1 Jul 2022


Racial Privilege and Discrimination

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 304

Pages: 1

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Every year, racial privilege conferences are organized somewhere where the attendees and program organizers gather to lament on the “the white privilege” as they promise to bring a change. What these people forget is that unless the white privilege argument is dropped, racism and discrimination will prevail forever (Fox et al., 2015). Privilege prevail in situations where a particular group of people has something worth that others do not have just because of the group they belong to rather than what they have done or failed to do. 

Access to privilege makes it probable that whichever talent, aspirations and ability an individual with racial privilege has will lead to somewhat positive for them. This assumption, therefore, means that any non-white person succeeds due to affirmative action hence attributing everyone’s success only to skin color. The other side of racism is white privilege. We need to name white privilege and discrimination so that so that we can avoid the danger of wallowing in moral outrage with no idea of how to saunter beyond it ( Taylor et al., 2016 ). 

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As humans, it is easy to deplore racial privilege and discrimination and its consequences than to take responsibility for the privileges get as a result of it. The moment everyone will understand how white privilege operates, it will be easier to address it on an individual and institutional level. Blacks face more discrimination than whites but it is hard to quantify how many whites experience any sort of discrimination either in terms of religion, gender, age or party they support other than just talents, ideas, character, and ability (Fox et al., 2015). Allies are essential to winning any struggle against injustice. When a person hears that he or she is privileged, there is a likelihood that he or she will believe it and defend the status quo, perpetuating the system and they won’t push for the change. 


Fox, J. E., Moroşanu, L., & Szilassy, E. (2015). Denying discrimination: status,‘race’, and the whitening of Britain's new Europeans. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 41 (5), 729-748. 

Taylor, D. M., Wright, S. C., Moghaddam, F. M., & Lalonde, R. N. (2016). The personal/group discrimination discrepancy: Perceiving my group, but not myself, to be a target for discrimination. Personality and social psychology bulletin , 16 (2), 254-262. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Racial Privilege and Discrimination.


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