26 Oct 2022


Religion: Introduction to the Study

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Academic level: High School

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Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are linked to a mutual religious tradition that is based on the concept of monotheism. Collectively referred to as Abrahamic religion, the three religions trace their origin from the times of Abraham, who plays a significant role in their development and spread throughout the world ( Vitkovic, 2018 ). Although they have similarities, these three religions also have differences. 

As mentioned above, the primary similarity shared by the three religions is that they follow the monotheism principal. The three religions believe in a central and supreme deity called God. The Supreme Being in all three religions is believed to be the creator of the universe and controller of life ( Abdou & Chan, 2017 ). Also, the three religions believe in Deific Guidance sent by God to humans through His prophets. Each Abrahamic religion has its list of prophets, each with varying potency in their messages. Apart from the aspect of a deity and prophets, the three religions give credence to Abraham as having a crucial role in their emergence ( Vitkovic, 2018 ). However, there is variation in how this name. According to Christianity and Judaism, it is Abraham, while for Islam, it is Ibrahim. 

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Some of the differences of the Abrahamic religions include the Holy books that contain God’s message. God’s books include the Jewish Torah, the Christian bible, and the Islam Qur'an (“Judaism, Islam, Christianity – Comparison," 2019). Each religious book conveys different information about God’s teachings to his people. Also, there is a difference between the three regarding each religion's greatest prophet. For Christians, Jesus is perceived to be the penultimate prophet and son of God. Islam, on its part, regards Muhammad as their supreme prophet. Muslims consider Jesus whom they call Isa to be junior to Muhammad. Differently, for Judaism, Moses is designated as the senior-most prophet of God (“Judaism, Islam, Christianity – Comparison," 2019 ). Judaism, however, does not recognize the existence of Jesus or Muhammad in their religion . Christians also do not acknowledge Muhammad as a prophet. 

Abrahamic religions have the same foundation of origin that runs back to the patriarch prophet Abraham causing some similarities in their beliefs. Believers of these faiths, however, put more consideration in the differences between these religions, which causes disagreements among them. 


Abdou, E. D., & Chan, W. A. (2017). Analyzing constructions of polytheistic and monotheistic religious traditions: A critical multicultural approach to textbooks in Quebec.  Multicultural Perspectives 19 (1), 16-25. 

  Judaism, Islam, Christianity – Comparison. (2019).  Judaism, Islam, Christianity - Comparison . [online] Available at: www.allaboutreligion.org/judaism-islam-christianity-comparison-faq.htm [Accessed 3 Dec. 2019]. 

Vitkovic, S. (2018). The Similarities and Differences Between Abrahamic Religions.  IJASOS- International E-Journal Of Advances In Social Sciences 4 (11), 455-462. doi: 10.18769/ijasos.455673 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Religion: Introduction to the Study.


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