26 Aug 2022


Professional codes of conduct: what they are and how to use them

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 1082

Pages: 3

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Part 1: Collaboration Norm Development 

After analyzing project team notes, it is evident that there are conflicting priorities among the team members. For example, Samir, the design representative, prioritizes aesthetics while Jake, the marketing representative, prioritizes timelines and tactics for getting audience engagement. Furthermore, as the communication representative, my priorities lie in branding and meeting audience needs, while Suzanne as the leadership representative prioritizes product innovation and execution. In addition to conflicting priorities, there are also conflicting working styles among the project team. Some team members prefer working alone while others work better in groups. 

Implicit bias can impact collaboration where different groups or classes of people are involved within the project team. Implicit bias is directing attitudes towards a certain group of people or community without conscious knowledge of the action ( Nosek et al ., 2012). Various principles of team dynamics can address implicit bias, priority conflict, and priority working styles. The first principle that can address these issues, according to Toprr.com, is the principle of change. The principle of change states that group decisions are subject to changes in environment and aspects. This is an important dynamic for the project team to maintain uniformity and accept change whenever necessary for good results. 

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Teams can also apply the principle of common motive to arrive at specific goal achievements. According to Klug & Bagrow (2016), goal achievement is the main purpose for group creation, and group members should embrace a common motive to achieve pre-determined goals. By applying this principle, the team members will solve the problem of priorities, and each member will only focus on activities that contribute to the achievement of primary team goals. A team can achieve common motives through maximum information sharing and feedback. The movement of information and feedback across a team ensures openness and information flow essential in decision making. Emotional intelligence additionally plays a vital part in understanding other people's decisions and feelings, which is a key aspect of increased interactions and increased output from the team. 

Collaborative Norms 

Team members should treat each other with dignity, and respect is our main collaboration norm. Under this norm, team members will be able to air their views and opinions freely without fear of discrimination or being despised. This norm is in line with professional codes of conduct for the work environment, which includes equal opportunity for all members. Dignity and respect make it easy to respect team members' priorities and working styles while accepting change if the need arises. The dignity and respect norm ensures effective collaboration as each team member has equal rights and freedom to address the main issues that affect the project. Additionally, dignity and respect concur with the principles of team dynamics as it fosters unity and togetherness, which result in the achievement of set goals (Forsyth, 2018). 

Team members should also trust each other while working together to achieve project goals. Trust among a project team aligns with professional codes of conduct as it is an essential tool in the work environment. Trust additionally attaches to principles of team dynamics where members feel a sense of belongingness and exalt more efforts towards project outcomes (Forsyth, 2018). Furthermore, barriers such as priority conflicts and work styles conflicts can be mitigated through trust as members believe in each other and work towards achieving the project's set goals. Trust meets the needs of all project team members as it brings members together and makes them combine efforts for enhanced performance. 

Openness and transparency is another collaboration norm that the project team can apply effectively. It includes sharing information with team members and receiving genuine feedback. Constant information sharing ensures achievements of common motives, which is a dynamic principle (Forsyth, 2018). Additionally, openness and trust are only applied to team members but not those beyond to mitigate against leaking important project information. This act aligns with the protection of company assets such as information which is a code of conduct. Openness and transparency also bridge the gap between collaboration barriers such as work styles and priorities by understanding each other and working together for a common outcome. 

Being genuine with feelings, ideas and challenges is also a collaborative norm within the project. Genuine feelings allow genuine feedbacks, which plays a significant part in managing priority and work style barriers. Furthermore, being genuine with feelings, ideas and challenges align with both principles of dynamics and codes of conduct. It includes transparency which is an essential element in a code of conduct. Genuine expressions encourage effective collaboration as they build lasting relationships and cooperation among group members. 

Open-mindedness accommodates the principle of continuous process, which is a dynamic principle. On the other hand, open-mindedness aligns with the professional code of conduct because it is an important aspect of expansion and innovation (Klug & Bagrow, 2016). More so, being open-minded will play a part as a collaboration norm for the team. This norm will help address barriers of priority conflicts and work style conflicts by adopting varied methods that aim to achieve similar goals by using different methods. 

Part 2: Collaborative Norm Implementation 

Team norms will be introduced and shared with the team members through two strategies. The first strategy will be to communicate the team norms directly to the team members through direct speech. Direct communication will ensure the leader takes team members through all norms and what is expected from each member. The second strategy will be to print posters that clearly state the team norms developed for adoption. Furthermore, Poster printing will involve sticking posters with the written norms in specific areas that team members interact in. These posters will ensure members read and understand the norms and what is expected of them by other project team members. 

The team will use the adopted norms as work progresses in various ways. Decision-making is the main aspect of employing collaborative norms. Through improved understanding of team members' priorities and working styles, a leader can decide which methods to apply for the efficient running of the project. Additionally, collaborative norms will play an important part in bringing team members together to concentrate their efforts towards achieving a common goal (Pret & Carter, 2017). 

Team members will apply collaborative norms in performing important tasks that ensure the achievement of the set goal. Collaboration norms facilitate transparency and openness in communication which are essential qualities that the project leader requires from team members for efficient working and meeting set targets (Pret & Carter, 2017). Furthermore, team leaders will apply collaborative norms to enhance emotional intelligence and increase the levels of effectiveness for team members through enhanced professional interactions. 

As work continues, the team will apply collaboration norms to maintain a good working relationship and enhance team work. Additionally, collaboration norms will continue to prompt increased creativity and innovation among team members and in the workplace due to efficient cooperation and unity among the team members that creates a conducive environment for work. Furthermore, learning and skill sharing is boosted among the team members hence increased employee satisfaction and advanced problem solving in the workplace. 


Forsyth, D. R. (2018).  Group dynamics . Cengage Learning. 

Klug, M., & Bagrow, J. P. (2016). Understanding the group dynamics and success of teams.  Royal Society open science 3 (4), 160007. 

Nosek, B. A., Hawkins, C. B., & Frazier, R. S. (2012). Implicit social cognition.  Handbook of social cognition , 31-53. 

Pret, T., & Carter, S. (2017). The importance of ‘fitting in’: collaboration and social value creation in response to community norms and expectations.  Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 29 (7-8), 639-667. 

Toppr.com. principles of Group Dynamics. toppr.com/guides/fundamentals-of-economics-and-management/group-dynamics/important-principle-of-group-dynamics/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Professional codes of conduct: what they are and how to use them.


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