20 May 2022


Should online teaching replace traditional learning?

Format: Harvard

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Dissertation

Words: 3300

Pages: 10

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For years, the delivery of education remained unchanged. Students have been required to be physically present for classes. Over the last few years, learning has undergone an unprecedented transformation. More and more institutions are offering their student the option of learning using digital technologies (Bruce 2009). While online learning is gaining wider adoption, traditional education has not lost its relevance. In fact, traditional education remains the dominant approach to delivering insights to learners. That traditional education continues to be applied indicates that it presents a wide range of benefits that have inspired institutions to remain faithful to this approach. Online learning and traditional education are competing for the same students and limited resources. This situation raises the question of whether the former should replace the latter. After a careful scrutiny of the strengths and drawbacks of the two approaches, it is determined that traditional education is still vital and should not be replaced with online learning. 

Online teaching and traditional education from educational management standpoint 

Online learning and traditional education are the primary means through which educators deliver insights to learners today. These approaches to education are rather broad. To gain an in-depth understanding, it is critical to examine the approaches from an educational management perspective. Essentially, educational management is concerned with the processes, structures and operations that are put in place for the running of educational institutions (Tomlinson 2013). Strong and inspired leadership plays a critical role in educational management (Amanchukwu, Stanley & Ololube 2015). As regards online teaching and traditional education, educational management would be concerned with ensuring that these approaches facilitate the effective and efficient delivery of quality education. Therefore, when examining these approaches from an educational management perspective, focus should be given to such factors as the cost effects, impacts on academic performance, the delivery of convenience, among other issues. In the discussion below, the pros and cons of the two approaches are explored.

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The Issue

Before outlining the advantages and cons of online learning and traditional education, it is important to begin with a discussion on why this comparison is needed and the implication for educational managers. It has been indicated above that online learning is disrupting education. Given its disruptive effects, one may wonder why it has failed to replace traditional education entirely. An overwhelming majority of institutions deliver education through the traditional model. On the other hand, the traditional model is inconsistent with the state of the world today. Technology has found its way into nearly all aspects of human life. It is therefore surprising that traditional education has endured and survived the disruptive effects of online learning. The issue that arises upon comparing traditional education with online learning is whether institutions should move away from the traditional approach and adopt an exclusively online system. This issue is particularly relevant for educational managers. Among other responsibilities, these managers are mandated to ensure that institutions operate efficiently and effectively. By comparing traditional and online learning, the managers are able to identify the approach that helps to keep costs down while providing learners with a holistic experience. As the discussion that follows will reveal, traditional education and online learning are important and relevant in their own right. Given this fact, it would be unwise and the height of ineptness for educational managers to adopt online learning and do away with traditional education. 

Advantages and disadvantages of online learning and traditional education 

Enabling institutions to address the challenges that traditional education poses is one of the pros of online learning (Cavanaugh, Barbour & Clark 2009). Some of these challenges include overcrowding and the need to offer accommodation to learners. Online learning does not necessarily require educational institutions to set up physical locations. It allows students to study remotely, thereby sparing them the need of being physically present in class. As they adopt online learning, educational managers are able to usher their institutions into the 21st century where focus is placed on providing students with the best possible learning experience. Enhancing access to education is among the mandates of educational managers. Research has shown that online learning promotes access (Park & Choi 2009). It does this because it does not require the infrastructure that is needed for the delivery of traditional education. For example, educational institutions do not need to set up brick and mortar classrooms. Instead, once they have established internet and other digital infrastructure, they allow learners to access content remotely.

The advantages of online learning identified above contrast sharply against the drawbacks of traditional education. That it takes longer for students to complete learning is one of the numerous shortcomings of traditional education (Isik & Guler 2012). Today, many individuals lead high-paced lives. As a result, they are seeking approaches which are efficient and allow them to achieve their goals. Given it inefficiencies, traditional learning is not ideal for the modern student. If traditional learning is to retain its relevance, this approach should be overhauled. Educational management practitioners should take steps to rid traditional learning of its inefficiencies.

To survive in the competitive job market, employees are forced to update their knowledge and acquire new skills. The challenge for many employees is that it is extremely difficult to balance the demands of their jobs with the pressure of attending classes. Online learning delivers reprieve for these employees. It is established that through online learning, employees are able to expand their education while remaining committed to their jobs (Ritke-Jones 2010). This advantage is an educational management issue because it shows that through online learning, educational institutions are responding to the plight of learners who desperately desire to acquire education but are held back by certain challenges.

In the discussion above, online learning has been presented as an approach that adapts to the needs and circumstances of learners. The situation with traditional education is entirely different. The traditional approach fails to account for the uniqueness of individual students.. Many institutions which are still using the traditional model have adopted a one-shoe-fits-all approach. Essentially, using this approach, the institutions deliver the same content to all students, regardless of differences in academic competence and needs (Donohue 2015). It is therefore little wonder that many students find that traditional education does not adequately address their needs, thereby leading to frustration. The standard approach that traditional education has adopted provided educational managers the opportunity to enhance learning. These managers need to lead efforts that will usher a new regime where learning is tailored to the unique needs and preferences of students.

Convenience and variety are other advantages that online learning presents. As noted earlier, when undertaking an online program, learners do not need to attend classes where face-to-face instruction is offered. Instead, they are able to access materials and guidance from instructors remotely and using a wide range of digital devices. This is the essence of convenience. Online learning also delivers variety (Drennan, Kennedy & Pisarski 2005). Today, there are dozens of cost-effective online programs that offer an extensive selection of courses. Learners are able to select the options that best suit their needs and circumstances. For example, a student undertaking an online course can select a program that fits into their schedule. This is as opposed to traditional learning where learners are forced to align their schedules with the operations of the institution. Administrative efficiency is another benefit that institutions witness when they adopt online learning (Tang 2007). These advantages concern educational management because they demonstrate how, by adopting online learning, educators are able to offer education to a wider student population in a cost-effective and convenient fashion. As they consider the advantages of online learning, educational managers should not forget the numerous shortcomings of traditional education. This approach is prohibitively expensive. The high cost of education is among the factors that are hampering the efforts of American students to acquire decent education. Today, thousands of Americans are struggling to repay student loans that they used to finance their studies. Figures show that the total amount of student loans stands at over $1.5 trillion (Hess 2018). The high student loan is a direct result of the huge costs associated with traditional education. Some of the costs that the average student incurs include accommodation and the expenses involved in the purchase of learning material (Green 2017). Educational management practitioners need to join the US government in making education affordable. The traditional approach is simply unsustainably costly and is making it difficult for students who are hungry for education to fully partake in classes.

When a revolutionary phenomenon is being introduced, it is usually treated with skepticism and suspicion. This is the response that online learning has received. There are some institutions which have held on to their traditional approaches and refused to embrace online learning. However, having recognized that online learning holds the key to the modernization of teaching, a larger number of institutions have adopted this learning approach. Massive open online courses have challenged institutions to begin accepting credit transfers from online programs (Sandeen 2013). This means that students who have undertaken online learning and wish to revert to traditional education can do so seamlessly. Therefore, while it departs significantly from traditional education, online learning still accommodates the needs and desires of learners who prefer traditional education.

From the discussion above, it is evident that online learning provides many benefits. However, this learning approach is also fraught with challenges and drawbacks which impair its effectiveness. Among these drawbacks is that online learning may force educational institutions to overhaul their processes and systems (Bruce 2009). For example, in an effort to deliver content through online platforms, an institution may need to set up digital infrastructures and hire new personnel. These undertakings can be costly. While setting up the processes and infrastructure needed to deliver online learning is usually costly, traditional education is not a compelling alternative. As was made clear in an earlier discussion, the cost of delivering education through the traditional model is prohibitively high. The onus is on educational managers to establish the most cost-effective approach. They need to determine if the cost savings that will be accrued in the long-term outweigh the initial costs of adopting online learning.

It is true that educational institutions are primarily designed for the delivery of insights. However, these institutions also serve as platforms for social interactions. One of the drawbacks of online learning is that it makes it difficult for learners to engage in these interactions. It has been observed with great concern that student who take online classes tend to suffer isolation (McInnerney & Roberts 2004). One may wonder what isolation in online education has to do with educational management. This individual needs to be challenged to understand that educational managers have an obligation to enhance the experiences of learners. They need to ensure that even as they gain practical skills and knowledge, learners are also able to participate in exciting social experiences. Traditional education allays the fears of educational managers who agree that online learning denies students of the opportunities for social interactions. Typically, traditional education requires students to participate in learning with other students. This way, this learning approach allows the students to engage in rewarding social interactions (Wang 2009). Furthermore, as noted above, traditional education makes it possible for instructors to become actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, as they partake in traditional education, students are able to experience high levels of engagement with their instructors and fellow learners.

Self-drive is among the resources that students need to excel in their academic pursuits. However, for many students, self-drive proves insufficient. It is necessary for self-drive to be combined with direct supervision and guidance from instructors. Since online learning happens in digital spaces, instructor involvement is limited (Freitas, Morgan & Gibson 2015). It is difficult for instructors to monitor the conduct of students and ensure that they are making progress. Educational managers need to understand that while they will be poised to enjoy many advantages when they adopt online learning, it will be extremely challenging for students to develop close and direct relationships with their instructors. The shortcomings of online learning should inspire educational managers to understand that the traditional approach is still relevant. . Traditional education leverages its rigid structure to enhance discipline among learners these benefits (Brown 2016). As opposed to online learning where direct supervision of student conduct is lacking, traditional education enables teachers to play a direct role in learning. Consequently, the teachers are able to ensure high levels of discipline. As regard educational management, discipline is important because it allows for seamless and uninterrupted learning.

Online learning has introduced many changes to learning. However, there are some aspects of learning that have remained unchanged. The failure by instructors to keep up with reforms in education is among these aspects. Online learning usually comes with complex software that instructors need to familiarize themselves with. Whereas many instructors are committed to understanding how these software functions, there are some instructors who face challenges. Essentially, online learning has drastically transformed education and many instructors are unable to keep up (Kumar 2010). For example, an instructor who is used to issuing handouts would have a difficult time adopting digital technologies as part of online learning. The hardships that instructors encounter are an issue for educational managers. It is important for the managers to ensure that instructors are adequately prepared for reform.

In an earlier discussion, the lack of opportunities for social interactions was identified as among the drawbacks of online learning. Traditional education addresses this issue. Typically, traditional education requires students to participate in learning with other students. This way, this learning approach allows the students to engage in rewarding social interactions (Wang 2009). Furthermore, as noted above, traditional education makes it possible for instructors to become actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, as they partake in traditional education, students are able to experience high levels of engagement with their instructors and fellow learners.

It was mentioned that online learning offers diverse courses. However, it is also true that the range of services and opportunities that online learning provides is rather limited. Access to scholarly content and instruction is perhaps the main service that students can expect when they sign up for online classes. The situation in traditional education is starkly different. Institutions which have remained faithful to the traditional model of education are able to deliver extracurricular activities to their students (Shernoff 2013). For example, in most traditional schools, students can participate in athletic and sports programs. This is as opposed to online learning where such opportunities are simply lacking. The relevance of the extra opportunities that traditional education offers, to educational management lies in the primary mandate of educational managers. As has been noted repeatedly, these managers are expected to facilitate the development of learners. While it is important to provide opportunities for academic fulfilment, the managers also need to ensure holistic development. They are able to execute this mandate through traditional education.

When students enroll for education programs, they are usually driven by the expectation that they will obtain qualifications which will serve as evidence of their competence. Compared to the certifications gained through online programs, the qualifications obtained through traditional education enjoy greater recognition, acceptance and respect. Their physical locations and the fact that many have been offering quality education for years make it fairly easy to verify the diplomas and certificates that providers of traditional education issue. While this is also true for some online learning institutions, many of these institutions struggle to establish reliability and recognition (Zupek 2010). Employers tend to treat certificates from online institutions with suspicion. There are some employers who flatly refuse to recognize or accept online degrees (Zupek 2010). Therefore, as they engage in traditional learning, students can expect an attractive return on their investment in the form of enhanced employment opportunities. Practitioners in educational management need to recognize that while it has drawbacks, traditional education is still respected and enables learners to gain recognition from employers.

Personal position

The discussion above has contrasted online learning and traditional education. It is evident that both of these approaches present advantages that are crucial for the effective teaching of learners. However, it is evident that online learning is the better of the two approaches. Personally, I feel that online learning should replace traditional education. I base this position on the many drawbacks of traditional education and the numerous benefits of online learning. As I have stated in the discussion above, traditional education is too costly and inefficient. Furthermore, when they adopt the traditional model, schools are unable to customize learning. Traditional education is simply too outdated to attend to the needs of the modern student. While the traditional approach is fraught with drawbacks, the online learning presents benefits that make it more appealing. As stated earlier, these benefits range from convenience to customizability and cost-effectiveness. I have experienced some of these benefits. For example, I have signed up for a number of online programs. Through these programs, I have acquired knowledge and enhanced my skills. While I feel that traditional education should be phased out and replaced with online learning, I think that a combination of these two approaches would be novel and interesting. In the following discussion, an analysis of the impact of a hybrid approach is offered. 

The impacts a hybrid approach

Educational institutions in the United States are beginning to recognize the need for an approach which blends online learning with traditional education. As many as 13% of the institutions have adopted the hybrid approach (“Digital Learning Age” n.d). It is reasonable to argue that these institutions are being driven by the desire to enjoy the benefits of the hybrid approach. One of the benefits of this approach is that it enables institutions to focus on the needs of learners (Smith & Brame n.d). In an earlier section, it was observed that traditional education employs a standard approach which does not account for the unique needs and capacities of learners. The hybrid approach addresses this drawback. The hybrid approach also fixes the shortcomings found in online learning. For example, online learning does not leave room for social interaction and direct instructor supervision. By adopting the hybrid approach, institutions are able to leverage their social resources to facilitate collaboration and interactions among learners.

Separate, the traditional model and online learning are inefficient and inadequate for the effective delivery of education. However, when combined to create a hybrid, these approaches revolutionize learning. Combining the two approaches provide institutions with multiple platforms of delivering education (Smith & Brame n.d). An institution is able to determine whether to use online platforms or traditional classrooms for teaching. For example, when it wishes to deliver theoretical insights, an institution could opt for online learning. For more practical insights, the institution can turn to traditional education. Essentially, the hybrid approach makes it possible for institutions to match the delivery method to the needs and circumstances of learners. While students derive the most benefit from the blended approach, educational management practitioners also enjoy the gains. For example, using the hybrid approach, leaders of educational institutions are able to transform these institutions into efficient drivers of the economy and society at large.

Conclusions and Recommendation 

Traditional education is the dominant method that educational institutions use to deliver insights and skills to learners. Over the last few years, this approach has gradually been losing its dominance and relevance. Online learning is emerging as an alternative to the traditional approach. The former approach possesses benefits and present advantages. These include lower costs, convenience and wider choice. Student who opt for the online approach are able to gain knowledge without the high cost of traditional education. The main cons of online learning include isolation and the lack of direct supervision. While it may be outdated, traditional learning still present a number of advantages. These advantages range from greater engagement between instructors and students, and the provision of extracurricular opportunities. Institutions are abandoning this approach owing to it many limitations. High costs and the lack of tailored teaching are some of these limitations.

Both traditional learning and online education are attractive in their own right. However, online learning is undoubtedly the best option. This approach presents benefits that traditional education has failed to deliver. The benefits include lower costs and greater convenience. Since online learning is the approach of the future, schools need to adopt it. They should do away with the traditional model which has proven ineffective and ineffective. To remain relevant, institutions need to respond to changes and move with the times. 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Should online teaching replace traditional learning?.


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