24 Sep 2022


Mental Illnesses and Recovery Process

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 271

Pages: 1

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The women in Charlie Rose special, Kay Redfield Jamison and Elyn Saks suffered from mental illnesses namely bipolar disorder, and Schizophrenia but they managed to overcome their conditions amidst challenges. In both cases, personal, environmental and social characteristics played a great role in recovering. 

Elyn Saks says that when she sought treatment, she found it hard to connect and relate with people. However, through the mechanism of relating with her therapists, she learnt to connect with other people too. When she went to another analysis in New Haven, another breakthrough was realized. When she arrived there, she was struggling with the idea of taking medication, a battle she had fought for ten years. However, the analysts in New Haven assisted her to discover the need for taking medication. Elyn then went to Los Angeles after getting a new teaching job, and while there, her analyst advised her to continue with medication and live her life. Her husband was equally supportive and as such, she managed to overcome her mental sickness. 

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On her part, Kay Redfield Jamison observes that her recovery was facilitated mostly by the psychotherapy sessions. The psychotherapy facilitated a biological change in her brain, and as such she was able to cope with the mental state. She admits that, psychotherapy ensure that she was always taking drugs as required. The consistent, support and healthy relationship with the individual giving therapy were the key ingredients in helping her recover. She had resources and supportive family and intelligence to seek the best treatment. 

In conclusion, the two recovered from their mental state due to personal effort of seeking early interventions and being in the right environments. In both cases, they were experiencing their conditions at school and place of work. They socialized with people around them, and especially their family members, who supported them to seek treatment. 


Charlie Rose Film Link: https://charlierose.com/collections/3/clip/18615 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Mental Illnesses and Recovery Process.


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