24 Jun 2022


Social Stratification: Definition, Theories & Examples

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 293

Pages: 1

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Social stratification divides populations into dominant and minority groups depending on factors such as race, age, family, gender, and ethnic groups among a few more parameters. A dominant group is defined as a group of people who tend to hold more power in a society as compared to other groups. A minority group can be defined as a group of people that are collectively singled out of the society due to their different features and tend to be treated in a seemingly unfair manner.

Being an African/American, my race would be associated with the minorities. My ethnic group is considered dominant since ethnicity is not widespread around. As for sex, I would be considered to be in the minority side as women are often overlooked. For gender, many would consider me as being on the minority side. My family form would be considered as being on the minority side in the setting of this country since we were raised by a single parent. Most of the American population is Christian and hence my religious affiliation would be considered dominant. My education journey has been smooth so far as I am in my first year of college. This means that I fall into the dominant group in terms of education.

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My education details fall in the dominant group category. These are the main categories that influence how one gets treated by society. For instance, anyone not having a proper academic qualification will have a problem trying to land white collar jobs. Getting a job is easier for the dominant education group.

My race, sex, and religion, gender and family form details fall in the minority group category. These details put me at a disadvantaged position from time to time. For instance, I was once passed over for a job for a man. This is because women are stereotyped to be a liability to the company during certain times such as when a woman falls pregnant.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Social Stratification: Definition, Theories & Examples.


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