11 May 2022


SAT Scores and Family

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 385

Pages: 1

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Universities require submission of the SAT scores as part of the admission process. The tests are essential in determining a student’s performance in the University. The wealthier a family and the more the income, the higher the SAT score. Two-thirds of the students report their family income before taking the SAT tests. This is an unfair affair. Bright students from needy or not so wealthy families will struggle to get their carriers of choice or even fail to acquire a position in the University. The financial status of a family should not dictate what a student will study or how they will score in the university but rather their hard work should.

According to the school data, SAT is associated directly with the family income. This is according to the data collected by the College Board Data. Students from families earning more than $200,000 a year are advantaged as they are more prepared to do the SAT test as they are given the tests to do before the actual exam day. These are very expensive costly test preparation services only affordable to the wealthy ( Harrison, 2018). Inequality results in more than just dissimilar income. Not only are the wealthiest families best equipped to join the college fee but also smoothen the admission process. On the other hand, parents who are college educated make more money making the education process a lot easier for their children. 

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The SAT should not be used in the college admission process. Wealthy families have a leg up when it comes to student admission. Some of the students from poor backgrounds perform way better than some of the students from wealthy families (Loesch, 2018) . It is unfair then that a bright needy student would fail to acquire a chance in the university despite their hard work yet a wealthy student gets a smooth way into college. This is a biased and corruptive way of schooling. Students who would have otherwise ended up to be great carrier persons in the country end up jobless and some engage in criminal activities due to unemployment. On the other hand, the wealthy not so brilliant students who managed to join university end up quitting school and others end up as quarks in their areas of study. For this reason, the SAT should not be used in the University admission process. 


Harrison, L. M. (2018). Are You Smart Enough? How Colleges' Obsession with Smartness Shortchanges Students by Alexander W. Astin.  The Review of Higher Education 41 (2), 307-310.

Loesch, M. (2018). Mind the Gap: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Educational Outcomes: A Literature Review.  Magneto 1 (1).

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). SAT Scores and Family.


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