18 Aug 2022


Problem Solving Case Study

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 802

Pages: 3

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Part 1: Creating Appropriate Questions 

When reviewing the case of Jonas Clarke and his son, an underlying issue has contributed to the situation in which the two parties are experiencing some form of hostility. To help in understanding the nature of the problem in question, it becomes essential to come up with appropriate questions that will seek to highlight the problem. The questions will not only focus on the parties involved in the conflict, Jonas and his son but will focus solely on the issue at hand in trying to find a viable solution. The following is a list of some of the appropriate questions to consider as part of resolving the existing dispute.

Are you ready to mediate the existing problem or issue between both of you taking into account that it is affecting the ability for Jonas to receive quality care from the facility?

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From a personal perspective, what do you see as the main contributing factor to the problem at hand resulting in the conflict between you? How is this a contributing factor taking into context the fact that you are members of one family?

Do both of you understand the importance of mediation as a way of dealing with any underlying issues that may create challenges between two people?

Do you, Jonas, believe that your son has your best interests at heart-based on the quality of care that she seeks to provide you? Is your view guided by the fact that he, your son, had taken you to a doctor is being investigated by the state?

What do you believe is the way forward in ensuring that Jonas receives the best quality of care in dealing with his mental condition?

Part 2: Creativity and Planning 

To achieve success in the resolution of this dispute, the first step that I would take is embarking on an interview with Jonas’ daughter with the aim being towards understanding the problem from her perspective. I will focus on gathering data relating to the key contributing factor that resulted in the hostility between Jonas and his son. As can be seen from the case study, Jonas has had some positive relationship with his daughter, which has been of great value towards improving his condition. Additionally, Jonas' daughter sought to deny his brother access to their father, which was a clear indication of a serious problem occurring between the father and the son. Consequently, this means that Jonas' daughter is well aware of the factors that may have led to the dispute; thus, highlighting the need for having to engage her as part of this process.

Secondly, I will focus on gathering Jonas’ medical file and historical records not only from the current facility but also from the previous facility where he had been treated for the first fall. The need for having to evaluate Jonas’ medical file is driven by the fact that this would help in shedding light to the possible onslaught of the conflicts occurring between Jonas and his son. Jonas is seen as being very negative towards his son, which may be driven by the fact that his son used his medical power of attorney in a manner that did not conform to the wishes of his father. Understanding the treatments given will also help in defining the possibility of whether the problem may have resulted from the treatments offered.

Part 3: Resources 

Bannink (2017) reflects on family dispute resolution arguing that it requires the engagement of all members of the family in trying to find a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the problem in question. In most cases, this would mean having to focus on getting information from other family members on some of the possible contributors to the dispute arising between the parties involved (Harman, 2017). Turner (2014), on the other hand, highlights the importance of ensuring that all the parties involved in the dispute understand the importance of having to resolve the conflict effectively. As a mediator, one is expected to find common ground for the parties involved in the dispute to help achieve possible successful outcomes to enhance the overall possibilities of conflict resolution (Emery, Rowen, & Dinescu, 2014).

Part 4: My Analysis 

I will handle the situation from the perspective of a neutral party, which would help provide me with a clear understanding of the problem, as well as, provide me with an avenue through which to find a practical solution. I will seek to create a neutral ground for both parties to communication, which is one of the critical factors that would be of great value in conflict resolution. My bias may create a challenge touching on the fact that I may be inclined towards the father considering that he is older when compared to his son. However, I will be expected to create a front allowing the son to present his side of the story, which will help provide me with a better understanding of the problem to help me try and mediate by finding a possible solution to the issue.


Bannink, F. P. (2017). Solution-focused family dispute resolution.  Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal 28 (1), 4-11.

Emery, R. E., Rowen, J., & Dinescu, D. (2014). New roles for family therapists in the courts: An overview with a focus on custody dispute resolution.  Family Process 53 (3), 500-515.

Harman, J. (2017). An Imperfect Protection: Attitudes of Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners to Confidentiality.  Bond L. Rev. 29 , 39.

Turner, D. (2014). Alternative dispute resolution: Family ways: Common dilemmas for family dispute resolution practitioners.  Proctor 34 (1), 44.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Problem Solving Case Study.


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