26 Jul 2022


Reflection: Stories from the Field and Practical Application

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 1086

Pages: 4

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The project management entails different processes that help in the enhanced realization of set goals and objectives. Accordingly, the course of projects may be divided into different parts that give managers relative ease with which to manage them (Administration for Children and Families, 2018a). Among these areas is the implementation of program assessment. It is in that regard that different discourses dwell on that focus areas. While some of the discussions appear in scholarly writings in the world of academia, some related pieces of information are orally provided. In essence, such discourses often reflect my general beliefs in the concept of project management. By large, it is in the same perspective that some of the ideas presented in the two interviews mirror some of my convictions about project management in various practical contexts. 

First, the interviews affirmed my belief is having programs get accreditation for proper operations. This standpoint is illustrated in the idea that certification of programs is an essential part of proper management (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2009). Essentially, the interviews indicate the interviewees had ensured that their projects get accreditation. Additionally, visiting accreditation officers is also helpful for it allows project leaders to learn how to get and maintain excellent certifications. Correspondingly, they get to advance their pedagogy towards data related instruction to enable them to maintain high levels of achievements in the projects. From the inherent desire to gain authority, there is the implication that project managers should have the goal of having their programs registered by the right authorities. 

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At the same time, I can relate to the aspect of what motivates programs to achieve accreditation. In that way, I believe in the supposition that that accreditation is elicited by the need for credibility and authentication to projects. My viewpoint is shared in the implication of the interviews that programs should be developed in ways that show the best possible quality. Inherently, this is indicated in the authorization processes of the project depicted as requiring strict adherence to the concept of quality. Consequently, the stories from the discussions and my conviction agree that each step of project management should entail adherence to preset standards that helps to ensure that the projects stand a chance of being certified. Significantly, certification entails authenticating the worth of projects and cannot, be achieved through poor implementation and evaluation 

As well, the achievement of accreditation for projects can help them develop to attain individual dreams. For example, one of the interviews indicates that the certification has helped heir school to get both learners and teachers. Correspondingly, the vision of high achievement of projects is possible through the accomplishment of community acceptance of the project. According to one of the narratives told by the respondents, the schools and the owners were able to enjoy the support of the people within their areas of operation after getting official permission to operate. The insightful angle of this acceptance is that program organizers are becoming more knowledgeable in the matters of the project evaluation (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, n.d). This includes the awareness about the endorsement they know that projects require to ascertain their standards. It is in that background that the community appears to have endorsed the plan only after the authorization from the government. Thus, the possible dreams of having high standards in operation and enjoying support from members of the community are achievable through certification of projects. 

A reflection on the responses also reflects in my belief in the practice of good projects through external and external evaluations procedure. Innately, this is supposition revolves around perception about the importance of control mechanisms that can be put in place to ensure that projects adhere to the guidelines that they relate to effectively (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, n.d). Importantly, I trust in the involvement of external evaluators who can help in the development of the right procedures and assessment of the projects in full supervisory capacities. Likewise, the interviewees talk about having to achieve authorization from the government to allow their plans to operate. As illustrated, their projects only got permission to work after being appraised from the assessors. For example, because of the proliferation of chartered schools in Texas, the state's planning department had to regulate the establishment of school through, among others, the accreditation of the learning institutions. Therefore, the stories in the interview confirm my belief in the power of external evaluators to help control various projects. 

As well, the stories corroborate my belief in the existence of some challenges in the entire process of project management. Since starting to learn about programs, I have become conscious of the fact that each stage in project management has some unique or general problems that project heads have to address for goals and objectives of projects to be achieved (Administration for Children and Families, 2018b). Primarily, there is the common problem of inadequate funds for use in the management of projects effectively. Thus, many programs that do not get adequate funding at the various stages may fail to deliver their purposes. The same point of view is illustrated in the interviews where the respondents mention some problems that they have encountered in their various projects. 

At the same time, my subscription to the idea of project leadership for better outcomes is endorsed in the provided answers. I trust in different stakeholders taking the necessary responsibilities towards the successful execution of projects. I draw the principle from the assertion that the plan that accomplishes their goals usually have strong leadership among their stakeholder to give them a sense of direction (Administration for Children and Families, 2018a). Within the same context, the narratives in the interviews reflect the same school of thought. For example, there is an instance when an interviewee declares that their program leader and other stakeholder worked collaboratively to achieve and maintain the best quality to receive and keep the accreditation. 

To conclude, my reflection on the interview stories helps in the affirmation of some of my convictions relating to the concept of project management. Some of the main areas of commonalties include the need for the accreditation of projects to effective operations. The other context is the shared notion of having different motivations for project endorsements. Moreover, the two angles approve the use of both internal and external program evaluations for increased quality in projects. As well, there is the collective realm of the existence of some problems that can hinder the effective running of projects at all levels. In summary, my reflection of the interviews affirms some of my long time beliefs about what project management entails. 


Administration for Children and Families. (2018). Voices from the field: Get people onboard- Family Services. [Video file] . Retrieved from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/voices-field-get-people-board-family-services 

Administration for Children and Families. (2018). Voices from the field: Get people on board- Supervisory Meeting. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/voices-field-get-people-board-supervisory-meeting 

Administration for Children and Families. (2018). Voices from the field: Get people on board- Education Manager. [Video file] . Retrieved from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/voices-field-get-people-board-education-manager 

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). Program administrators’ voices: Reflections on the NAEYC accreditation process. Young Children , 78–79. Retrieved from http://www.naeyc.org/files/academy/file/YCProgAdminVoices.pdf 

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. (n.d.). Measuring what matters: Exercises in data management-Exercise 3: Analyze and aggregate: Dig into the data . Retrieved from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/measuring-what-matters-exercises-03.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Reflection: Stories from the Field and Practical Application.


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