16 Jun 2022


Self-Regulation and Sexual Misconduct

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 285

Pages: 1

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My chosen topic is sexual misconduct and the involvement of socially powerful men. Powerful stars, Hollywood executives, artists, journalists, a former U.S president, senator and many congressmen are amongst the high-powered figures that have recently been accused of sexual misconduct. Many people have shared their stories of sexual assault and harassment in social media and even issued statements to the journalists to support the ‘Me Too’ social media campaign. Most of the victims of sexual assault do not speak about their experience because of fear of stigma, embarrassment, fear of their safety and their careers. Some of the prominent figures that have been accused of sexual misconduct include Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill O’Reilly, Kevin Spacey and James Toback just to mention a few. 

The concept of self-regulation and conducting oneself with modesty play a significant role in keeping image especially for the socially powerful figures. With regards to sexual misconduct and the involvement of the high-powered celebrities, it is evident that their lack of self-regulation has not only damaged their brand image but has also affected their influence in the society. Most people look up to the powerful figures for inspiration, and as role models. For that reason, it is important for the celebrities to keep their image guarded and sell a brand which can influence the society in a much positive way. Some of these powerful people, however, use their powers to manipulate people who are under them for selfish gains. Sexual misconduct is amongst the behaviors which are usually done out of lack of self-control. The powerful figures feel entitled to sexual favors from their minors and because they lack self-control, they use manipulative means to get it. Harvey Weinstein, for example, has been accused by several women on charges of rape, sex abuse, and the criminal sex act. The disgraced producer has since then lost his job and image. Lack of self-regulation can land one into serious trouble and can change one’s life forever. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Self-Regulation and Sexual Misconduct.


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