23 Nov 2022


Marine Pollution: Concern in Our Contemporary Society

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Sound is a crucial aspect of the marine environment. Marine organisms use sound for various purposes such as communication, navigation, prey capture, and predator avoidance. However, sound pollution disturbs this natural phenomenon of the marine ecosystem, thus threatening marine organisms. Sound pollution is a concept that is unfamiliar to most people. Sound pollution is a topic that has not been explored fully by researchers and scientists (Solangi, 2019). The two sources of marine sound pollution include noise from natural sources and anthropogenic sounds. Examples of sounds from natural sources include underwater ice breaking and calving, volcanoes, avalanches, and earthquakes. These physical mechanisms result in natural sound pollution in the marine environment (Solangi, 2019). The waves and ice calving cause waving activity, earthquakes increase the levels of underwater sound, and the ice covers change the marine environment's field, thereby destabilizing the ocean's state. The anthropogenic sound can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Examples of anthropogenic sounds include large commercial shipping, energy industry, seismic surveys, passenger vessels, and rig support vessel traffic. The energy industry is identified as the key contributor to marine noise. It causes huge explosions underwater, which disturbs the marine ecosystem. Research reveals that since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the energy industry has increasingly become a major marine sound pollution producer. In contemporary society, the increased utilization of container ships, supertankers, advanced warfare, and geophysical exploration has become a significant contributor to the sound pollution in the world’s marine environment over the past decades. For instance, the increased use of commercial shipping and machine vessels radiates all the engines' noise causing a tremendous amount of sound energy. The noise from commercial shipping is doubling every decade (Solangi, 2019). Sound pollution can have a devastating impact on the organisms in the marine environment, such as causing them stress and change in behavior as a compensatory behavior thus disrupting their life. For instance, marine organisms such as blue whales may experience impaired communication by the seismic acoustic waves produced when nuclear testing is done underwater. Normally, blue whales emit sounds as a way of communicating during feeding and social encounters. This is an indication that sound pollution significantly affects their communication. Whales tend to communicate louder in the presence of sound pollution. They respond to a noisy environment by amplifying their calls. This behavior change helps them maintain their range of communication in a noisy environment (Solangi, 2019). 

In addition, sound pollution causes temporary hearing loss among dolphins causing behavioral and physiological effects. Exposure of crabs to the ship noise recordings leads to an increased metabolic rate, which is a sign of stress. The noise causes crabs to spend most of their time foraging to compensate for the metabolic cost hence this could affect their growth and intensify the risk of predation. Most marine mammals utilize sounds as a key mode of communication when they are underwater. The sound of the marine environment is a very crucial aspect of their habitat. This indicates that any changes to the sound environment can cause stress and change in the behavior of marine organisms (Solangi, 2019). Therefore, it is evident that ocean sound is a significant aspect of the marine ecosystem, and thus, it is important for scientists to put more effort towards monitoring and reducing the levels of sound pollution to decrease the effects on the marine environment and minimize the rate of degradation among organisms. Light pollution is a huge problem in the marine ecosystem that has received little attention. The two sources of marine light pollution include sunlight and artificial light. These sources have been found to have a devastating impact on the marine ecosystem and organisms. The electromagnetic spectrum of sunlight comprises different colors, including red and blue wavelengths. As the wavelength decreases, the amount of energy intensifies. The red wavelength has the lowest energy levels because it has the longest wavelength, and violet has the highest energy levels because it has the shortest wavelength. The colors on the spectrum include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The decrease in wavelength enhances the ability of the blue light to penetrate the water. The blue light enters the water effectively, thereby reaching the deeper end of the ocean. Electromagnetic waves generate electromagnetic radiation, which has harmful impacts on marine organisms if absorbed, especially those that are short wavelengths, high frequencies, and high energy (Ayalon et al., 2019). Artificial light pollution has only been recognized as an environmental concern in recent years. Its increasingly devastating effect on the marine ecosystem has triggered scientists' interest to research its impact on biological processes and public health. Examples of artificial light include lights from coastal communities, oil rigs, and ships. The periodicity, spectra, and intensity of light from these sources affect the marine species, their interactions, and behaviors. Artificial light pollution in the marine environment is a growing problem that needs to be taken into consideration in conservation efforts and can be prevented or minimized by designing nature-friendly lighting (Ayalon et al., 2019). Therefore, it is evident that light pollution has a negative impact on the biological functioning of the marine ecosystem and organisms, and thus it is crucial for scientists and environmental agencies to take action to prevent the destruction of marine habitats. The sunlight's electromagnetic wavelength can burn the skin, damage the DNA, and affect other internal body organs. Penetration of the wavelength radiation beyond the normal upper 200 meters can damage marine photosynthesis, interfere with the species' balance, interact with the marine ecosystem, and slow their growth. Marine organisms have developed mechanisms to protect themselves from light pollution. For instance, they have adopted certain behaviors to prevent the radiation from affecting them such as staying deeper in the ocean and developing an enhanced ability to repair the damaged DNA. Although most marine organisms have developed ways of protecting themselves from radiation, the rapid changes in the ozone layers in our contemporary society have made it difficult for organisms to adapt effectively (Ayalon et al., 2019). Therefore, electromagnetic wavelengths are dangerous to marine organisms. Artificial light pollution is affecting about three-quarters of the habitats in the marine environment. Excessive artificial light pollution on the marine ecosystem and organisms has various devastating effects that have been observed globally. For instance, artificial light pollution affects the nesting and hatching of sea turtles. These organisms normally nest on beaches. However, the bright light from artificial sources discourages sea turtles from nesting on the beaches. In addition, artificial light pollution can disrupt the food chain by discouraging species from migrating or moving to illuminated areas. Most of these species, that avoid such areas, are crucial food sources for fish and other marine ecosystems. Moreover, excessive artificial lighting stresses coral reefs. Exposure of the coral reefs to artificial lights affects their ability to spawn. The coral reefs reproduce once annually and they are controlled by moonlight (Ayalon et al., 2019). Therefore, it is evident that artificial light pollution affects prey finding, the behavior of organisms as well as their reproduction ability. The three major chemicals that acidify natural waters include carbonic acid, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid. Carbon dioxide is the primary cause of Ocean Acidification. The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing significantly since the Industrial Revolution. The high emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere have resulted in increased ocean acidity. In contemporary society, the oceans absorb tons of carbon dioxide every day. Ocean acidification refers to a decrease in pH as a result of absorbing carbonic acid. The chemistry of the atmosphere determines the chemistry of the ocean. Naturally, water absorbs carbonic acid from the atmosphere, meaning the presence of more carbonic acid in the atmosphere results in more absorption by the ocean (Doney, Busch, Cooley & Kroeker, 2020). Acid rain is an environmental problem affecting the ocean. It makes the ocean water more acidic by lowering the pH and taking up carbonate ions from the water. This hinders the formation of calcium carbonate structures among various marine organisms such as shells (Gao et al., 2019). The process of Ocean Acidification involves rains absorbing the atmospheric carbonic acid. The rain penetrates through the soil, thereby picking up more carbonic acid from the soil profile's upper surface, which makes the rainwater more acidic. The acidic water causes a reaction to a feldspar crystal and changes it to clay. The water picks up the soluble salts and SiO2 and carries them to a nearby stream. Approximately 24 million tons of carbonic acid are absorbed by the ocean on a daily basis. The dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with the ocean water to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid is broken down to form hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. The increased amount of hydrogen ions causes the ocean water to become more acidic. High levels of ocean acidification can cause corrosion on the skeletons or shells of marine organisms (Doney, Busch, Cooley & Kroeker, 2020). 

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It is evident that acid deposition takes place in almost all urban and industrial centers. Acid deposition is also a major contributor to the acidification of water bodies across the globe. Most of these water bodies have lost their ability to support marine life, and many of them are at risk of ecological collapse (Gao et al., 2019). Acid rain is considered marine pollution because it changes the pH of the water surface, resulting in acidification, which is hazardous to the marine ecosystem. The problem of ocean acidification is worsening rapidly. The presence of acidic water in the ocean causes a massive reaction of carbonate ions with hydrogen. This results in the limited availability of carbonate for organisms to form their hard parts. These marine organisms require calcium carbonate to build their skeletons and shells. However, the rise in acidity causes the levels of ocean carbonate to go down. This exposes the marine organisms to increased risk of desiccation during lower tide and increased drilling and crushing by predators, thereby lowering their survival. Marine ecosystems depend entirely on the chemistry of the ocean, and if it is altered, the ecosystems will be affected too. In addition, acidification is considered marine pollution because it decreases the fertilization of gametes in marine organisms, including corals, thus leading to lower population growth. It affects the hearing ability of marine organisms such as anemone fish larvae. The acidification impairs the carbonate ions in the fish ear bone and interferes with the acid balance in the neuro-sensory system, hence exposing them to increased predation, thus lowering their rate of survival. Moreover, acidification impacts negatively ecological communities by facilitating the rapid growth of non-calcifying algae. Evidence reveals that the lower the pH levels, the more carbonic ions are dissolved for photosynthesis. Carbonic ions are a major aspect of promoting algae growth. More algae population means lower survival of corals. Coral reefs support various organisms, and their decreases would result in a decline in biodiversity. For instance, predators that feed on shelled prey could decline in numbers (Doney, Busch, Cooley & Kroeker, 2020). Hurricane Harvey produced huge flooding in Houston, Texas. It is recorded as the most costly hurricane in history because of its catastrophic impact in the Texas area. The flooding caused devastating consequences, including the displacement of thousands of people from their homes, loss of electricity, and deaths. The flooding and the consequent release of pollutants posed a great environmental concern. The floodwater from Hurricane Harvey caused the most damage to the marine environment when it crashed into the Texas coast. Hurricane Harvey led to large-scale pollution that could increase the level of marine contamination on the Texas coast (Flores et al., 2020). Flooding could affect marine pollution on the Texas coast by discharging contaminated water into the ocean. The water from the flooding was contaminated with the confluence of motor oil, sewage, and different household and industrial chemicals, which poses a range of bacterial and toxic risks. The release of pollutants normally occurs during storm events. The pollutants related to storms are more harmful to marine ecosystems. Flooding can wash away the surface spilled or runoff and discharge it into the oceans, which can negatively influence the coastal environment. Evidence reveals that storm pollutants damage marine organisms as well as the quality of the marine environment. Houston, Texas, is recognized as the second-largest hub for the petrochemistry industry. Harvey released tons of raw sewage and massive barrels of chemicals, refined fuels, and oil. The flood swept through the refineries and chemical plants, resulting in damages worth billions of dollars and marine pollution, leading to massive marine organisms' loss. Floods ruptured the pipeline causing the chemical spill and sewage discharge. Such pollutants release contaminants, which could result in excessive skin challenges for dolphins, bleaching of coral reefs, habitat displacement, and even death of marine organisms (Flores et al., 2020). The second way Hurricane Harvey could impact marine pollution on the Texas coast includes causing salinity in the marine environment due to particles entering the ocean. Particles released during and after a storm are moved offshore into the marine environment. This results in the formation of sediments, which causes the water to become saline. Increased salinity causes harmful impacts on the ocean ecosystem. In addition, the formation of sediments at the entrance of the ocean and the upper bay limits the movement of marine organisms (Flores et al., 2020). Another way that the flooding from Hurricane Harvey could impact marine pollution on the Texas coast is through the buoyancy or settling of pollutants in the water. Some types of pollutants tend to float at the surface of the ocean, especially those that are hydrophobic in nature and those with smaller densities. Pollutants with attachment to the suspended sediment or ones with heavier density tend to settle. This could cause physical injury to the marine environment (Flores et al., 2020). Oceans play a significant role in supporting life. The marine environment supports humans by providing millions of people with water. A healthy ocean offers resources that people depend on every day, including medicines, food, oxygen, and water. The ocean is a factor of public health risks because it is intimately connected to our health. Oceans experience massive pollution from human activities and natural sources, which affects the marine environment, and organisms and impacts adversely humans (Naik, Naik, D'Costa & Shaikh, 2019). 

Examples of marine pollutants that affect human health include waste products such as visible pollutants such as plastics and invisible wastes such as chemicals that end up in the ocean. Runoff from land-based sources damages the ocean's fragile ecosystems and causes health concerns. Marine pollution caused by visible pollutants can directly impact human health by causing physical damage such as injury from debris like entanglement in submerged or floating debris, medical waste, or broken glass. Evidence reveals that about 80% of litter found in the marine environment comes from land sources such as industrial outfalls, sewage outfalls, drains, and direct littering. Approximately 20% of marine pollution is generated from marine-based activities such as illicit dumping for fishing, tourism, and shipping for transport. Plastic debris has been estimated to be 60-80% of all total debris in the marine environment ( Lechthaler et al., 2020). The pollutants move through the ocean once they are discharged, putting marine life in danger through intoxication, ingestion, and entanglement. It contaminates seafood and exposes humans to infectious waterborne diseases. Due to their small size, various marine organisms ingest plastics, which pick up toxins from the surrounding water. The plastics in the marine environment are decreased into smaller elements by the ocean waves and sun, creating microplastics, which makes the situation worse. Much of the waste product is not seen on beaches because a huge percentage is either deposited on the seabed or floating on the water's surface. The accumulation of toxins in marine organisms is transferred along the food chain, which has a ripple effect. For instance, marine mammals such as dolphins and whales consume the same seafood that we eat. Evidence reveals that plastic elements have been found in several marine species such as fish, crustaceans, and bivalves. Exposure of these organisms to contaminated water, toxic algae, and other seafood poses potential threats to humans. When people visit the coastal areas and consume seafood, they are exposed to pollution, which is harmful to their health (Naik, Naik, D'Costa & Shaikh, 2019). In addition, marine pollution causes indirect health impacts on humans. Examples of these pollutants include toxins and hazardous particles like bacteria or viruses in the ocean. Chemicals such as pesticides, lead, mercury, and oil could be found in the ocean, leading to contamination of the food chain and water supplies by causing harmful effects on marine life. These contaminants accumulate in the seafood, thus making it dangerous for human consumption. Exposure of humans to these toxic chemicals in the long term could lead to public health problems, including damage to the kidneys and nervous system, and reproductive and hormonal issues. For instance, sewage and toxins cause a public health hazard by transmitting infectious diseases. It also affects people's livelihoods in the sense that polluted water and littered beach do not attract tourists. Lack of or presence of fewer tourists means the coastal communities will have less income. It is important for scientists to put in place measures that would help to minimize marine pollution to maintain a healthy ocean and have improved public health (Naik, Naik, D'Costa & Shaikh, 2019). 


Marine pollution is an increasing concern in our contemporary society. Pollutants are dumped into the marine environment on a daily basis. Marine pollution includes a combination of light, sound, and toxins pollutants. This pollution results in damage to the health of humans and marine organisms as well as the ocean environment. Marne conservationists should put in place measures that would help in minimizing the presence of pollutants in the ocean. Therefore, maintaining a healthy marine environment would help to save lives and protect human health. 


Ayalon, I., de Barros Marangoni, L. F., Benichou, J. I., Avisar, D., & Levy, O. (2019). Red Sea corals under Artificial Light Pollution at Night (ALAN) undergo oxidative stress and photosynthetic impairment. Global change biology , 25 (12), 4194-4207. Retrieved from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.14795 

Doney, S. C., Busch, D. S., Cooley, S. R., & Kroeker, K. J. (2020). The impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and reliant human communities. Annual Review of Environment and Resources , 45 , 83-112. Retrieved from: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-environ-012320-083019 

Flores, A. B., Castor, A., Grineski, S. E., Collins, T. W., & Mullen, C. (2020). Petrochemical releases disproportionately affected socially vulnerable populations along the Texas Gulf Coast after Hurricane Harvey. Population and Environment , 1-23. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11111-020-00362-6 

Gao, K., Beardall, J., Häder, D. P., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Gao, G., & Hutchins, D. A. (2019). Effects of ocean acidification on marine photosynthetic organisms under the concurrent influences of warming, UV radiation and deoxygenation. Frontiers in Marine Science , 6 , 322. Retrieved from: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2019.00322/full 

Lechthaler, S., Waldschläger, K., Stauch, G., & Schüttrumpf, H. (2020). The Way of Macroplastic through the Environment. Environments , 7 (10), 73. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3298/7/10/73 

Naik, R. K., Naik, M. M., D'Costa, P. M., & Shaikh, F. (2019). Microplastics in ballast water as an emerging source and vector for harmful chemicals, antibiotics, metals, bacterial pathogens and HAB species: A potential risk to the marine environment and human health. Marine pollution bulletin , 149 , 110525. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0025326X19306630 

Solangi, H. U. R. (2019). Undersea Noise Pollution and Harm: Source, Impacts and International Legal Control. Chinese Journal of Environmental Law , 3 (2), 203-224. Retrieved from: https://brill.com/view/journals/cjel/3/2/article-p203_4.xml 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Marine Pollution: Concern in Our Contemporary Society.


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