9 Aug 2022


Matching Cube Analysis - The Best Way to Analyze Your Data

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Academic level: College

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Individuals consider several factors before settling in a relationship with a particular partner. Both men and women have their own rationale for choosing partners. Although men have been playing an active role in the selection process traditionally, women also influence the outcome of the negotiations because they are also after a satisfying relationship. Therefore, prospective partners look for individuals who are more similar to them in terms of values, thoughts, beliefs as well as backgrounds. As such, similarity is considered more comforting in any relationship as it averts many potential conflicts between partners. There are several theories that explain well how people choose their partners. The filter theory of mate selection is effective in explaining why individuals consider various aspects of individuals before accepting to settle in a relationship. Based on my relationship, I can affirm the truth of the theory because I made several considerations before beginning a relation with my partner. The various dimensions I considered include values, background, education, attractiveness, political ideology and religious beliefs. 

  Me  Partner 
Values  Patriotism, honesty, loyalty, family  Family, punctuality, traditional values, honesty, loyalty 
Education  Emphasized importance of grades, college education  Emphasized importance of grades, college education 
Attractiveness  Reasonably attractive; average height, athletic frame, light-skinned  Very attractive; average height, athletic frame, light-skinned 
Political Ideology  Liberal political values  Conservative political values 
Religious Beliefs  Christian  Christian 
Background  Low socio-economic background, divorced family  Stable family structure, middle class background 
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Considering my relationship, I would affirm that it is consistent with the principle of homogamy (Brehm et al, 2002). An analysis of the six dimensions; values, education, attractiveness, political ideology, religious beliefs, and background, indicate that my partner and I share a lot in common. We share similar values regarding the importance of the family, the need to be patriotic to one’s country, the importance of honesty as well as loyalty. Despite the fact that we hail from totally different backgrounds, we seem to share common values hence making our relationship stable. Therefore, we have realized the need to uphold our values in order to maintain a sound relationship that can considerably stand the test of time. My partner emphasizes the need to prioritize matters pertaining family because it is central to our relationship. Honesty plays a great role in ensuring that each one of us takes responsibility of his or her own actions. As such, we maintain an open communication where each one of us freely shares concerns regarding our relationship. Moreover, we have remained loyal to each other because we uphold the value of loyalty together. 

Educational is an area that mattered to me and it is interesting that my partner also emphasized its importance. Therefore, it is clear that we precisely match in the area of education because we were all hard-working both in high school and in college. My partner used to do well in class and she paid much attention to her grades. Moreover, it is worth noting that she always emerged the best in her class. Similarly, I was also the best in my class and the quality of my grades was at the top of my priorities both in high school and college. It is because of our common interests in education that brought us together because we would share ideas regarding academic success before we even began getting intimate. Despite the financial challenges I faced due to my low socio-economic background, I depended mainly on well-wishers, and relatives in terms of finances. However, my partner never faced such challenges because her family was well off. I believe that our passion for education played a significant role in determining the success of our relationship. 

My partner and I, to some extent, have a similar degree of attractiveness. I have realized that her attractiveness influenced my choice significantly because I left out some of her friends who I considered less attractive. Attractiveness is indeed an area that determines an individual’s choice of a partner. I can confidently confess that if my partner was not attractive in my judgment, I would not have considered starting a relationship with her. Therefore, it is evident that an individual’s attractiveness plays a significant role in shaping a relationship. Moreover, I consider that my apparent attractiveness may have also contributed to her approval of the relationship. This is because we share similar height, body frame as well as skin complexion. Thus, similarities draw potential partners closer together hence facilitating success of any relationship. 

The political ideologies that we hold are to a certain extent different. I hold on liberal political values while my partner holds on conservative political values. Our political discussions often exhibit strong disagreements. While I always try to emphasize the importance of individuals’ rights and freedoms in the society, she is often of the contrary opinion arguing that there should be a limit to such rights and freedoms. She always maintains that individuals should always be regulated because they may violate the rights and freedoms of others as they pursue their own. However, we have learned to compromise in order to prevent our political ideologies from impacting negatively on our relationship. Moreover, our difference in political ideologies has helped us to broaden our perspectives in various areas from time to time. 

In terms of religion, our matching analysis indicates that we hold the same beliefs as well as values. Religious beliefs play a significant role in the relationship life, especially if the relationship is for a lifetime (Le Gal et al, 2002). Both of us are of the Christian faith and it has helped us to maintain our relationship vibrant over time. The Christian faith demands that we should be selective in choosing a soul-mate and that, partners should be like-minded. Our share Christian beliefs have helped us to endure the challenges of life through the moral support we get from the Bible as well as the church. 

Our backgrounds are areas that hold profound distinctions in our relationship because they are extremely different. The difference in our backgrounds has presented to us several challenges for the years we have been together. I was brought up in a low socio-economic back-ground where I did not get access to the many advantages she had. Moreover, I stayed with my mother alone because my parents divorced when I was young. This explains the low socio-economic background that characterized my early life. On the contrary, my partner lacked nothing and she enjoyed the collective upbringing by two parents. Therefore, there is much that she learned from her parents that I did not know of and this resulted to some major disagreements regarding each one’s role in the relationship. For instance, she would be disappointed whenever she found out that I had cleaned the utensils because she maintained that such a task strictly belonged to women. Although I tried to explain my view, she stood her ground and I decided to agree with her for the sake of our relationship. Moreover, my choice of her despite the different economic background can well be explained by the economic social exchange theory (Sprecher, 1998). This is because I considered that I would gain much economically from her given her background. As such, she has contributed a lot in the relationship in terms of financial support. 

In conclusion, individual characteristics are considered when choosing partners. Therefore, individuals seek to select partners who are more similar to them in order to ensure that the relationship established not only lasts but becomes comfortable. However, the variety of choices regarding potential partners has made it difficult for individuals to settle on the best relationship partner. The matching cube analysis is a practical tool that can assist individuals in choosing partners who can match. Moreover, I have been able to perform a matching analysis of my own relationship and discovered the major similarities existing between us. Therefore, a relationship that stands the test of time is the one that can be considered as perfect. 


Brehm, S.S., Miller, R.S., Perlman, D., & Campbell, S.M. (2002). Intimate Relationships. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 

Le Gall, A., Mullet, E., & Shafighi, S. (2002). Age, religious beliefs, and sexual attitudes. Journal of Sex Research, 39, 207-216. 

Sprecher, S. (1998). Social exchange theories and sexuality. Journal of Sex Research, 35, 32- 44. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Matching Cube Analysis - The Best Way to Analyze Your Data.


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