14 Jun 2022


Preventing Infection in Today’s Society

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 289

Pages: 1

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Society relies on the use chlorine as an antimicrobial that disinfects water used for drinking and recreational activities. The chlorine gas is utilized in water treatment plants to rid off pathogens known to cause typhoid and cholera. Moreover, other chlorinated compounds such as sodium hypochlorite are utilized in household bleach as a disinfectant. During treatment, the chemical creates a barrier that prevents pathogens from reaching the surfaces, which could easily cause illnesses. It maintains the quality of water from the source to the consumer thus, promoting public safety. 

However, a higher concentration of chlorine causes environmental adversities. The high chemical concentrations cause discoloration, and persistence of biofilms on varying surfaces of water distribution systems. The technique also increases bacteria which is more likely to be iron associated and cannot be eliminated easily by the chemical (Fish et al., 2020). Chlorine leaves toxic chemicals which increases discomforts such as bad smell and dry skin. It releases trihalomethanes (THMs) which can react with environmental elements to cause adversities. For example, large quantities of THMs can cause health associated issues such as Asthma (Fish et al., 2020). Due to high toxicity, the residual concentration on the surfaces is difficult to clean, which leads to inorganic accumulation over time. 

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Although the technique has its downside, it is an effective method of reducing the potential harm caused by microbes. The approach prevents the spread of diseases by killing germs that would cause loss of lives if people accessed untreated water. While other methods might be integrated, such as chloramine, they might not provide the same protection to society. For instance, since water pipes contain leaks, having a chemical that can kill organisms is essential to prevent dire consequences. Additionally, by eliminating microbes, chlorine ensures that organisms cannot pass through pipe systems in case of a leak. Chlorine is a crucial disinfectant that improves healthy living by ensuring that water quality thrives. 


Fish, K.E., Reeves-McLaren, N., Husband, S. et al. (2020). Unchartered waters: the unintended impacts of residual chlorine on water quality and biofilms. Biofilms Microbiomes (6) 34. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41522-020-00144-w 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Preventing Infection in Today’s Society.


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