2 Jun 2022


Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 725

Pages: 2

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Organizational or workplace behavior can be described as the attitudes and actions among employees as well as the entire organization. The behavior of the employees determines the functioning and performance of the company or firm. As such, the purpose of the paper is to explain the connection between organizational behavior and specific job skills such as positive attitude, team leadership, and enthusiasm. In addition, the importance of organizational behavior in decision making will be discussed as well as the consequences of unwarranted behavior in the workplace.

Team leadership refers to the ability of an individual to make sound decisions and subsequently inspire the team to work hard and perform well. Alternatively, it is the process of managing and directing the behavior of other individuals in the team towards achieving a common goal such as completing a task or assignment given to them. Team leadership in an organization is essential in the sense that it leads to higher performance, motivates the team members and ultimately improves the morale among them. Additionally, it helps the organization respond well to change which could be beneficial to the organization. Finally, leadership increases the value in the organization by facilitating organizational success in the sense that it creates accountability and responsibility which are fundamental among the team members (Tutorialspoint, 2017).

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A Positive attitude is important in determining the employees’ organizational behavior towards the job, the organization or other employees. Notably, positive attitude refers to the favorable perception of a person towards other people, work, or the organization as a whole. The positive attitude of an individual can be measured by his or her behavioral tendencies in the organization. As such, an individual with a positive attitude portrays good organizational behavior, and subsequently, his or her performance is always high. The positive attitude of a person makes them work harder, adapt and adjust to their work and want to maintain their position by working even harder. As such, the approval ratings, reputation, and performance of the organization improves.

Enthusiasm goes hand in hand with the employee attitude. If the employee attitude is right, then he or she will be enthusiastic to go to work every day and perform better or work hard. It is difficult to find an enthusiastic employee who does not love his job. As such, enthusiasm as a job skill changes the organizational behavior of the individual by enabling him or her to complete the tasks in time. Moreover, the enthusiasm of a single person can influence other people in the organization to develop positive and loving attitude towards their jobs or work. An enthusiastic employee is always energetic and creates an aura of a jovial and happy working environment which affects the attitudes of others as well. Ultimately, enthusiasm as a skill fills employees with confidence and new ideas for the organization thus improving the performance of the company (Rains, 2011).

Decision making can be undertaken by both the employee and the management of the organization. It is critical to note that organizational behavior can be vital in the decision-making and problem-solving process. Decision making can change the lives of the employees and the organization as well. Organizational behavior such as mutual goal setting approaches can be crucial in determining and deciding the performance of employees. If the management has stereotypical behavior towards an employee, then, the decision they make regarding the employee will always be wrong and biased. If a problem exists due to poor organizational behavior, then it would be prudent first to understand the reason for its occurrence then make a decision appropriately based on the behavior.

One of the key characteristic employees should possess is integrity. Through this, the employees follow the ethics of the organization. However, lack of integrity and ethics has huge consequences. The effects include unethical behavior such as theft, lying, substantial absenteeism, and drug use and abuse. These effects lead to the disruption of the workplace and consequently the downfall of the organization or business. Besides, the effects would be felt in workplace efficiencies, turnover costs as well as profitability. In addition to the organization property damage, more consequences include ignoring the safety precautions, mistreating other workers and creating a harsh environment to work in, failure to follow directions and refusing supervision, underperforming at the workplace, and adopting an abusive language (Kabins, 2015).


Job skills in relation to organizational behavior are crucial elements of the corporate ethics at the workplace. It is the duty of both the employees and the management to maintain high standards. When recruiting employees, it is fundamental for the recruiters to make it their business to know the background of the employees to avoid unethical scenarios at the workplace which could be damaging to the organization.


Tutorialspoint. (2017). Organizational Behavior. Tutorialspoint. Retrieved from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/organizational_behavior/organizational_behavior_leadership.htm 

Rains, J. (September 19, 2011). 4 Ways Energetic Employees Electrify The Workplace. OPEN Forum. Retrieved from https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/4-ways-energetic-employees-electrify-the-workplace/ 

Kabins, A. (April 14, 2015). Integrity Matters: The Effects of Unethical Employees in the Workplace. OutMatch. Retrieved from https://www.assess-systems.com/blog/restaurant/integrity-matters-the-effects-of-unethical-employees-in-the-workplace/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Organizational Behavior in the Workplace.


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