16 Aug 2022


Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 816

Pages: 3

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Aggressive behaviour intends to harm another individual, and it can be linked to various social and personal factors. Aggression and the different types of aggressive behaviors are associated with different groups and persons regardless of geography and aggression expression. It is a destructive behaviour that should not be tolerated because its effects are not only severe to the other parties but could also cost someone socially. One or two factors do not cause aggressive behaviour but an amalgamation of compounding factors, including biological, social, parental, cultural, and observing aggression behaviours in televisions or videos.

Studies have indicated that physical aggression is influenced by different factors, including gender and alcohol usage or exposure to violent videos. A lot of approaches or theories have been recreated for integrating the causative factors and describing how they link up. For instance, there is the I 3  theory design which explains the aggressive practice. This method incorporates various aspects that are linked to aggressive behaviours. The theory asserts that through the interaction with the instigating motivators, compelling forces, and the limiting ones, the aggressive behaviour can be expressed by a perpetrator (Hsieh & Chen, 2017). The instigating trigger refers to the situation or scenario with a possibility that reduces the chances of aggressive actions. The impelling forces are the unique features or factors that could enhance the chances of aggression, mainly when such people are faced with instigating triggers. The last one is the inhibiting force which could take over the place of the aggressive action. Impulsively, it is assumed that integrating the instigating trigger and the impelling force would result in high-level aggression impulse. Lastly, the inhibiting force determines the level at which the aggressive action can change and turn out to be aggressive behaviour.

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Specific tenets of the I 3  theory are found to be linked to aggressive behaviours in the former studies. In this case, the instigating triggers include social rejection, insufficient temperatures, provocation, among others are associated with the high levels of aggressive practices. Some of the inhibiting forces include showing or expressing high levels of self-control and emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, studies have not focused on the possible interactions among the three elements used to predict aggressive behaviour. One research, however, showed that the self-regulatory processes and provocation could interact but only when the participants are provoked (Hsieh & Chen, 2017). However, the I 3  theory is simple in nature, making it challenging to comprehend a multidimensional aspect of aggressive behaviours. For instance, it is always difficult to fit the approach in the perspective of instrumental aggression, where an individual wants to attain an ultimate goal using aggressive behaviour.

The tip-down emotional regulation has significant effects and a relationship with inhibitory control, which refers to suppressing a robust tendency to act. It is crucial for limiting aggressive behaviour. Concisely, children with high aggression tendencies had poor impairment for inhibition compared to the ones with low aggressive behaviours. Inhibitory control is often described in the perspective of behavioural response prevention (Hornsveld et al., 2018). As a result, it is assumed that it entails or incorporates the brain's prefrontal network, and it varies. Cognitive appraisal is one of the most significant top-down emotion regulation techniques linked to the ability to use different brain regions. Consequently, this shows that emotion regulation and inhibitory control are vital elements in determining aggressive behaviours. However, when the two interact, they could result in the implementation of aggressive behaviours.

The effects of media or online videos on the aggressive behaviours of children is a matter of contention. It is yet to be established whether this is a major issue in determining aggressive practices among children or not. Mental health professionals are tasked with advising and managing children’s aggression. There lacks evidence on the fact that environmental factors such as watching the aggressiveness of television or videos can contribute to aggressive behaviours among children. Therefore, this is not a matter of significant discussion. Children who watch such videos or television with aggressive actions show clinically critical aggression, but it varies with the form and frequency (Mitrofan et al., 2014). Aggression can be seen in real and virtual environments. For instance, verbal aggression could primarily be seen or understood strongly from the low levels of prosocial behaviours and infective or inappropriate peer relations. Children also think that seeing aggressive actions does not affect their ways of life, but it can influence others. As a result, aggression seems to stem from the incorporation of the inner and environmental elements, and aggression in real life cannot be caused by television or video games.

There lacks a piece of definitive evidence supporting or against the direct link between aggression in the media and the one exhibited by children with emotional challenges. Future studies should aim at taking the ecological understanding, examining people, development, and growth elements (Mitrofan et al., 2014). Therefore, it is imperative for the professionals and policymakers in this area to consider addressing aggression in the appropriate areas of a child's life, mainly in real-life and in their development process.

Conclusively, based on readings, aggression is a multidimensional element that is linked to various factors such as biological, social, parental, and cultural. All the factors affect the growth and development of a child. Media, though it could impact a child's growth, is yet to be known how much media exposure is over-exposure.


Hornsveld, R. H., Zwets, A. J., Leenaars, E. P. E., Kraaimaat, F. W., Bout, R., Lagro-Janssen, T. A. L., & Kanters, T. (2018). Violent female offenders compared with violent male offenders on psychological determinants of aggressive behavior. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 62(2), 450-467.

Hsieh, I. J., & Chen, Y. Y. (2017). Determinants of aggressive behavior: Interactive effects of emotional regulation and inhibitory control. PloS one, 12(4), e0175651.

Mitrofan, O., Paul, M., Weich, S., & Spencer, N. (2014). Aggression in children with behavioral/emotional difficulties: seeing aggression on television and video games. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), 1-10.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood.


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