5 Jul 2022


Management and Utility of Information in Healthcare

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 298

Pages: 1

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Management of information in healthcare involves collecting and preserving data with an aim of providing better quality patient care. One of its main aims is to enhancing a better collaborative system in health care institutions to provide the best patient care (McWay, 2015). The utility of information in health management involves analyzing and manipulating data with an aim of predicting patient trends. Additionally, utilizing the information can be part of a medical survey that guides the decisions made relating to the sector in future. 

Easy Information Management: 

Following the technological advancements, information management has become easier. Keeping and retrieving patient records has become an easier process. Consequently, it has improved work relations in the health care sector since every department knows what they must accomplish within a given period (McWay, 2015, p. 22). 

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Enhanced Collaboration 

Additionally, the use of electronic health records has unified many collaborating hospitals. Doctors can be able to access these records from autonomous servers from anywhere. Consequently, doctors are able to make better decisions and give a suitable diagnosis (McWay, 2015, p. 41). 

Improve Healthcare Quality: 

Recently, management of information in healthcare has come to be known as human information technology (HIT). One of the greater aims of HIT is to improve healthcare quality while cutting costs drastically. It also brings together all the devices of medical to accomplish more service (McWay, 2015, pp. 33). 

Enhanced Security: 

Other advantages of management of health information include security, reducing the probability of medical errors, reducing disparities and improving coordination (McWay, 2015). Recent technological devices also facilitate early detection of potentially incurable diseases such as cancer at early stages resulting n the saving of lives (McWay, 2015, p. 23). 

Fosters Data Analysis in Healthcare 

Some advantages are also associated with the utilization of information collected. One such advantage is the ability to analyze data to predict future medical phenomena. Although it may appear unimportant, it can be a good contingency plan in the case of a pandemic by providing analyzed data and determining what needs to be done next (McWay, 2015, p. 22). 


McWay, D. C. (2015). Today's health information management: an integrated approach. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Management and Utility of Information in Healthcare.


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