29 Jul 2022


Should the Education Be Free For Everyone?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

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Education is the key to success in life is a quote that tries to explain the importance of education. Every person has the right to access quality and free education. According to different sources, education is a powerful tool and driver of developments that provide options for reducing social issues affecting many members of the public. Education is also a significant driver that can be used to initiate economic development and improvement. As such, it is essential to make tuition free from everyone ( Gürer, 2020) . Despite the numerous benefits of education, other sources argue that education should not be free for everyone due to issues associated with cases where everyone accessing equality education. The primary aim of this paper is to discuss whether education should be free to everyone or should not. 

Education Should Be Free For Everyone 

First, education should be free to everybody because it is the key driver of economic prosperity. Statistically, countries where all people can access free and quality education are more prosperous than countries where access to education is limited to specific groups of individuals due to the lack of enough financial resources. Therefore, governments of all nations of the world must provide free education to every citizen. When learning is made free and accessible to every person in a county, the number of educated persons and graduates will increase ( Gürer, 2020) . Successively, the number of experts will grow in different sectors of the economy, thus, improving the performance of employees of companies. Therefore, the governments of countries of the world should provide free and quality education to all willing members of the public. 

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Secondly, education can be used as a driver of giving back to society. Usually, learned people see sense and need to promote corporate social responsibility in the community. Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the essential tools used by members of a given ground of people to give back to the society that brought them up. Educated people are always more aggressive than those who have accessed equality education. In most instances, they think outside the box to come with ideas that can solve social and economic issues affecting members of the society ( Gürer, 2020) . As such, equality education to community members can be used to support social and economic development in the organization. For example, in most developed nations like the United States, China, Germany and Singapore, education to all potential learners are given top response to ensure that all people who are willing and able access to quality and free knowledge. The former helps them to acquire skills and enable them to support community growth and development rather than concentrating on personal growth ( Gürer, 2020) . As a result, the former has helped promote economic and social development in society to maximize social satisfaction. Thus, quality education should be free to all community members in all countries to support social and commercial developments. 

Education is also a valuable tool that helps to sharpen creativity and innovation among the learned class. Learned people are always aggressive and would like to explore and try different options that can enable them to succeed in their undertakings. Creativity and innovation help develop different ideas that can change the lives of members of the public ( Gürer, 2020) . However, the opportunity to access quality education is affected by high tuition fees paid by learners at primary schools, secondary, college, and other tertiary institutions. Consequently, the former kills the dreams of many potential learners who cannot afford to pay tuition and additional learning charges. As such, the government of all countries must provide free and quality education to all potential learners to achieve long-term academic dreams and goals. The governments of nations of the world should do this by eliminating excess charges that usually increase the cost of education, thus blocking many learners from accessing quality education, enabling them to achieve their dreams. 

Furthermore, making education free for everyone can reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. In most countries, the difference between the rich and the poor continues to increase because quality education is not equally accessible to learners from different social classes. The top class in the society can access learning at any tuition fee while the low class is limited to the quality of education they can access ( Gürer, 2020) . As a result, the former increases the disparity between social classes in society. However, a whole community is one where there is equality in success to resources and critical services that determine society's stability. As such, there is a need to make education free for all community members from different classes. In doing so, the government can help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor; this will help to improve the quality of life for all members of society. 

Education Should Not Be Free For Everyone 

Even though free education to everyone has several benefits, it is also associated with some shortcomings. First, free education can reduce the quality of education offered at different levels of learning. When the governments of countries across the world make tuition-free for everyone, the number of students joining learning institutions at various levels will increase. Consequently, teachers might be overwhelmed, thus not being able to attend to all learners' education needs ( Tian & Liu, 2020) . Due to the scarcity of resources in many underdeveloped and developing nations, when the governments provide free education to everyone, the education system will be overstretched. The ratio of learners to number learning resources will abnormal since more learners will join different learning institutions, while the number of learning remains the same or reduce ( Tian & Liu, 2020) . Therefore, this will reduce the quality of education due to overstretched learning resources. As such, training should not be entirely free for everyone. However, governments should subsidize tuition fees to encourage bright learners to achieve their dream to help to build their countries. 

Based on the points discussed above, it is noted that education plays an integral role in supporting economic development and society's social well-being. Therefore, it is prudent to make tuition free for everyone to promote equality in the community. 


This argumentative essay aims to discuss why education should be free for everyone regardless of the background of sources class. The point discussed in this essay are based on evidence from trusted secondary sources thus can be used to decide on the topic of discussion. 

However, the most challenging in writing the paper was being able to provide convincing points that can enable the audience to grasp all concepts addressed in the essay. As such, it was essential to concentrate on key points that could attract the audience's attention. 

The argument used in this discussion was primarily based on hard evidence from past studies and trends in the field of study. The sources used in this essay comprised of scholarly materials and peer-reviewed articles. These sources helped to gather relevant information needed to write this essay successfully. 

The basic concepts acquired from this unit is fundamental to learners because it enables learners to develop a convincing essay with substantial supporting evidence. As such, this argumentative essay is prudent in the sharping leaning ability of learners. 


Gürer, M. D. (2020). Should Pre-Service Language Teachers Develop Digital Stories?: Engagement With Digital Storytelling. In  Handbook of Research on Fostering Student Engagement With Instructional Technology in Higher Education  (pp. 429-445). IGI Global. 

Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2020). Higher education in China.  Changing Higher Education for a Changing World , 236. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Should the Education Be Free For Everyone?.


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