16 Jun 2022


Secretary of Transportation

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 289

Pages: 1

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In the next ten years, the key driver of the transport sector will be technology. Apps will be used to manage the truck system. Technology will change month-long deliveries to a day or two deliveries. Customers, companies, and governments will be at a position to track their transport system through tracking visibility and cellular triangulation. According to Chan (2017) logistics on the transport system will be computerized, and firms and governments will compete to utilize the latest technologies to automate and align their operations. These will be made up of crowdsourcing deliveries and transport system. As trucks and automobiles change to autonomous technologies, all strategies should be aligned with technological advancements. 

The Internet of Things will influence many aspects of the transport sector. The main three elements will entail safety, accident prevention, and route planning. For example, Crayton and Meier (2017) argue that sensors in vehicles will help drivers determine the best road network. Sensors will also help prevent accident through automated system detection of collisions. With sensors installed in cars, safety will be highly improved. At the same time, automated vehicles will make road driving much safer as compared to human drivers. Less human control will reduce fuel consumption, increase gas usage, and reduce the cost of car ownership. 

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With improved technology and safety, movement from one location to another will be faster, safer, and economical ( Crayton & Meier, 2017) . Thus for the country to position itself strategically, it should focus more on improving its technological advancement. The state should also improve on its road network, and align its primary, secondary transportation operations with technological advancements. The fundamental issue will be to shift from the traditional transportation system to a more advanced technological system. With increased technological growth all over the world, strategies should emulate and give room for enhanced systems within the transport sector. 


Chan, C. Y. (2017). Advancements, prospects, and impacts of automated driving systems.  International journal of transportation science and technology 6 (3), 208-216. 

Crayton, T. J., & Meier, B. M. (2017). Autonomous vehicles: Developing a public health research agenda to frame the future of transportation policy.  Journal of Transport & Health 6 , 245-252. https://publicpolicy.unc.edu/files/2017/09/Meier_Crayton-article-9.2017.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Secretary of Transportation.


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