16 May 2022


Reflection Essay: Speech Class

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At the start of the class, I experienced several communication challenges such as deep and careful listening to my colleagues. In this case, I experience serious difficulties in actively understanding and acknowledging the feelings of my colleagues about the content of their communication. The other challenge I experienced was to have some of my audience in class misunderstanding the message in my communication owing to insufficient clarity in my communication. Moreover, I was making a mistake of assuming that everybody in the class understood what I was talking about in my communication thus they ended up misinterpreting the content of my communication. I have been able to make considerable progress about my interpersonal communication abilities in several ways. One of such ways involves the enhancement of my listening skills and understanding of various types of communications coming from other people. I have also been able to make significant progress about my emotional intelligence where I am presently able to manage different emotions from other communicators as well as my own emotions during communication.

However, there are other areas of my interpersonal communication abilities that I still want to continue working on such as effectively understanding and interpreting of communication from my colleagues while working in a teamwork arrangement with different people communicating at the same time. My understanding of understanding non-verbal communication has improved in several ways which include the acquisition of the capability to read different facial expressions displayed by various communicators. I have also been able to keenly monitor the expressions the postures and other signs of body language displayed by my audience when communicating with them. The improvement in my understanding of the non-verbal communication has a played a critical role in enhancing my ability to capture and understand various non-verbal feedbacks and responses from my audience during communication. 

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Nonetheless, I have been struggling with being aware of all the messages that I send due to inadequacies regarding the clarity of my communication with others. In this respect, people have often misinterpreted the content and intent of my communication, sometimes without my knowledge. Regarding being able to decode non-verbal messages form others, I have been able to develop better ways of doing that such as learning and understanding the various non-verbal behaviors that are common among people. The other through which I have improved my ability to decode non-verbal messages is through becoming familiar with different type non-verbal languages and their respective areas of use and application. Also, I have been committed to practicing using non-verbal communication language to communicate thus having a better opportunity to learn different ways of decoding non-verbal messages from other people (Chang, 2018).

My understanding of different ways in which diversity of gender, ethnicity, culture and social background affects communication has significantly improved. In this regard, my understanding and interaction with people from diverse culture, social background, ethnicity, race, and nationalities have made it possible for me to learn to appreciate their different ways of communication and embrace them. Moreover, this kind of understanding has played a critical role in assisting to get rid of some of the communication barriers associated with various forms of diversity. Specifically, my understanding of ways in which communication may be affected whenever people from diverse cultures are involved in communication has enabled me always to try to lean the cultural background of people before learning to communicate effectively with them.

For example, I have had an opportunity to interact with Germans and appreciate the manner in which German culture influences the manner in which Germans communicate with people from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds around the world. From this particular incident, I have been able to understand that cultural diversity has a considerable role to play in influencing the manner in which people think, hear, see things and interpret different messages obtained through communication. Furthermore, various forms of diversities are associated with a seven set of rules and behaviors which usually influence both verbal and non-verbal ways of communication. I learned some things about interviewing such the importance of listening carefully when the other person is talking. In this respect, I learned that careful listening during an interviewing session enables a person to participate effectively by responding correctly to the right questions and comments. I was also able to learn and understand that part of good communication skills involve letting the other party or parties in an interview know when you do not hear what they are saying or communicating. The other thing I learned about interviewing is the use of appropriate language (Chang, 2018).

In this regard, it is important to understand that the use of appropriate language during an interview entails using professional language and a professional tone when communicating with others. This implies that the use of slang or informal words is not encouraged in an interviewing communication. Having learned some things about interviewing, I still acknowledge and appreciate that there are certain things I would need to improve when it comes to future interviews. One of such things is to have adequate preparation before taking part in an interviewing session. Adequate preparation is important since it enables the participant to approach the interview with a broad mind and be relaxed during the interview. In future interviews, I would also like to improve the quality of my voice while speaking to make it more energetic and audible. My speeches were not perfectly organized since there were some omissions of some of the important details I wanted to address right from the beginning of my presentation yet I missed out on them. 

For example, the lack of proper organization in the presentation of my speeches denied me the opportunity of doing a complete introduction of myself and all the issues I was going to address in that particular presentation. Whereas the message was easy to follow, believe that there were ways through which the organization could have been improved such as including a brief section to highlight some of the main items that would be talked about during the entire presentation. Other than my introductions, the bodies and conclusions of my presentations were largely successful. The body of my presentation comprehensively expounded on the main items of the presentation while the conclusion provided a summary as well as a parting shot. My body language enhances my presentation in the sense that it captures and retains the attention of my audience (Chang, 2018).

My language also enhances my presentation owing to my wider and deeper understanding of the language used. On the other hand, my voice appeared to harm the presentations due to its inadequate clarity and energy. In my estimation, my presentation was characterized by some certain most effective. In this regard, the most effective aspects of my presentation included an excellent mastery of the language of communication, a broader and deeper understanding of the issues that formed the main items of the presentations and the ability to capture the attention of my audience throughout the presentation. To that extent, I believe my presentation was largely successful, and I got an opportunity to learn about a few things that would require improvement in future presentations.


Chang, M. (2018). Public Speaking—From Preparation to Presentation: How to Become

Confident, Relaxed and Meaningful. Voice And Speech Review , 12 (1), 118-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23268263.2018.1424693

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Reflection Essay: Speech Class.


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