19 Sep 2022


Pros and cons of federalism, unitary and confederate systems

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Academic level: College

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Federalism is a system of government, where power is devolved to lower levels of government. In this case, there are multi-levels of governance in a given nation (Bardes, Shelley & Schmidt, 2015). There are the national and state governments. This system of government has advantages and disadvantages, which have to be considered. 


The first advantage of federalism is that it enables the devolvement and diffusion of power to the grassroots (Bardes, Shelley & Schmidt, 2015). With federalism, power is decentralized and this comes with the devolvement of various services to levels that are close to the common citizen. Federalism also has the pro of increasing the participation of citizens in governance. Local people are able to seek positions in the state governments and work. Furthermore, federalism helps a country to avoid dictatorship by one powerful president. Power of the presidency is shared with the state governors. Therefore, the president cannot have excessive power in such a system of government. This scenario also helps in minimizing corruption within the country since the national government does not have massive resources to use in corrupt deals (Youth Leadership Blog, 2015). Most of the resources are normally devolved to the state governments. It is also vital to observe the fact that a federal system of government ensures that development is felt in all areas of the country (Bardes, Shelley & Schmidt, 2015). Each strives to ensure it develops and brings improvement of the living standards of the citizenry. There is some sense of competition for development among the states, which is good for the whole country (Youth Leadership Blog, 2015). It has also been stated that federalism creates employment chances fort citizens in the states hence reducing the level of unemployment in the whole country. 

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Federalism has its fair share of disadvantages. The first demerit is that it sometimes increases the inequality among states with developing more than others. Some states may be affected by natural conditions that hinder their growth rate while others could be in strategic geographic areas, which allow them to have exponential development (Youth Leadership Blog, 2015). The major demerit of federalism is that it causes duplication of roles and duties in a nation hence ballooning of the public wage bill. 

Unitary system 

A unitary system of government has only one center of power for the entire nation. In this case, the president is the overall leader with no shared power at any other lower level. This system of government has its pros and cons. 


It is a system of government that enables unilateral decision-making for the whole country. In this kind of government, there is no chance of conflicting decisions as witnessed in cases where there are different levels of governance. The administration is uniform for the whole country, a factor that means people in the whole country get same services. Therefore, it is s system of government that enables equality in all areas of the country. 


Unitary system of government encourages corruption since there are massive resources at the disposal of the president. Furthermore, this system of government normally encourages tyrannical and dictatorial leadership in nations. 

Confederate system 

A confederation is a union of political organizations. In this case, individual nations unite to form a government (Bardes, Shelley & Schmidt, 2015). Therefore, it simply involves cooperation among independent states or countries. 


The main advantage of this system of government is that there is cooperation among the individual states, which leads to accelerated economic and social growth as well as development. The synergies created make each nation or state stable. 


The main disadvantage of this system of government is that there are always high chances of frequent conflicts among the individual states over the decisions made. 

Overall, it is vital to note that the United States of America should stick to the current federal system of government because of its many merits over the other two types mentioned. I, therefore, believe the current federal system of power should be kept. 


Bardes, B. A., Shelley, M. C., & Schmidt, S. W. (2015).  American Government and Politics Today: Essentials 2015-2016 Edition . Ontario: Nelson Education. 

Youth Leadership Blog (2015). 8 Far-Reaching Pros and Cons of Federalism. NYLN . Retrieved from https://nyln.org/8-far-reaching-pros-and-cons-of-federalism . 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Pros and cons of federalism, unitary and confederate systems.


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