29 Jun 2022


Online Learning Effectiveness and Efficiency

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Academic level: Ph.D.

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Literature Review 

There is substantial research on the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning due to the popularity of distance learning in the higher education sector. Besides, many studies have also been published regarding how effective the form of distance learning has been and the best online learning platform available. These platforms include Udemy, Skillshare, master class, Coursera, UdX, Udacity, and Pluralsight. Majority of the published work focuses on the effectiveness of online learning and the evolution of online learning as a form of distance learning. While these previously published studies offer valuable insight into the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning, they provide only a partial highlight of the subject since various changes occur in the education sector that might affect online learning effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, a limited body of knowledge currently exists regarding the efficacy and efficiency of online learning method. This literature review chapter aims to summarize the history of online learning and how it has been effective in helping the learners since the time of its introduction as a form of distance learning. 

Title Searches and Documentation 

The search strategy for the current study began with establishing a literature review components outline, which helped guide the keywords used in the database search. The main critical phrases included but were not limited to online learning, online learning efficiency, online learning effectiveness, and online learning in higher education. The databases that were used for the literature search include ProQuest, EBSCOHOST, and Google Scholar. The information sources included peer-reviewed journal articles, theses, government statistics, and books. More than 200 references that were published from the 1990s to the present were identified with relevant materials. However, the majority of this information was published within the last five years, and they are the ones that were given the priority since they contain the current information. 

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Older sources were also considered to provide the readers with a perspective of longevity and the topic's history under study. Besides, RefWorks was also leveraged to help in the identification of duplicate materials. A subset of the retrieved sources listed in this dissertation's reference section was identified as the most relevant sources for the current study. They are providing an essential foundation of the literature review. 

Historical Content 

Online learning 

Kentnor (2015) defined online learning as a form of distance learning that makes use of computers and the internet as a mechanism of delivering its services. He stated that more than eighty per cent of its contents are delivered over the internet. The use of computers for educating was developed in the corporate arena during the 1980s as most companies embraced computer-based programs for training the newly recruited employees. The University of Phoenix was the first institution to offer online education programs via the internet after the World Wide Web's revelation in 1991 (Kentnor, 2015). Besides, institutions started the experimentation of online learning within the early 1990s. However, there was a rapid growth of the program at the beginning of 1998. 

Kentnor (2015) described the origin of distance and online learning. He stated that the first correspondent courses began at the beginning of the 18th century using a parcel post to reach students who could not be at the university premises. Communication technologies improved in the early 19th century, and distance education started using radio waves. After expanding access to higher education through the invention of television, it leads to the development of what was called Telecourses. After that, online learning emerged in the early 198s when western behavioural Science Institute in California opened up management and strategic studies. The school used video conferencing for delivering distance education program to the business executives. The University of Phoenix started offering distance learning via the internet in 1989 (Rowan & Roy, 1983). Online learning then started flourishing due to the first web browser created by the University of Illinois. By the end of the 19th century, the early fully online programs were founded at the New York University, The Trident University, California Virtual University, and Western Governor's University (Miller et al., 2014). These were but for the beginning of the online learning programs. 

Radford (2011) report that by the beginning of the 20th century, only 8 per cent of students had enrolled in the online learning program. However, the enrollment increased to 20 per cent by 2008. The expansion continued, and by the end of 2013, the enrollment had risen to nearly 30 per cent for all the post-secondary schools. However, there has been complexity in the data of completion of online course program completion. Researchers have noted that there has been a high attrition rate, ranging from 20 to 50 per cent among the students who enrolled in the online learning compared to those taking the traditional face to face courses (Faculty Focus, 2012).  

Online learning discussion facilitator 

According to Rovai (2000), the online learning environment is characterized as a discourse that is typically in the form of online discussion. Hara et al. (2000) reported that online discussions constitute a text-based digital record of concept strategies, answers to specific questions, and plans, facilitating meaningful information processing. Other research such as MacKnight (2000), McDuffle, and Jeong (2003) have also shown that online learning is also essential as they help learners reflect on their perspectives, foster their metacognitive skills, and strengthen their critical skills. Therefore, instructors must implement such effective strategies to facilitate online learning. They motivate students to engage in productive discussion and engage students in socio-emotional debate, authentic content, and discussion-oriented tasks. Instructors must encourage students to explore the various new concepts in the course, ask students some questions, share their particular opinion with the students, and assess and give feedback on the different students’ comments (Arbaugh, 2010; Dringus, Snyder, & Terrell, 2010). They also need to keep the students focused on the task at hand and also the students for their productive efforts. Besides, it is also necessary that instructors promote discussion and feedback by using text-based discussion, personal example, and/or audio clips (Arbaugh, 2010). The attempts by the instructors to reduce the social and psychological distance between their students and themselves are always displayed in their behaviors which they exhibit whole directly responding to the students’ actions. From the above literature, it is vital to conclude that instructors play an essential role in online learning success among 

Effectiveness and efficiency of online learning 

According to Anderson (2008), Existing and emerging online learning technology brought about intense, immediate, and disruptive transformations in the system of education. The practice has a more considerable impact on the practitioners who teach under the online learning platform than any other education stakeholders. To be more specific, education has moved into a third decade4 of a more significant change in how the courses and programs are designed and delivered. At this time, many new possibilities are becoming to be apparent. However, several new challenges are also coming up at the same time. With the current rise of e-learning in the education sector, one more frequently asked question is about delivering its promises. Leaders within the field of education have argued that online learning can respond positively to the accelerating global competition, increase the quality of learning experience, remove some of the situational barriers, and be cost-effective. In providing evidence for the promises of online learning advocates, people have conducted interventions and explorations into online learning technology use. Concerning these expectations, the commonly highlighted advantages include an ability to provide timely learning, increased access to education, eradication of place, time, and situational barriers of education, increased interactions, providing students with future employment skills, and adequate support for life-long learning. 

Howard et al. (2004) highlighted that most universities were embracing distance learning. Yet, they were making no changes to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning method. Universities have historically designed and built pedagogies, the reward system, procedures, organization structure, and the policies for facilitating face-to-face mode of education. The University staff and the faculties are clinging to the deeply rooted paradigms that might have been better for the traditional education system but are not suitable for the technology-enhanced education such as the online learning form of education. Online learning as a form of distance learning is an excellent example of a student-centred program since it accommodates the students' lifestyle and lives with families and jobs but wish to pursue higher education. It helps the students with an opportunity to continue with college education while they live at home and maintain a career as they enjoy the convenience of anywhere, anytime learning. The accomplishment of high-quality education requires the university administration, constituents, and the faculty to make changes. The changes made with aiming of accommodating distance education is complicated. Therefore, for the success f distance education, the faculty members must be willing to change their teaching methods and reward expectations. The universities will also be needed to transform their structures' policies and rewards for accommodating distance education programs' needs. The influx of online learning programs into the education system has forced the higher learning institutions to rethink their foundations and shift their paradigms. 

Neuhauser (2002) in their study compared to face to face mode of teaching and online system. The study demonstrated that equivalent activities of learning could also be useful for both learning online learning and face to face leaning methods. It also found that significant course activities' effectiveness was similar in online learning method and the traditional face to face. Overall, the study result revealed a lack of substantial difference in the assignments, test scores, and the final grades. However, the study identified overages for online learning groups to be slightly higher. 96% of the students who were taking their lessons online found their research useful or more effective to their learning activity than the traditional face to face learning method (2002). However, there were no significant differences between the learning methods, styles and grades in the two groups that took their study online and those who took their survey via the traditional learning method. 

Current Content 

Online learning 

Online learning platforms are essential in modern education. However, they may not have adequate representation within educational institutions. Liu et al. (2020) researched intending to organize a comparative analysis of various well-known distance learning platforms such a Moodle, Open edX, and NEO LMS according to the criteria such as the system's features content support, content creation, reporting system, and user management. The study highlighted various advantages that online learning has brought to the education sector. For instance, they stated that online learning has greater access since they can access services worldwide via the internet. Besides, the platform has lowered the cost of education to below. There is also a possibility of dividing the course content into modules and defining the criteria for knowledge assessment. The study concludes by noting that online learning technology is helping education activities be more accessible and convenient. 

Dhawan (2020) highlighted that education institutions like Universities within India are currently based on traditional learning methods. They are following the face-to-face lecture room methods of learning. However, many academic units started to blend traditional learning methods with the online learning technique due to the COVID 19 pandemic's sudden break. The outbreak of the deadly COVID 19 shook the world. As a result, the WHO declared the disease a pandemic. The situation, therefore, changed the education system in all parts of the world and forced the education stakeholders to shift their activities online. Many academic institutions that were earlier reluctant to change their traditional teaching method had no option but to embrace the online teaching methodology. According to (World Economic Forum (2021), in response to the significant demand for online learning due to the pandemic, many online teaching platforms offer better access to their online teaching services. These include Bangalore-based education technology, BYJU'S, and an online tutoring firm founded in 2011 and is currently the world's most highly valued edtech company. 

World Economic Forum (2021) added that some people believe that the unplanned and rapid move to the online learning method without proper training and preparation will eventually result in a poor user experience conducive to sustainable growth. however5, other people also believe that the new hybrid model of education will ultimately emerge with significant benefits. There has already been a successful transition among several universities. For instance, Zhejiang University has managed to acquire over five thousand online courses within two weeks into the change of the Ding Talk ZJU. However, those using the online learning platform are also facing many challenges that they need to overcome. For example, some students face limited reliable internet access to help them participate in digital learning. The gap is seen across countries and also some parts of a particular country. 

A good example is in the reports published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that indicated that even though 95 percent of students within Australia, Norway, and Switzerland have access to a computer that they may use for online teaching (OECD, 2021). However, only 34 percent of the students in Indonesia have the same opportunity. Such disparities are significant challenges to the development of the online learning teaching technique. 

Online learning discussion facilitator 

Hung and Chou (2015) developed an Online Instructor Role Behavior Scale (OIRBS) and used it to examine the perception of students' role in the online learning environment. The OIRBS was validated on five different facilitating factors. These included course design and organization, social support, facilitation of technology, facilitation of discussion, and assessment design. Both students within the blended learning environment and fully online learning had the most significant weight in the course's organization and design. According to the study, the need to belong is a desire for regular social contact with people to whom one may feel connected (Hung & Chou, 2015). In that perspective, teachers should do well for the establishment and sustenance of the students' sense of belonging by developing their interpersonal relationships and sense of community, specifically within the online learning environment. 

For instance, a tutor may decide to create learning communities via which instant feedback, experience sharing, and group discussions can involve the students more within the course. Necessarily, teachers can send email messages or make phone calls to relatively dormant students asking the reason for the dormancy and getting back to the course's activities. It would help in sustaining the students' sense of belongingness. Besides, the study suggests that practicing online organization is crucial for online tutors for their effective delivery of the course content. Therefore the tutors should provide the online students with a useful organization containing fully defined goals of the course and learning the particular course (Hung & Chou, 2015). 

Additionally, they need to avail the students with the syllabi, assurance of acceptable course content or materials, firmly articulated expectations, and other important information regarding the course. From the students' student's perspective that was studied within the survey, instructors should make use of a wide variety of technology to help in delivering the course materials and also assist them with the learning process. Therefore, institutions should focus for providing the instructors with relevant technological training to enhance the tutors' online teaching services. 

Hew (2014) stated that many students preferred instructor facilitation in online learning because of two reasons. They believed that instructors would serve as a better guide to the students' learning process, specifically when they need to cover a complex or new discussion topic. In such circumstances, instructors may command a greater authority to keep the conversation on track. On the other hand, peer facilitation provided the students with a more relaxed environment of expressing their views without fearing the instructor's judgment (Hew, 2014). Therefore, it is essential that online learning use instructors to take the role of peer facilitation whenever the online discussion purpose is to stimulate a frank exchange of views among the online learning students (Czerkawski & Lyman, 2016). 

Whenever the students take role facilitation, the participants would feel less intimidated for expressing their opinion since each student always feels equal in the status (Hew, 2014). They will not view any of their fellow students as having more authority than the others. However, whenever the purpose f online discussion in the online learning environment is to achieve some specified learning objectives or attain a consensus opinion, instructors would better help facilitate the discussion. The students will still view the instructors as a source of more trusted knowledge and sentiment than the fellow students, mainly when the debate is about a new study topic. Besides, students tend to view the comments from the instructors as authoritative. By that, it would help them in negotiating diverse opinions concerning a particular topic. That helps in achieving a common consensus more effectively. 

Effectiveness and efficiency of online learning 

Online learning has enabled students to learn more than they would do in the traditional learning method. According to an American leading computer manufacturer, International Business Machine (IBM) found that online learners learn five times more materials on the online platform with the aid of multimedia content than traditional face to face learning (eLearning Learning, 2021). Since the online courses allow the students to control their learning process entirely, the students can work at their speed of learning. Therefore, students work faster through the online learning method, and they take in more content than they would do otherwise in the traditional learning method (McLean et al., 2016). They can move faster through the course content areas that they feel comfortable with but slower through the areas they need more time to grasp. Online learning also enables higher retention rates. According to many offline courses are struggling to retain students throughout the period. Research Institute of America found that online learning has increased retention rates for students from the previous 25 percent to 60 percent (Pezold, 2021). That has been due to more engagement of the multimedia content, more control over how the students take in the course material, and fewer chances of classes clashing with other individuals' commitments. 

The effectiveness of online learning has also been linked with the need for less time investment. Many students are not attracted by the traditional face-to-face learning method due to the time required to invest (Rasheed et al., 2020). That involves the time that the students need to get to class and forth as well as the time they spend waiting for the tutor and their fellow students. Puri's (2021) report with online learning with corporations found that the online learning method requires forty to fifty percent learning less time than the traditional method. Besides, the online learning option generally allows the students to split the time they invest in the course in whichever way they feel will work for them. They do not need to dedicate a more considerable amount of time to the course. The course's success can still be achieved when they set half an hour from their lunch break each day. 

Much discussion regarding online learning can determine the online learning method's efficiency and effectiveness due to the many purported benefits and uses of the learning method. Among the essential service is its efficacy in educating students, its professional uses for developing a career, its cost-effectiveness and its possibility of providing a world class education to anybody with a broadband connection (Nguyen, 2015). The lifetime earning gaps between the graduates of high school and the college graduates continue to widen. The college tuition cost is also rising faster than the inflation rates, and the student loan debts are increasing rapidly (Cho et al., 2015). The national student loan debt has increased to more than one trillion dollars. Many scholars and educators believe that online earning can be a useful tool for combatting the increased g cost of post-secondary education. It makes this possible by spreading the class's worth to a much larger number of students compared to the traditional face-to-face learning method. That divides the cost to hundreds of thousands hence making tertiary education more price effective. 

There also hope that online learning will provide a world-class education to anybody anywhere so long as they can access the internet and computer. Nguyen (2015) highlights that many studies have found a significant positive effect on students' learning outcomes in the online platform compared to the traditional learning method. Some of these positive learning outcomes include improved learning as measured by the test scores, students' engagement with the class materials, and reduced withdrawal rate or failure of the students to complete the course. These findings confirm the online learning method's effectiveness and efficiency compared to the traditional face-to-face learning method. 

Theoretical Framework Literature 

Community identity 

Puddifoot (1995) noted that community identity is comprised of six elements. The first element, called a locus, denotes the residents' perception of their communities' boundaries, its key environmental, Physical, and built features, or the social or cultural relationship perceived by the inhabitants to characterize their community. A second element is a distinctiveness. It is the perceived relative distinctiveness of a particular district. It may also be related to the physical and socio-cultural features. Identification is another element that denotes the perceived sense of affiliation, emotional connection, and belonging. It may be applied in both physical relations and social-cultural relations. Orientation is an element that expresses an individual's exposure to their community on several various specific dimensions (Puddifoot, 1995). In the current literature, Zhang et al. (2017) states that community identity shapes and defines internal dynamics. The way new and existing users are engaging with a community is firmly based on the nature of the collective identity that it fosters in the ways that are highly consequential to the community's maintenance. For instance, they noted that organizations with highly dynamic and distinctive identities are also exhibiting larger acculturation of the latter. 

Methodology Literature 

Schmeeckle (2003) conducted a study to evaluate online learning's effectiveness and efficiencies compared to classroom training. Schmeeckle randomly assigned trainees to either receive online or classroom training. The study measured learning attitudes and motivation for constructional effectiveness. The study used instructional time and benefits as a measure of efficiencies. The study results indicated that online training is an effective method of giving instruction, and it is more efficient than the classroom method. Another study by Wai & Seng (2014) explored the effectiveness and efficiency of the blended learning tools in a school of business. The phrase "blended learning" was associated with classroom training to online learning activities. The study's main aim was to explore the various student's perceptions of the blended learning tools' efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning. The study used a case study design, and it investigated 130 students enrolled in a private university. The study used a set of questionnaires to examine these tools' effectiveness and efficiency using path analysis. The results confirmed that blended learning tools enhance the student's learning experience and the learning outcomes. 

Research Design Literature 

Case study research design is essential when obtaining an in-depth appreciation of an issue, event, or phenomena under study (Crowe et al., 2011). The study design is used in generating a multi-facet understanding of a problem in a real context. The current study uses specifically an intrinsic case study whereby it is undertaken to learn about a unique phenomenon. That makes it unique from the instrumental and collective case study. The researchers are intended to collect more in-depth data about the effectiveness and efficiency of online education. Case study research. Besides, Tetnowski (2015) noted that qualitative case study research could be an essential tool for answering complex real-world questions. However, the method is always misunderstood or assumed due to a lack of understanding between the researchers and the reviewers. 

Chapter Summary 

The current chapter has discussed the various literatures regarding various aspects of the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning. The current research study's search strategy used ProQuest, EBSCOHOST, and Google Scholar databases to find the relevant kinds of literature concerning online learning. Information sources found included peer-reviewed articles, theses, books, and corporate websites. The research articles' historical content highlighted the origin and development of online learning from the University of Phoenix as the first institution to offer online training. The effectiveness and efficiency of online education have been identified within this literature to be related to the various importance it gives to the learners. The studies have also indicated that many students are not attracted by the traditional face-to-face learning method due to the time required to invest (Rasheed et al., 2020). The chapter has also expounded on community identity as the theoretical framework of the current study. Additionally, it gives more details on the current methodology and research design used in the present study. The next chapter will expound on the methods that the recent study used in collecting data for answering the main research questions. 


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