20 Jun 2022


Organizational Behavior

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 286

Pages: 1

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Absenteeism and turnover are two vices that every manager should strive to minimize as much as possible. In its context, employee turnover is a serious issue for any company wishing to retain experienced and talented workers. Managers should fight it because it comes with additional costs of selecting, recruiting and offering training to new workers. If not well taken care of, employee turnover can affect the company in negative ways (Rao, 2017). Loss of experienced workers can lead to loss of clients, reduced productivity, disruptions among workers, and influence on other employees to leave the company. Managers should always fight it because in some cases, the employees might start their own businesses, and bring competition to their former company. In short, losing employees is costly, while ensuring they continue working in the company can guarantee increased company finances and productivity (Rao, 2017). 

On the other hand, managers should always try to reduce absenteeism because it leads to additional costs on the employer. In the same vein, absenteeism leads to loss of productivity and in the end, the company is left to count huge losses. The manager is forced to manage the workload at hand, in a bid to cover up for the absent employee (Rao, 2017). In some cases, they are forced to reassign projects, and hiring additional workforce on temporary basis. Managers are well aware, that absent employees are the cause of poor quality of goods and services owing to fatigue from the few employees available. In some cases, the employees who are always absent from work, find it difficult to catch up with the rest. The vice leads to excessive manager time and safety problems and in most cases, poor morale (Rao, 2017). 

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In overall, managers should always aim at reducing employee turnover and absenteeism as it leads to additional operational costs on the company, besides affecting productivity and quality of goods and services. 


Rao, M. S. (2017). Innovative tools and techniques to ensure effective employee engagement. Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(3), 127-131. doi:10.1108/ICT-06-2016-0037 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Organizational Behavior.


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