9 Jan 2023


Sorry to Bother You: Racism and Classism in the Movie

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1287

Pages: 3

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Sorry to Bother You is a comedy, science fiction, and fantasy movie that focuses on the gentrification of Oakland. The movie was written and directed by Boots Riley and was released in the summer of 2018. The movie focuses on the life of Cash, a young African-American man who struggles to find a job and become financially stable. Cash is determined to make money, move out of his uncle's garage, and make a life for himself. Through Cash's character, the film explores contemporary American society, whereby people's lives revolve around their careers and workplace. Thus, the movie utilizes symbolism to illustrate the various aspects of racism and classism. 

Cash’s "white voice" symbolizes the relationship between race, self-identity, and capitalism in America. When he secures a job opportunity at RegalView, a renowned telemarketing company, he is advised by his colleague, Danny, to adapt a new talking style the "white voice." According to Danny, Cash can only succeed in his occupation if he lets go of his natural speaking tone and begin speaking like a white person. This ideology demonstrates how African American people are forced to change their identities to be successful. According to Ong et al. (2013), modern-day racism is evident and more harmful in today's society since it is presented in a pervasive and deceptive nature. For instance, when Cash begins to use his white voice, he is able to attract more customers, and he is promoted at work. He no longer has clients hanging upon him or slamming their phone as they start paying attention to what he has to say since he is speaking like a white person. 

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The film is a symbolic narrative that depicts that a Black person can only succeed in a predominantly white society is if they figuratively and literally transform themselves into being Caucasian. The events in Sorry to Bother You depict the systematic acts of racism and oppression. Through the movie, viewers can understand the negative realities of capitalist society, whereby prejudice is disguised in the form of pursuit of success. For instance, Cash gets promoted and secures the highest position at his workplace as the "power caller" because he succeeds in emulating how white people think and talk. He is forced to abandon his true identity for him to develop his career and climb the social status. Similarly, Cash’s fiancé is named, Detroit since her parents desired for her to have a name that sounded more American. 

The aspect of racism portrayed in this movie reveal how African Americans struggle to fit into American culture and society. The characters show how black people have been subjected to the criticism they have faced due to their culture and historical background. As a result, black people struggle to achieve the societal standards that make their Caucasian counterparts comfortable at the expense of their own identity. Thus, racism is developed as a form of prejudice that has equipped white people with the power to act against African Americans. Day (2009) affirms that the American values instilled on its citizens lead to the assumption that race is a determinant of the impact of human trade and that Caucasians are automatically superior to people from other races. Thus, racism is a conditioned society practice and is not always a conscious act. For instance, Cash is not hesitant to conform to his new position in order to succeed as he is made to believe that changing who his character is a strategy that will enable him to thrive. 

The movie focuses on the different ways in which capitalism has manipulated how members of society perceive themselves. Cash succumbs to the pressure to succeed in the corporate world and to fit in his new workplace that he is willing to lose his sense of identity. The director of the film presents this ideology to the audience to enable them to reflect on how societal pressures shape their perspectives about themselves and others. According to Happer and Philo (2013), the media influences the public beliefs, assumptions, and values by demonstrating experiences that they can relate to. The aspect of classism illustrated by Cash reveals that societal standards and expectations affect how people define themselves as well as others. Cash is commended for his ability to change himself and fit the new corporate environment by getting a pay rise. For Cash, this experience is aligned to what he had envisioned. When he found a job, he settled all his debts and moved into a new apartment in Detroit. He acquires a new social status that makes him abandon the workers union and claims to support them from the sidelines. Cash's experience is one that most audiences can relate to, as it creates a relationship between the information one is exposed to, and their attitudes towards the social issues conveyed in the film. An audience that has been exposed to the negative impacts of capitalism is likely to form a subjective opinion towards how Cash is behaving after acquiring a new status. 


Sorry to Bother You reveals how the American society is influenced by the different aspects of racism and classicism. Boots Riley uses various elements to demonstrate how the main character, Cash, is affected by capitalism. Cash is a reflection of most people from minority communities in America who aspire to live the American Dream ; thus are committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed. Capitalism has made people like Cash to succumb to the societal pressure to succeed that they fail to recognize its negative impacts. 

Annotated Bibliography 

Day, P. (2009). A New History of Social Welfare (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc 

The author evaluates the trends of racism in the United States and its impact on people of color. Thus, this textbook provides an in-depth understanding of how racism has shaped the social, political, and economic values of minority groups in America. By examining how both Caucasians respond to the social issue of racism, the author enables her readers to understand how the different aspects of discrimination and prejudice have influenced how people in America perceive each other. This source is relevant to my topic of discussion as it creates a blueprint to comprehend how individuals such as Cash are quick to conform to societal pressures and lose their sense of identity. 

Happer, C., & Philo, G. (2013). The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 1(1), 321-336. 

This journal article explores the effects that media has in shaping public views and opinions. The authors explain that media is a useful tool in informing the general public of events that they do not have direct knowledge or experiences. The authors use the issue of racism as an example demonstrating how media constructs the public’s understanding and attitudes towards social change. Finding from various empirical studies are used to support the role of media in covering issues about social change. Thus, the article is relevant to my topic of discussion as it provides an overview of how the director of Sorry to Bother You uses his character’s actions to influence the audience’s attitude and beliefs of racism and classicism. 

Ong, A.D., Burrow, A.L., Fuller-Rowell, T.E., Ja, N.M., & Sue, D.W. (2013). Racial microaggressions and daily well-being among Asian Americans. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60, 188-199. 

The researchers conducted a study that reveals that racial discrimination is an intricate part of society as it is evident in different aspects of everyday life. By focusing on Asian Americans as a minority group in the U.S, the research is able to reveal how people of color are affected by racism in America. The study provides extensive data on the implications of racial discrimination and its prevalence at the workplace. Through the survey, readers can recognize the prevalent nature of racism, even though it is hidden. The resource is relevant to my research as it depicts how racism reveals itself in the corporate world; thus, allowing the audience to understand how Cash's work environment promotes racism through the subjective treatment of people of color. 

Riley, B (2018). Sorry to Bother You. Significant Productions. 

This is the primary source of this essay and reflects on how racism and classicism are depicted in American society. The movie is the foundation of the research paper as it revolves around the life of a young African American man who strives to succeed in the corporate world. Racism is depicted through Cash's character as he is forced to act "white" in order to attract more customers and be promoted. The movie illustrates how people of color are continuously discriminated against and are continually investing their efforts to fit in or gain the approval of others. The director uses symbolism to show how capitalist society reinforces racism and classicism. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Sorry to Bother You: Racism and Classism in the Movie .


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