29 Dec 2022


Resident Nurse in a Long Term Care Facility

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 260

Pages: 1

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How would you go about establishing a rapport with this person? 

As a resident nurse in a long term care facility, I would first show empathy and compassion to my client to gain trust. Then I would initiate open communication to understand the patient. During the communication process, I will maintain eye contact, continue to show empathy, and I will be an active listener. I will check for all the vital sights of contents of thoughts, the logical thought process, thought insertions and withdrawals. I will finally ensure the client the confidentiality of the information. 

What questions would you ask him/her to identify the reasons why they do not participate in activities, and what did the client tell you? 

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Are there people you don’t want to interact with? 

Are there situations you don’t want to be in? 

Do you have adequate sleep? 

Do you experience nausea? 

What activities in this facility that put you off? 

Depending on their answer, do you think they suffer from low self-esteem, disturbed body image, fears of some kind, anxiety, or hopelessness? 

Based on the physical appearance, mood, behaviors, thoughts, and the question I asked the patient, it is more likely that the patient is experiencing a generalized form of anxiety. People with anxiety are more prone to exhibit the signs and symptoms shown by the client. Irritability, restlessness, fear, poor concentration, poor sleep, worry, nausea, and social isolation are some of the signs and symptoms that clinically depict anxiety in the patient. It will, therefore, be conclusive to indicate that the patient is suffering from a generalized form of anxiety, and he needs interventions. 

List several interventions you would find in the care plan that could help this person to gain happiness in life and why they may be helpful. 


Avoidance of the triggers 

Behavioral therapy 


Subjective breathing techniques 


Diet therapies 

Systematic desensitization 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Resident Nurse in a Long Term Care Facility.


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