14 Apr 2022


Scaffold Learning about Print

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Academic level: College

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Words: 669

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1. Consider what you have learned about scaffolding and then briefly explain how you would “scaffold” learning for a 4-year-old child who knows the first letter and sound of his or her name. As part of your response, describe how you would present to the child’s parent the purpose and importance of activities that scaffold learning about print. Cite this week’s Learning Resources to support your answer.

Scaffolding implies that teacher sets up the understandable educational environment to help a learner with the development of necessary skills. It is essential for providing proper knowledge for the kids of preschool age. For example, there is a necessity for creating interesting atmosphere and environment when scaffolding a 4-year-old child. In other words, a kid must be interested in doing the exercise. It means that a teacher can include game elements, toys, books, or even music to draw student’s attention. Also, it will increase the overall efficiency if you show clear and natural examples to learner in order to better and faster adapt and understand the task’s main idea. However, you also will need to tactfully remind about the exercises or tasks as far as the preschool kids possess bad concentration and often are distracted by different factors. 

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First of all, when talking about scaffolding, a teacher must identify child’s weak and strong sides through the interaction. It will help to find most effective approach to guiding the child for further successful problem solutions. As a result, such practice will reduce chances of being confused by the exercise and will provide understanding of its main purpose. Finally, this method keeps the child busy and will prepare him for the future trials. So, based on the above, we can state the importance of “scaffold” learning.

2. Imagine you are a new preschool teacher in a program that has several children who are English-language learners. (Each of these children’s home language is different and you are not fluent in any of them.) You observe that these children mainly engage in independent play, and when you inquire, the other teachers explain that they don’t speak the children’s languages and don’t know what else to do but “let them play.” In response to this situation, write a short script or list ideas for how to actively support young English-language learners in developing print-based literacy skills. Include suggestions for meaningful learning through play, and describe a specific instructional strategy that can work with all children, regardless of their first language. Cite evidence from the Learning Resources in the script or list to defend your reasoning.

Today, we can’t imagine our life without printing. It takes the major role in communication between people. So, the growing generation has a necessity to develop print-based literacy skills. They must understand the structure, precise meaning, and main theme of the books or other kinds of writings. Interaction between the teacher and the student through analysis and responding to the question on texts will inspire the last one to discuss own opinions about the topic. In my opinion, there are three ideas that are essential for the development of literacy skills on prints:

A preliminary vocabulary lesson to help a child learn as many letters and sounds as possible. After that, teacher may assist the students in using that knowledge to put their ideas in the text, and answer the raised questions about spelling. This support will develop student’s interest and desire.

By providing the necessity to revise learner’s works, you give them an opportunity to add extra material and correct mistakes.

It may have a positive effect on communication skills if you will allow them to share and discuss their works with each other.

3. In your own words, explain your understanding of the terms emergent reader and emergent writer and how concepts of print, phonemic awareness and alphabet knowledge help children become emergent readers and writers. Cite evidence from this week’s Learning Resources to support your reasoning. 

Emergent reader is a person who has the basic writing education. It often refers to a child, and includes the knowledge of alphabet, some letters, and the ability to hold and read the book. Emergent writer is a learner who begins to understand the importance of writing as a communication channel and that his personal texts can deliver a certain message.

Phonemic awareness is an essential skill required when learning how to combine words and sounds, as well as read alphabetically constructed language. The alphabet knowledge means that child knows every letter from the alphabet. As a result, both skills are important for communication development, and skill of reading and writing.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Scaffold Learning about Print.


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