27 Oct 2022


Nonverbal Communication: Types, Examples, and Importance

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 505

Pages: 1

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Research Question. 

Can nonverbal communication be an effective tool to convey a message? 

Mini Literature Review 

There is no reporting for this step; it is an action step before something can be 


Search terms used when searching the PsycINFO. 


Article 1 

APA format reference citation 

Chris, A. (2017). Do you speak Body Language?. Manage your life now. Retrieved 4 October 2017, from http://www.manageyourlifenow.com/do-you-speak-body-language/ 

The in-text citation as part of a sentence

Chris (2017) found that some gestures fall into each category. He further found that most children are born with instantaneous ability to suck, indicating that this gesture is either inborn or generic. 

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In-text citation at the end of a sentence 

Most individual use nonverbal communication as a tool to convey their information efficiently through negotiating interpersonal attitude (Chris, 2017). 

The study hypothesis or purpose

The aim of the experiment was to investigate the various verbal communications and whether they are used to convey information. The author expected that verbal communication is used widely to pass information and supports the primary means which is verbal communication. 

The results of the study or what the study found

There was one important finding. Verbal communication has a significant impact in the conveyance of communication. The use of gesture as a part of nonverbal communication bare strong meaning compared to the verbal communication. The research found that gestures can be used to hide information that is not to be disclosed to all the audience. 

Article 2 

APA format reference citation 

Fatik, Baran, Mandal. (2014) .Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 24:417–421, 2014ISSN: 1091-1359 Print/1540-3556 Online.doi:10.1080/10911359.2013.831288 

The in-text citation as part of a sentence 

Mandal (2014) stated that language agrees that individuals use verbal channel primarily for the conveyance of information. The nonverbal communication is used as the substitute of this verbal communication in daily lives. 

The in-text citation at the end of a sentence. 

Language agrees that individuals use verbal channel primarily for the conveyance of information. The nonverbal communication is used as the substitute of this verbal communication in daily lives (Mandal, 2014). 

The study hypothesis or purpose 

The purpose of the experiment was to investigate whether human beings speak body language. The author expected body language such as head gesture and winkling is used to pass information. 

The results of the study or what the study found. 

The research found that, although body language can portray different meaning depending on the location, it is used to pass information among those who serve common meaning. 

Article 3 

APA format reference citation 

Kever, Anne., Grynberg, Delphine. Eechkhout, Coralie. Mermillod, martial. Carole, Fantini. Vermeulen, Nicolas. (2015). Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. The Body Language: The Spontaneous Influence of Congruent Bodily Arousal on Awareness of Emotion Words, 41(10).1037/xhp0000055. 

The in-text citation as part of a sentence. 

Kever, Grynberg, Eachkhout, Mermillod, Carole, Vermeulen (2015). Asserts that, novel and emotionally arousing stimuli alter the body state by increasing their physiological stimuli. 

The in-text citation at the end of a sentence

Physiological arousal can influence the process of arousing emotional concept. The study aims at identifying whether stimuli arousal can arouse emotional concept (Kever, Grynberg, Eachkhout, Mermillod, Carole, & Vermeulen, 2015). 

The study hypothesis or purpose 

This purpose of this study is to identify whether physiological arousal can influence the process of arousing emotional concept. This was done by closely looking at the specific stimuli that affect our emotions concerning nonverbal communication. 

The results of the study or what the study found. 

The research showed that there is a concurrency between actual internal body activation and emotional words. It also shows that there is congruency between actual words when the physiological arousal is low. This is always relied upon on the attentional blink paradigm. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Nonverbal Communication: Types, Examples, and Importance.


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