeing. 

Health Problems and issues as they relate to the Male Population 

The male fraternity has some health predicaments particular to their gender. Also, there are other health issues that the male member’s exhibit and they do affect not only the male gender but also the whole society. Some of them include Alopecia, Heart Attack, Hypertension, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Incontinence, and Urinary Tracy Infection. Other issues involve ejaculation such as prostate and the testes (Stewart, 2015). The male population also faces health-related concerns related to Testosterone insufficiency, alcoholism, drugs misuse; obesity and trauma are other distress for men in the current society. 

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Most men should be more concerned about their health as compared to women since they are likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and make detrimental healthy decisions which prevent standard of health checks and care. Some men only health concerns are prostate cancer and low testosterone problem. Various health hazards that men encounter such as heart diseases and colon cancer can be treated during the early stages (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). Therefore, it is essential for men to ensure that they implement initial tests such as colonoscopy to discover the disease earlier and treat it. 

The Vienna Declaration is a plan that has been enacted for the improvement of the state of the male gender’s health. For instance, the declaration promotes awareness of the men’s approach to health and how they should handle such when faced with any predicaments (Nucleus Medical Media, 2016). Another emphasisw that the Vienna Declaration stipulates is that linking health, and societal rule enhances a better strategy to make men pursue their health objectives. It is also essential to ensure that schools and community programs target boys and young men. As such, they can get the best approaches to handle their health problems, and transform the healthcare to be more sensitive towards the male gender (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). Chiefly, identifying men’s health is a significant concern, since there are health predicaments that affect men only and they need to be addressed. 

Heart disease is a general term that is used to refer to any specific heart conditions that affect a more significant population of the male. In the US, the health department has recognized the it is the most common health disease that affects men more often. According to Kromhout et al. (2012), coronary artery disease (CAD) is a common heart condition in the nation that occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart are narrow and hardens because of the backlog of plaque. The plaque is a mixture of fats and other substances like cholesterols and lipids which leads to heart attacks, reduced oxygen in the heart muscles, and reduced blood flow to the heart (Kromhout et al., 2012). Some of these effects are preventable while others have remained severe leading to further physical complications. 

According to research conducted by various health institutions like WHO, it is a fact that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men. In the U.S, about 22.7% of the men population is suffering from coronary heart disease leading to death. The statistics show that about 8.5% are all white men, 7.9% are African American men, and 6.3% are Mexican American men have coronary heart disease (Kokkinos, 2010). Heart disease is a chronic disease that is the deadly disease killing over 321,000 men in the year 2013. Half of the number that dies because of coronary heart disease have no symptoms and if at all there are one may still be at risk of heart disease. 

However, other than heart disease, prostate cancer is another severe pathology that affects men more. Kromhout et al. (2012) discuss that prostate cancer as a problem that is prone to men in their later ages. On a basic level, the primary cause of this condition is the changes in the DNA of a normal prostate cell. Prostate cancer is common and also risky amongst men than skin cancer. Statistics reveal that physicians diagnose over 200,000 men with prostate cancer in the past year. 

In the US, men consume specific foods that generally deteriorate their health. They tend to absorb fast food that is rich in fats and contain excess calories. Because of such food, they get exposure to severe health conditions such as cancer and increased risk to heart disease. However, these days it is not easy to maintain a healthy diet due to the availability of junk food points that has made them affordable and more accessible. Kromhout et al. (2012) assert that men can improve their healthy living by realizing a nutritious diet that can completely stave off cancer and heart disease. 

There is a range of social and cultural variables that people consider as the antecedents of men's health. The variables include race, social groups, gender, poverty, social networks, and religions. These variables determine the probability of the risks of getting exposed to heart disease or other chronic diseases (Kromhout et al., 2012). On the social environment, factors such as the distribution of income and social cohesion can determine one's social class to afford quality health and world-class diagnosis for the disease. Gender differences determine the stability of an individual’s health. Gender differences comprise of biological differences and social differences. Men get exposure to intensive physical activities that after a while, they impair the bodily immune due to frequent visits to the doctor. Men suffer from different types of chronic diseases as compared to women. 

Men endorse poor traditional ideas about manhood and norms of masculinity to encourage the act of engaging in poor health behavior leading more health risks. In different cultural backgrounds where there are traditional views of manhood, men are more likely to perceive themselves at risk for illness contrary to women. Men believe that they have internal control over their health without further contemplation of healthcare and changing the unhealthy routines. 

Daily work out is one of the strategies that people prefer in improving men’s health. Kokkinos (2010) argues that this way, it assists in boosting energy levels, oxygen levels and metabolic reaction which further enhances the functionality of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the heart and lung health advances creating more chances of living. In the US, the studies have revealed that there is an increasingly poor eating habit. Unhealthy diet results due to high consumption of fast foods and junk foods which contain high levels of fat and calories leads to heart disease and obesity. Americans can change their eating habit by consuming more of plant food such as vegetables, cereals, fruits, and whole grain bread (Kokkinos, 2010). These have plenty of nutrients and can help reduce the consumption of fats and cholesterol. 

Alopecia is a common health condition that affects men. It is also known as balding. The American Medical Association indicates that 95 percent of people with baldness have Androgenetic Alopecia. It is a hereditary situation that affects roughly 25 percent of the male population. It mostly affects men before they reach the age of 30 and two-thirds of the men before they reach the age of 60 (Kapil, 2017). It is also stipulated that this type of baldness may also be evidenced in older adults resulting in the general tapering of their scalp hair instead of complete baldness. 

Male incontinence is another health problem associated with the male generation. It entails the swelling of the prostate or ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)’; one of the factors that contribute to male incontinence. However, research still shows that other factors contribute to male incontinence. In some instances, it can be considered Acute, Temporary or Chronic. Acute men incontinence takes place unexpectedly while the Temporary is momentary (Mayo Clinic, 2011). On the contrary, chronic incontinence is enduring (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). Also, the male incontinence can be Congenital whereby it is evidenced at an individual’s birth, or it may be obtained. As such, it may have developed due to disease or a wound an individual experienced. 

Enlarged Prostate (BPH) is another health problem prevalent in the male generation. Notably, the development of prostate engrosses hormone and not prostate cells. The hormones influence different tissues in the body such as epithelial and the muscular tissues. Such a situation affects men in different ways, and since they are affected differently, the treatment is also personal. Once the Enlarged Prostate starts, it continues in many cases until therapy is taken. The BPH has no cure, and there are two different ways in which it develops. Firstly, its growth involves the development of cells around the man’s urethra. Secondly, it may extend through the “middle-lobe prostate growth” whereby, the cells grow into man’s urethra and the bladder outlet place, and it usually requires surgical intervention (Nucleus Medical Media 2016). 

Social, Economic, Cultural, Gender, Environmental, and Work Place Factors Influencing Men\'S Health Practices 

Social factors are among the factors that affect men’s poor health habits. In America, men especially the minority and the poor represent the high percent of sick men and death-prone than the females in the nation. The social and behavioral factors contribute the deaths among the male gender. Masculinity and manhood that is profoundly entrenched in the culture and supported by societal organizations have a responsibility in determining the outlines of men in society (Stewart, 2015). Therefore, they believe that they are strong enough and they do not have to reveal their health problems to other people. 

In Western culture, men are believed to be the providers of their families, and thus men base their sense on their earnings. However, in recent years, there has been a lot of unemployment and job insecurity, and it has affected the health of men (Stewart, 2015). Some are believed to have contracted elevated stress, sickness, disability, and even death. Williams, a leading study scientist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research in Ann Arbor, states that being unemployed or financially unstable is among the “strongest known determinants of variations in health” (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). He says that the male gender at all financial levels has poorer health s compared with female counterparts. 

Men are also liable to misuse drugs so that they can cope up with stress. William states that men are more likely to smoke than women and consume twice much alcohol than women. They take five beverages more than women and believe that taking alcohol would not interfere with their driving. Nevertheless, Williams states that there are still strategies which can be implemented to improve the health of men. For instance, bettering their financial circumstance and working conditions and increasing their salaries in their places of work (Stewart, 2015). Ethnically, suitable educational outreach and medical interventions are required to ensure that they get proper medication to cope up with their situations. 

Financial instability also affects men’s health practices. In most nations across the globe most men are the breadwinners of their families, and still they earn lower income. As such, they find it difficult to get the required health advantages to maintaining a healthy body. They cannot afford some regular screening of some diseases such as prostate cancer, and they may end up realizing at a later stage. Research conducted by Elterman and Pelman (2014), indicates that most of the men understand that they might be at a higher risk of some diseases such as prostate cancer, but due to financial volatility, they might fail to not go for regular checkups. They wait to the point where the conditions cannot be treated. Unemployment has also increased economic instability among men (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). They are left in a position they cannot cater for their health care services unlike women whom they take care of and should usually provide for them. 

In most social settings across the world, there is a stipulation of a highly gendered form of jobs. As such, many men are exposed to occupationally related morbidity than the female gender a study done in 2010 indicates that approximately 750, 000 men died from professionally related cases of disease as compared to only over 102, 000 females. In Europe, 95% of deadly accidents and 76% of non-lethal mishaps at the place of work are experienced by men. In the United States of America, many occupations are only for men, and they exhibit a lot of accidents (Stewart, 2015). For instance, mining, farming, and fishing are mostly for men, and they have a lot of health risks as compared to other occupations. 

In the recent years, it has been noted that gender disparities addressed earlier are not articulated in the contemporary world especially in the health policies and programs of the critical international health organizations such as the World Health Organization. Policymakers tend to presume that gendered strategies to health development are mainly or solely about women instead of the two genders (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). The national government has also adopted such an act. Research shows that up to date, there are only Australia, Brazil, and Ireland across the world that have been able to address men’s health predicaments through the implementation of countrywide male-centered approaches. 

Impact of Men’s Health Beliefs on Wellness and Illness Behavior 

There are several impacts of men's health beliefs on wellness and illness behavior. For instance, men who support traditional culture about manhood or favorite traditions of masculinity participate in appalling health-related practices and have high health dangers than males who do not have the traditional beliefs. A study across various racial and ethnic groups indicates that men with conventional theories do not believe that they can have any health risk. They also think that they have internal control of their wellbeing and they are hesitant about changing detrimental traditions affecting them healthwise (Stewart, 2015). The word hegemonic masculinity describes perfect masculine traits and other characteristics of the patriarchal culture. Power, riches and physical might represent the significant cultural model for most men in the United States of America, and it affects their wellness and illness behavior. 

In the United States of America, there is a prevailing belief that men are autonomous, firm and supple. Such beliefs affect how men have an attitude towards health behaviors. In some situations, physical activities plan that act as recreational for the society may be very important to many men who may take it to be a less strenuous physical activity (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). Therefore, they may consider having more strenuous activities and leaving such for women alone. In such a situation, they fail to understand that any physical activity is critical for everyone. However, this perception may be interfered with in midlife when aged males have been found to have less probability to adapt to the cultural beliefs on masculinity. 

Strategies that Promote Healthy Lifestyles in the Male Population 

Heart disease and cancers can sometimes be prevented as some cancers, and heart disease is linked to fast foods, processed foods, smoking and doing a lot of exercises . If men avoided smoking, they would decrease their chances of some cancers significantly. They can also exercise moderately and avoid fast foods to improve their heart and lung functioning significantly. Most men across the globe are diverse in age, social, economic status, civilization, language education and beliefs. Therefore, there are different factors which affect their health behaviors and results. 

Men require focused attention to ensure that they exhibit a healthy living like other people . There is a need for the besieged venture in different areas of men’s health to enhance their progress in their life. For instance, there is improved awareness of healthy living risks associated with poor health and the significance of health to their families and the communities as a whole (Green & Thorogood, 2018). When men realize such issues, they can know how, and the number of diseases and deaths among them can reduce. 

Endorsing engagement, personal determination, and accountability, and healthy decisions is also another strategy to enhance healthy sustainability among men . When they implement such approaches, they realize the risk of diseases and work towards reducing them and avoiding any risk associated with diseases (Joan, 2019). Men’s health issues should be addressed, and such an undertaking will ensure that they are identified as the role models in society and fathers to their families. Therefore, the government and the community as a whole will protect them against any healthy predicaments the way women are safeguarded (Elterman & Pelman, 2014). 

The entire health sectors can also be improved to ensure that they cater for all the genders regardless of the social or economic backgrounds . In such a situation, men will have a better way to cope up with their diseases. The standard preventive measures to reduce the possibility of developing chronic diseases can be through regular exercise, proper diet, drinking with moderation, maintaining a healthy weight, getting routine screening tests, and stopping the smoking habit. Since prostate cancer is a real concern for men, a prostate examination is essential to screen for prostate cancer. There is also a stigma about the test which makes some men avoid it. It is necessary especially for aged people who are around 50 and above. It is vital to keep health in check, detect, and treat patients before the development of metastatic prostate cancer. 


In general, there are different problems and issues related to the specific health population. They are disease encounter that the male population experience. Therefore, they require critical ways to ensure that they survive such menace. Also, there are social, economic, cultural, gender, environmental and workplace factors that influence men’s health. Such elements should be eradicated to ensure that there is equality in the whole society. Some men also have strong beliefs that affect them, and they need to be educated for the advantage of their wellness. As such, healthy strategies should be enacted to ensure that men understand all the problems and how to address them. The whole society should also be included to enhance a stable and healthy environment for the male population 


Elterman, D. S., & Pelman, R. S. (2014). Male health: a new paradigm, strategies for care delivery, advocacy, education, and research.  Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes 25 (1), 35-39. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0716864014700082 

Joan L. Bottorff (2019) Designing gender-sensitive health promotion approaches for men. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8eey5a9_m0 

Kapil Bhargava (2017) Alopecia: causes and treatment of hair loss explained. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcZ98DAW6DA 

Kokkinos, P. (2010). Physical activity and cardiovascular disease prevention . Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett. 

Kromhout, D., Menotti, A., & Blackburn, H. (2012). Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Diet, Lifestyle and Risk Factors in the Seven Countries Study. Boston, MA: Springer US. 

Mayo Clinic (2011) Male Incontinence. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ax5Te0NGHw 

Nucleus Medical Media (2016) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). 


Stewart, Kristen, ( 2015). 7 Rare But Real Men's Diseases. Everyday Health. Retrieved at https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/rare-real-mens-diseases/ 

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