25 Nov 2022


Selection of Target Audience

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Academic level: College

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Words: 353

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Processes and criteria to use when selecting the target audience 

The target audience pertaining health education matters will be categorized based on age, situational, developmental, environmental and structural factors that contribute to the rising cases of obesity in a particular group of people. Mostly, people affected by obesity are individuals in advanced age since they do not get time to exercise or play around as children do (Petrovski & Pestana, 2017). Furthermore their bones and joint problems may not allow them to exercise much in order to burn their calories and keep fit. Situational factors such as being sick from lifestyle diseases may trigger the health problem. People already in that situation may need to be enlightened about the source of their ailing problem. Developmental factors such as criteria of selection are based on how the target audience was brought up, and their lifestyle habits that contribute to obesity (Fordyce, winter, & Savas, 2016). Poor child development may contribute to weight gain which may cause heart diseases, diabetes, and hypertension problems. 

The environment where someone lives may be another factor of consideration. People who live in urban centers have high chances of gaining weight compared to rural residents who engage in more physical activities. Structural factors such as gender, income and occupation serve as risk factors of obesity. For example, adult females tend to gain more weight than males, and with more income plus good occupation, one may not engage in any physical work. People from ethnocentric cultures tend to promote certain behaviors compared to other cultures which in the long term may trigger lifestyle diseases. 

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Personal/Professional connection to the target audience 

As a psychiatric nurse, I will maintain a personal connection with the target audience through emails, calls and posting relevant information on my social media account page. The audience will receive any information they need at any time upon sending the request. I will post my personal contact and email address to anyone who requires clarification to contact me or comment on my post. Visiting them and having an open discussion with the audience will enhance better understanding and create a positive impact that will make them implement what they have learned. 


Petrovski, D., & Pestana, J. P. (2017). The Importance of Target Audience Selection for Kano Model Effectiveness: A Case Study of Klarna Group. 

Fordyce, E., Winters, M. & Savas, N. (2016). Systems and methods to deliver targeted advertisements to the audience. U.S. Patent No. 9,342,835 . Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Selection of Target Audience.


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