21 Jun 2022


Social Change within Developmental Psychology

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Blog Writing

Words: 333

Pages: 1

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In the first years of human development, parents assume a significant role in shaping the development of their children. Psychologists agree that parents have a considerable impact on the social and cognitive development of a child in these early stages of development (Cole, 2013). The parenting styles that are adopted by the parents influence the social behavior of a child as well as their academic achievement. Arguably, authoritative parenting has the most considerable positive impact on the social development of the four parenting styles that parents use.

Authoritative parenting is characterized by high demands placed on the children by parents and the same responsiveness of the parents to the children needs. Authoritative parents teach their children to obey rules, but at the same time, air their opinions and ask questions. The parents strive to validate their children's feeling and also assert that the adults are in charge. The responsiveness of the parents enables them to identify and mitigate behavior problems, thus ensuring positive behavioral development of their children. Several studies indicate that children who are brought up by authoritative parents are more likely to develop to responsible adults (Guajardo, Snyder, & Petersen, 2009). Also, children are more likely to be happy and bold to express their opinions as adults.

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Authoritative parenting has a significant positive impact on social change. It ensures the healthy social development of children because communication with parents is allowed. The children become more confident to communicate with their peers and also adequately express themselves in social situations. The children also develop secure attachments with their parents and improve their social skills. This has a significant impact on their cognitive development, which influences their academic achievement.

A community-based sensitization on the positive impact of authoritative parenting would be vital in ensuring social change. Parents should be made aware that they have a considerable impact on the social and cognitive development of their children. Also, I would develop a blog that targets parents, where the effects of parenting styles on human development would be significantly discussed.


Cole, M. (2013). Differences and deficits in psychological research in historical perspective: A commentary on the special section. Developmental psychology, 49(1), 84.

Guajardo, N. R., Snyder, G., & Petersen, R. (2009). Relationships among parenting practices, parental stress, child behaviour, and children's social‐cognitive development. Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and Practice, 18(1), 37-60.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Social Change within Developmental Psychology.


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