30 Oct 2022


Operations and Management in Business

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 2806

Pages: 10

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The American College of Education internship program began in May 2018. I started the program in May 2021 which was set to run for ten weeks. The college sets to define expected accomplishments of students graduating and to exemplify the leadership skills they should exhibit as professionals. The program is categorized into ten standards which include the mission, vision and core values of the college, ethics and professional norms, equity and cultural responsiveness, curriculum, instruction and assessment, operations and management and school improvement. The standard that is going to be the focus of this composition is operations and management which entails management of school operations by effective educational leaders as well as resource management while promoting the success and well-being of each student. Some of the activities that I will discuss in the composition include, resource and fiscal management and activities of the first standard while focusing on technology in classrooms and its benefits. I will also discuss on strengthening literacy and the importance of developing a reading culture among students at middle school level. I will also mention the activities of the law enforcement night, the impacts of the program on student achievement and a reflection of personal growth and mastery.

Reflecting on the Standard 

The standard on operations and management was the most important to me. It was an eye opener on the potential of success that lies among students when put through proper education systems with exposure to different fields and using an up-to-date method of delivery. I also appreciate the impact of effective educational leaders in realizing effective management of school’s operations and also proper management of resources in order to promote the success of each student and their welfare. Mastery of this standard as a student leader is vital in the sense that it helps in promoting the institution’s mission, vision and core values. It also creates a sense of value and belonging to all its members. New approaches to delivery of education are also an important aspect in operations and management. It is valuable as it exposes students to a vast ray of information and skills. The use of technology in education such as virtual learning and utilizing apps and educational sites to handle assignments is a very innovative approach (Avalos, 2011). Educators can also use online platforms for assessments and student evaluation after tests, this provides a fast method of producing results. Technology also ensures fast and effective delivery in a manner that is time saving, easily adaptable while ensuring that students get exposure to technological skills and advancement.

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Summary of Activity 1: Resource and Fiscal Management 

Activity one entailed technology in classroom, implementing WICOR, FSA review involving students in assessment process, EL5703 school improvement embedded field, experience strengthening literacy love for literacy and LMS science expo. Technology in classrooms was about incorporating technology within the classrooms. Technology provides an instant and fast method of accessing information in the classroom both for the moderator and the students (Avalos, 2011). Technological devices such as computers and phones are now an important aspect in the education sector that need to be explored for meaningful teaching and learning. Virtual learning is now an omnipresent element that has been developed to meet the various needs of students (Luckin et al, 2011). It is a unique mode of delivery of information which can be done on a distance learning basis which is beneficial in the matter of time and other costs and even saves in instances such as during the COVID pandemic where physical meetings were discouraged. It also gives independence to students in this case at middle school level where they can use technology to acquire varied information and also have different teachers for each subject.

Apart from virtual learning, there are other ways in which technology is applied in the classroom setting such as through power points and games. Classroom concepts can be introduced using power point presentations which give a summary of the nature and contents of the course and makes understanding the concepts easier. Power points also come along with graphics, videos and billeting which increases the presentability of classwork and improves the students’ interest in the topic. Currently, there are also educational apps which students can use for various subjects such as online calculators, information review apps such as kahoot and apps that can be used to scan and analyze data. Technology in learning also helps students to enhance their skills, especially reading, spelling and phonetics for elementary students through learning sites which serve to sharpen these skills in students.

Application of technology in learning has the following advantages, it is more effective and learners gain independence, it is innovative and preparers learners well for the future, it has substantially lowered the prices of books as well as cost of tuition and it makes learning more fun and interesting. Technology also has its drawbacks. It provides an easy way of acquiring information and handling tasks that it diminishes interest in hard work. Misuse of gadgets is also a major problem. Mobile phones and computers may be viewed as a source of entertainment, especially in the classroom set up, students may easily deviate from class work to entertainment (Salaberry, 2001). Controlling the sites visited is also a problem and some students may easily visit inappropriate sites. Lastly, for technology to work, it requires proper and adequate training for both the educators and the students and, this poses an instructional challenge. Teachers may fail tier students if not trained properly.

Writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR) can be efficiently implemented in the classroom for elementary level learners in preparation for college. It is an important strategy that gives students rigorous exposure. The Florida standards of assessment familiarizes students with types of response formats and gives orientation to both teachers and students on paper-based tests. EL5703 purposes to prepare students to be visionary in achieving their goals and those of the school by exploring research, technology and leadership lessons. Research and literature reviews can also be explored by students as a way of understanding both fats and the assumptions on school reforms, identifying problems within the school and professional learning.

Summary of Activity 2: Strengthening Literacy 

Strengthening literacy love was also an important aspect that I got to learn about when it comes to middle school level students. Teaching and student outcomes are easier and better when students develop an interest and love for reading. Teachers hold a central role in developing a love for literature in children in their reading journey. When resources are provided, teachers develop confidence and competence in teaching and, it also creates a motivation for the students to develop a habit of reading (Imron & Nugrahani, 2018). At middle school level the love for literacy can be developed by having books and materials that resemble the children’s environment and through creating this sense of familiarity through books, the children will develop more interest and love for books.

The other way in which a love for literacy can be developed is by allowing children to read together. Guided reading can be used to grow and develop the interest in children for different genres and materials (Imron & Nugrahani). A reading culture can also be established in children when they are introduced to a wide variety of books at an early stage, this will help them to develop an interest in one or more field in which they can specialize in when they are older. Providing a background knowledge can also serve as an important basis for developing a love for literature among students. For instance, if a student shows interest in farm animals and crops, a field excursion and more books inclined with their interest will serve as a good basis for developing their love for literature in this field.

Strengthening the love for literature can also be done by training on comprehension skills. Comprehension skills are strategies that are used to enhance the understanding of a concept and internalizing information. Some of these skills include, questioning, visualizing and summarizing. After every lesson, students should be encouraged to ask questions and seek clarity for areas that were unclear and also just to find out more about a topic. Visualizing is also very important, the theoretical aspect of learning may not be enough for memory, therefore picturing the idea being taught in first person or guided imagery can be very helpful in ensuring that the concept is remembered. Summarizing is the strategy that I found most applicable to me. After every class I like to go through the notes again, recollect and write a summary of the topic. This has helped me a lot in retaining information and developing curiosity for more information on the same.

Summary of Activity 3: Law Enforcement Night 

Law enforcement night entailed planning events that involve law enforcement and providing information about it to both students and parents. Effective student leaders assist the management in maintaining order within the institution. This forms a platform where the selected students learn to practice authority while putting into consideration the vision of the school and the welfare of the students. I learnt the importance of practicing equity in promoting the success of students. Appreciating the cultural and social differences among us is important in becoming an effective leader. We as the leaders of tomorrow can lead better if we know and understand that we are not the same. An environment that enforces embracing these differences while appreciating oneself has a better opportunity in ensuring that regulations are followed and operations within the institution run smoothly.

Concerning curriculum, instruction and assessment, effective educational leaders will develop and support a coherent system that is in line with the goals of the institution. They have affirmation in that they recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of the school, those of other students and their personal achievements. They also serve as the change agents of the institution where they recognize areas that need to be improved or those that require discussion or a different method of handling. They have the position to challenge the practices of the school that no longer serve the purpose and strategize new ones. As effective educational leaders they can challenge the status quo and be willing to champion for initiatives that lead to positive change.

Lastly, law enforcement can only be fostered by disciplined leaders. It takes a leader motivated by order to enforce a law on the rest of the students. Being disciplined as a leader also serves as an example and by acknowledging instruction from higher authority, they encourage others to follow. I found these lessons valuable and empowering to all students in the internship program especially those who aspire to become leaders in the future.

Impact on Student Achievement 

Completion of the program has immensely impacted student performance socially, emotionally and academically. Socially and emotionally, as students we learnt the importance of social and interpersonal skills. One of the social skills acquired is communication. We do realize that effective communication is a key to developing healthy friendships and relationships. By building a strong support system we are able to take of the needs of others and also have someone to support us when in need. Communication also enables us to be mindful of our needs and those of others while appreciating differences in perspectives. I came to appreciate the fact that communication skills are not innate, we are not born with good social skills. Assertiveness, ability to converse and non-verbal communication are skills that we develop by learning and interacting with others. As an effective educational leader some of the non-verbal communication skills that make one outstanding include posture, eye contact, tone of voice, volume when speaking, gestures and facial expressions. All these when learnt effectively portray a confident individual that can communicate, assert with authority and be heard. When our communication skills are on point, we also grow emotionally. Communication with confidence gives support emotionally that we are heard and surrounded by supportive people.

Academically, the program has impacted us to pursue our goals. Leadership falls second to classroom instructions; it encourages interest in improving academic performance and behavioral reform. Effective leadership also improves learning and student outcomes, by setting directions and making the organization work, students have a better environment to learn and improve their academic performance (Farkhatun, 2020). Reforms through student leaders also target improving teaching and learning. They can partner with leaders at district and state levels to influence the approach in teaching and learning in an innovative manner. An example is the case where technology is now a growing part of the education sector, educational leaders can champion for the provision of devices to students to ensure equal chances to exposure and materials for e-learning. This can easily be achieved through collaboration with educators and supporting them to ensure that such measures are implemented.

Reflecting on Personal Growth 

Completing the activities of the standard has immensely contributed to my personal growth. It has helped me build confidence both as a person and as a leader. I have also acquired cognitive, moral and emotional intelligence through the program. I feel enabled to understand and reason with information while using my intuition and imagination to make judgement about daily life situations. I have also gained motivation and knowing my emotions in a way that it is effectively managed especially in my relationship with others. I have also built my moral intelligence thought this program and gained the ability to differentiate right from wrong particularly in the case where my judgement as a leader is required. I have also learned the need to always push myself for better and strive for excellence. As leaders we have a lot people looking up to us seeking guidance and instruction, we therefore have to serve as role models in every aspect especially socially and academically to win the confidence and respect of those we lead.

I have also learned that the best way to evolve as a leader is embrace a positive attitude by believing in oneself. Positive attitude is the key to growth and enhances positivity and possibility in all other aspects of life. As leaders we also have to invest in ourselves as we are our most important assets, we need to treat personal development with as much importance as we do the growth and welfare of those we serve. We have to accept responsibility and hold ourselves accountable if we are to lead successfully. In the process of leadership, we also need to identify and acknowledge our weaknesses and strengths, an example of a weakness is putting personal development ahead of serving. Important as personal growth may be, we have to understand that the priority is to serve people and to put their needs first.

Reflecting on Mastery 

Mastery of the standard has been a journey. I have done a personal assessment away from the official evaluation and I can attest that I have achieved complete mastery of the course. On operations and management, I have mastered the information and practical part of the course. I can evidence this because at the start of the program, I set personal objectives regarding the course that I would check when they are met. I wanted to acquire more knowledge on the application of technology in the education sector, its usefulness, the advantages and disadvantages. Through my personal studies, I discovered educational sites that students can use to get authentic information, books and even use for data analysis and referencing. I also learnt about applications such as Kahoot which students can use to enhance the skills taught in class.

Regarding leadership, I have also leant a lot especially the role we play in guiding others and helping the management in the running of the institution. I have mastered the qualities of a good educational leader and how to practice it. Initially, I would sometimes find the expectations put on leaders to be high but after the classes I have learnt new dimensions to the whole concept. Also, I came to appreciate how time management for a leader is crucial. Usually, leaders will have many responsibilities taking care of the needs of others that at times their own needs are sidelined. However, with effective time management one can successfully become an all-round person, be a leader and also ensure that all other aspects such academics and social life does not fail in the process. I have appreciated the fact that the expectations set for leaders are necessary because even among our peers we are viewed as role models. This creates the need to grow our positive qualities, practice integrity and diligence in every setting.

During the course of internship, I interacted a lot with my colleagues comparing notes and discussing on areas where we developed interest or found difficulty in understanding. It was during such sessions that I would gauge my peers understanding of the concepts and skills we learnt. We also had the opportunity to correct each other and improve our areas of weaknesses. We even had presentations during our free time where we would evaluate each other on the grip of the content. I have also observed the difference in our social skills from the time we joined the course until now. Initially we were all new and therefore communication with each other was not as often. But with interaction and applying the communication skills we learnt in class we have made meaningful relationships at a personal and professional level.

By routine assessments, the course instructor established our competence on the course. We also did presentations and practical sessions in the supervision of the course instructor and we all passed. The course instructor can also establish our levels of mastery by doing follow up for each student to check as we practice leadership away from the school setting. Another method of evaluation I would suggest is doing reports at least thrice a year which we will hand to our instructors. This report should entail our progress and the impact that the course has realized in our lives.


Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years.  Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (1), 10-20.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2010.08.007 

Farkhatun, U. (2020). Literacy strengthening: A case study of writing class program for elementary school grade.  MUDARRISA: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Islam 12 (1), 68-85.  https://doi.org/10.18326/mdr.v12i1.68-85 

Imron A.M., A., & Nugrahani, F. (2019). Strengthening pluralism in literature learning for character education of school students.  Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7 (3), 207-213. doi:10.18510/hssr.2019.7332 

Luckin, R., Clark, W., Garnett, F., Whitworth, A., Akass, J., Cook, J., Day, P., Ecclesfield, N., Hamilton, T., & Robertson, J. (n.d.). Learner-generated contexts.  Web 2.0-Based E-Learning , 70-84.  https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-60566-294-7.ch004 

Salaberry, M. R. (2001). The use of technology for second language learning and teaching: A retrospective.  The Modern Language Journal 85 (1), 39-56.  https://doi.org/10.1111/0026-7902.00096 

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