25 Sep 2022


Risk Management: Definition, Process, Principles, and Objectives

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 340

Pages: 1

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            Risk management is the process by which an organization/country protects its assets by identifying and controlling any damage like legal matters, accidents, and natural disasters that might cause harm. 

Role of Risk Management in    Homeland Security Effort 

It is essential to plan for the future because one may never know when a calamity might strike. Having a risk management plan in an organization not only ensures that its financial stability will be protected, but also the employees and customers will be assured of their security ( Aven, 2016) . Therefore, creating a conducive working environment leading to positive returns. Homeland Security needs to protect its intelligence and data from any attacks as that may be detrimental to the nation. 

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Cyber-Security Factor into Critical Protection Structure and Risk Management 

Every organization or nation needs to protect its people from threats that can affect its needs like food, security, and financial stability. Threats include natural calamities, terrorist attacks, and cyber-related crimes, which is very rampant in our society today. It is hard to prevent these unfortunate events from happening, but planning for them and laying down solutions to mitigate them can help protect these critical infrastructures for the betterment of our homeland. Risk management will ensure food security by proper storage during the harvesting period or even buying from other countries who do well in agricultural produce; therefore, security is guaranteed during the rainy days. Terrorism is still a significant issue in countries and states; many lives have been lost during these incidents. It is the Government's role to protect its people from such acts; therefore, they should always plan to keep their borders secure and offer thorough training to its soldiers to help counter-attacks from these enemies ( Hopkin, 2018) . Criminals have found a better way of robbing and attacking innocent people through cyber. They manage to get personal and confidential information, which leads to robbing vast amounts of cash. Financial stability at a significant threat due to that. Risk management needs to come up with better ideas to prevent such because yahoo fraudsters seem to get better each passing day. Organizations and nations at tremendous need 100% protection from such cases. 


Aven, T. (2016). Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation.  European Journal of Operational Research 253 (1), 1-13. 

Hopkin, P. (2018).  Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management . Kogan Page Publishers. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Risk Management: Definition, Process, Principles, and Objectives.


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