17 Jun 2022


Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 587

Pages: 2

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It should be acknowledged that Singapore Airlines is amongst the premier international airlines on the basis of service delivery. In the recent past, Singapore Airlines has been receiving accolades. For instance, the airline has in the recent past been awarded as the best airline in the aviation industry. Irrespective of the rising incidences of terrorism, Singapore Airlines has been able to maintain its consistency in the market, thus maintaining its profitability from routine market operations. 

SIA’s Main Ingredients of Success 

The consistent success of Singapore Airlines can be attributed to its strong corporate culture. SIA has been able to demonstrate this in the recent past through approaches such as leadership development, vision for long-term steady growth and solid recruitment. The company’s success can also be credited to its approach to building the right team. This is because SIA’s management has embraced this approach in all its undertakings to ensure that its team works together with the same motivation, attitudes, and culture (Raynes & Tsui, 2019, p. 150). For instance, this has been contributed by the fact that the Singaporeans comprise a majority share of the company’s employees characterized by the shared values. As a result, this has played a major role in the success of Singapore Airlines. 

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How has their success become vulnerable? Why is it difficult to maintain the leadership position of a company like SIA and continuously improve? 

It should be noted that the success of Singapore Airlines and the resultant ability for the maintenance of high-performance levels has contributed to making the company vulnerable. This is attributed to the fact that the continued success recorded by the company has played a major role in increasing customer expectations. As such, customers expect the company to continue soaring high in terms of market success such that any slight mistake will lead to downward spiral and collapse of the company. It is through such approaches that the success of SIA has become very vulnerable. Furthermore, other companies operating in the aviation industry have recognized the success of SIA (Fan, 2018, p. 33). As a result, they have been adopting measures aimed at imitating the business practices embraced by Singapore Airlines. In the long run, this has contributed to stiff competition given that multiple companies competing with SIA have been trying to achieve similar milestones. Therefore, this has subjected Singapore Airlines to many vulnerabilities, especially considering that it is a top performer in the industry that is being watched and observed from all corners. Practically, it is a daunting task to continue upholding such high standards. 

On an additional note, the future success or survival of an organization can be determined by the customers’ knowledge and electronic commerce. On this basis, it has been evidenced that Singapore Airlines has been customer-oriented in all its market operations. This is because the airline exclusively focused on the customers and their corresponding needs (Wirtz & Heracleous, 2016, p. 703). This has enabled it to obtain critical information and insight regarding the key expectations of customers. Through such approaches, Singapore Airlines was able to listen to the needs of customers, thus helping it enhance the delivery of top-notch services. Despite this, stiff competition and higher customer expectations have made SIA unable to improve further. 

What do world-class organizations need to do to improve and change continuously

Embracing change is what world-class organizations such as SIA need to do to improve. Therefore, embracing change will help in ensuring that an organization is able to develop. Failure to embrace change means that such organizations will remain stagnant (Belobaba, Odoni, & Barnhart, 2015, p. 45). Therefore, changing continuously will help such organizations adopt policies for stead organic growth as well as adopt strong corporate culture aimed at improving organizational performance. 


Belobaba, P., Odoni, A., & Barnhart, C. (Eds.). (2015). The global airline industry . John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from: https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=HwBhBgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA99&dq=Changes+in+airline+industry&ots=c1gFrnLsh7&sig=HlDFegXhra85jDOkNk7IW_6QQac&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Changes%20in%20airline%20industry&f=false 

Fan, T. P. C. (2018). Strategic response from Singapore Airlines to the rapid expansion of global, full-service hub carriers in the Middle East. In Airline Economics in Asia (pp. 33-60). Emerald Publishing Limited. Retrieved from: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/S2212-160920180000007004 

Raynes, C., & Tsui, K. W. H. (2019). Review of Airline-within-Airline strategy: Case studies of the Singapore Airlines Group and Qantas Group. Case Studies on Transport Policy , 7 (1), 150-165. Retrieve from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213624X18300312 

Wirtz, J., & Heracleous, L. (2016). Singapore Airlines: Managing human resources for cost-effective service excellence. In SERVICES MARKETING: People Technology Strategy (pp. 695-703). Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jochen_Wirtz/publication/297737231_Singapore_Airlines_Managing_Human_Resources_for_Cost-effective_Service_Excellence/links/5a16b6704585155c26a61c5f/Singapore-Airlines-Managing-Human-Resources-for-Cost-effective-Service-Excellence.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead.


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