28 May 2022


St. Peters Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC)

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An organizations philosophy refers to the distinctive and enduring principles and values that guide employees of an institution. The philosophy is vital for directing the behavior across the organization. Employees consistently use the organization philosophy to guide their decisions in their daily actions in order to ensure the success of organizations. The philosophy may be one value or a small set of values that are fundamental distinguishing values. Although it may be considered that many values are important for an organization, a typical organizations philosophy is only the value or values that are distinguishing, fundamental, and enduring to the organization. They are specific beliefs that have been core and essential to the character of the organization over the years. Basically, employees normally belief that the philosophy they have serves to distinguish their organization from others. Therefore, the beliefs that define a particular philosophy should never change unless it proves unsustainable for the organization. A philosophy is important because it comprises of values that guide how an organization works. It is also a source of an organizations distinction, especially in a competitive environment. St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center has a unique philosophy that helps to identify it in the industry. SPARC’s philosophy assists it in guiding the way its employees do their work. An appropriate philosophy assists in the achievement of the organizations objective. SPARC’s philosophy is that people can recover from any addiction. Such a philosophy inspires employees to do their best in ensuring that patients recover from their various addictions. 

A mission statement refers to a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that usually remains unchanged over time. Essentially, a mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists and well as its reason for being. Therefore, a proper mission statement defines an organization’s primary clients; identify the services offered as well as the geographical location in which it operates. It is more appropriate to communicate an organization’s mission statement to the employees than to clients because it defines how the organization requires employees to act. A good mission statement should clearly reflect the organization’s goals. As the organization and economic climate evolve, the mission statement should be reviewed in order to ensure that the mission statement is consistent with the current business goals in relation to the prevailing economic climate. When reviewing an organization’s mission statement, it is important to ensure that every member of the organization is made aware. This is because the employs are normally responsible for implementing the mission statement. An organization’s mission statement is important because it reminds employees why their company exists. Therefore, a mission statement serves as a compass that keeps everyone in the organization clear on the direction of the organization. Additionally, a mission statement helps to set important boundaries that enable top executives to delegate both responsibility and authority. A mission also forms a basis for alignment. SPARC has a clear organization mission that states the organization offers individuals and families a comprehensive range of care services for people affected by drug and alcohol abuse. Therefore, SPARC is instrumental in helping patients to regain control of their lives and learn how to gain physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing without dependency on alcohol and other chemical substances. SPARC is mindful of the sensitivity and attention that all persons require and deserve, particularly when they seek personal help with addiction. 

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Organizational goals and objectives are essential in fulfilling the mission of a given organization. A goal refers to an overarching principle that guides decision making in organization. On the other hand, objectives refer to specific measurable steps that can be taken to meet specific goals. Goals are the statements an organization makes about its future. Although organization goals may demonstrate that an organization has lofty plans for the future, it does not articulate specifically how an organization can meet such stated goals. The goals are important because they help in defining the direction that an organization like SPARC will take. It is important to realize that goals should align with the mission and vision statements of a given organization. Additionally, the language used in goals can be more emotional than is used in objectives. Objectives help the senior management to think conceptually and not be stifled in their creative thought process. Objectives represent the exact steps an organization must take to reach its goals and they are typically measurable and quantifiable. Additionally, objectives are realistic, attainable and are time bound. Objectives are important because they assist organizations to measure the success and progress of organizations towards their goals. Without appropriate objectives in an organization, the goals tend to look out of reach. Therefore, objectives can be motivational to organizations and employees. Meeting objectives in a typical organization provides a sense of accomplishment which helps to enhance job satisfaction among employees. Objectives also form a basis for rewarding employees. Generally, goals and objectives of an organization assist in the development of appropriate strategies for attaining them. SPARC has several goals and objectives which guide its activities. The focus area of SPARC is to offer individuals and families a comprehensive range of care and services for people affected by drug and alcohol abuse. One of the goals of SPARC is to increase the number of addiction recoveries in a year. The objective for achieving this goal is to ensure that more than 5000 people get access to treatment per year. Another goal is to increase the bed capacity for in-patient in order to increase its ability to deal with addictions. The objective is to increase bed capacity for inpatient rehabilitation services by 30 percent. The goals and objectives identified will assist in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission statement. The goals and objectives will help in offering individuals and families a comprehensive range of care services for people affected by drug and alcohol abuse. 

Organizational structure refers to a system that consists of explicit and implicit institutional rules and policies that are designed to outline how various work roles and responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and controlled (Olson et al., 2005). Additionally, organization structure determines how information flows from level to level within an organization. For instance, decisions flow from the top down in a centralized structure while decisions are made at various different levels in a decentralized organization structure. There are various types of organizational structures including hierarchy, flatter, flat organizations. The hierarchy organization structure is common in organizations with linear work where no brain power is required. The hierarchy has permeated nearly every organization around the world irrespective of size, industry or location. It is a very resilient management structure that is so embedded in how individuals work in many organizations around the world that many organizations have found it difficult to get rid of. Flatter organization structure is a structure that seeks to open up the lines of communication and collaboration while removing layers within organizations. It is preferred because of its strong focus on communication and collaboration as well as improvement of employee experience. Flat organization structures refer to structures with typically no job titles. Every employee is seen equal and they are often referred to as self-managed organizations. However, such a structure is not practical and scalable for large organizations. Organization structures are important because they provide guidance and clarity on specific human resources issues including managerial authority. Additionally, organization structure is essential for proper decision making in organization. SPARC a hierarchy organization structure where there are specific tasks set aside for individuals within the organization. This is evident in St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center because the Director, Psychiatrist, Clinical Manager, Nurses and Case Managers work together to deliver recovery services. 

The Program Director oversees the entire facility in order to ensure that all the employees work towards achieving the objectives of the organization. She is responsible for ensuring that the program is functioning well and that every employee does his or her designated tasks as expected. The Psychiatrist works with the entire staff in conducting mental health evaluation as part of the facility’s intake process. The Psychiatrist also works closely with the Case Managers and clinicians of patients with mental disorders. The Clinical Manager is in charge of the clinical team in the organization. She ensures that group and individual sessions run properly in the facility. The Clinical Manager also runs the clinical team meetings and reports directly to the Program Director. On the other hand, Case Managers are responsible for intakes, evaluations. Organizing and running group meetings as well as individual sessions. The Case Managers are also responsible for ensuring that they keep proper documentation for each individual client. 

Target population refers to the population of interest for St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center. The target population defines the group for which the services offered by the facility are intended. In order to improve access to services by the target population, the facility should be located near communities where the target population exists. St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center is located in Albany, New York. The target population for St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center includes all individuals who are struggling with alcoholism or chemical dependency. The target population may receive help at St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center’s detox, inpatient and outpatient locations. Individuals struggling with alcoholism or chemical dependency may also access treatment at St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center’s outpatient adolescent location. 

St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center plays a significant role in the community. The facility alleviates the challenges in the community brought about by alcoholism and chemical dependency among youth and adults. Addiction may lead to loss of jobs, violence and crime. By facilitating the recovery of victims of addiction in the community, St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center helps, not only in improving the economy of the community, but also in promoting the welfare of members affected by addiction. St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center helps in mobilizing the community by educating and strengthening the consumers of its services. This also creates awareness in communities leading to increased number of reformed addicts who can then contribute positively to community development. As such, St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center plays a significant role in improving the quality of life in the community. 

Basically, addiction is currently a treatable condition. Treatment of the withdrawal symptoms of the problem substance represents the first phase of treatment process. There are both psychological and physical effects that occur when substance-taking stops that include depression, anxiety, mood swings and irritability. Some of the physical effects include chills and sweats, nausea and vomiting, muscle cramps and aches, shifts in heart rate, sleeplessness, and even fever. Although withdrawal symptoms are rarely life-threatening, medical supervision should be provided in residential treatment programs. Additionally, medications can be given to ameliorate the acute discomfort associated with withdrawals. Rehabilitation programs can then be initiated to ensure that the individuals involved return back to normalcy. The services that St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center include detoxification services, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, support services and SPARC-Tobacco-Free Policy. The services focus on helping individuals struggling with alcoholism or chemical dependency. The St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center’s detox, inpatient and outpatient facilities help to ensure that community members gain physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing without dependency on alcohol or other chemical substances. The focal agency has a psychiatrist and clinicians who ensure that the clients get the necessary help they need. The mental health of patients is evaluated by the Psychiatrist in order to ensure that appropriate treatment is given. The rehabilitation programs are run in group or individual sessions. 

Service Delivery 

Patient assessment refers to the process of gathering information about a patient’s psychological, physiological, sociological and spiritual status. Patient assessment is considered to be the first step in the process of individualized care in a typical addiction recovery center. Although assessment generally yields a written product, it a process that employs a systematic method through which relevant information is gathered, reviewed and then applied in conjunction with theory to facilitate appropriate intervention measures. Assessment can also help in determining the effectiveness of interventions applied. Assessment is important in measuring the progress toward goal achievement and final outcomes in the facility. The Psychiatrist is responsible for assessing the mental health of the clients as part of the intake process. The other clinicians are responsible for conducting the physiological and spiritual status of the client in order to determine the appropriate care and services. 

Service planning refers to the process of arranging for the provision of care and services to the clients of the facility. The importance of service planning has grown significantly in light of reforms aimed at devolving responsibility for planning and improving equity and quality in the provision of care and services. It is important to define the role of the service in overall planning framework. Needs assessment should also be further developed in order to ensure that service planning is focused on achieving client goals. It is important to have a service plan because it strengthens monitoring and evaluation as well as improving effective communication in the facility. The supervisor at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center is responsible for ensuring that service planning is effective in the achievement of objectives. The supervisor is responsible for communicating with the staff about the agency’s goals, the client’s goals as well as the staff’s responsibilities. The supervisor also collaborates with staff members through meetings to discuss and plan services in the continuum of care for clients. In order to ensure that the services offered are effective, assessment and treatment plans are reviewed at the facility. 

Monitoring refers to the process of supervising activities in progress to ensure that they are on-course and on-schedule in meeting the intended objectives and performance targets. Monitoring is important in tracking implementation and outputs systematically in order to gather information necessary for decision making (Crawford & Bryce, 2003). Proper monitoring forms the basis for modification of interventions geared towards service improvements. Monitoring helps managers and planners to acquire the information and understanding they need to make informed decisions about program operations. Monitoring is done at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center to ensure that the services offered are not only effective but also enhance client satisfaction. 

Brokering refers to the process of linking clients to appropriate human services, social services and other resources that help to resolve or reduce the client problems (Halley et al., 1998). Brokering is important in supporting and strengthening the partnerships through innovative and skilled management of collaborative processes in the industry. Brokering helps organizations to provide the appropriate services that effectively meet the needs of the clients. Brokering helps St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center to provide specialist support to clients when needed. This ensures that the facility shapes its partnership with other services and care providers whose support is relevant in achieving client’s goals. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center begins the brokering process when they begin a client’s assessment. The brokering process further continued when the Case Managers help to connect clients with a number of resources in the community. These resources include The Department of Social Services, mental health professionals, educational planning services, career development programs as well as housing assistance programs. The organization also advocates for their clients in helping them find a path to recovery. Furthermore, St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center and its employees conduct follow up care by ensuring that clients get access to community services that help them resolve their problems. 

Character and skill base refers to the personality traits and the competencies of staff in an organization. The character and skills of employees should conform to the human resource needs of an organization. The employees should be able to deliver their services that meet the expectations of the organization. Employees with suitable personalities and the rights skill sets help significantly in the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. The clinicians should have appropriate behaviors and techniques in interviewing in order to ensure that relevant information is obtained from the clients. Proper interviewing skills present a good foundation for the client-worker relationship. The engagement should promote client trust so as to enhance the effectiveness of care. Asking open-ended questions, paying close attention to the environment, giving close attention to body language as well as strong communication skills promote the effectiveness of care. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center ensures that its employees have the appropriate skills and competencies necessary for promoting the effectiveness and quality of care in the facility. The staffs in the agency possess effective interviewing skills. This achieved through regular staff meetings and employee training programs that seek to improve the effectiveness of employees in the delivery of care. 

Client agency relationship refers to the quality of interaction between the agency and its clients. Client agency relationships should be paid close attention to because they determine the level of client satisfaction. Satisfied clients promote the growth of the organization in terms of profitability and the quality of care provided (Azarnoff & Seliger, 1982). The quality of the relationship between the organization and its clients contributes to the success of the organization in achieving its goals and objectives. It is important to realize that clients are the reason for an organization’s existence. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center promotes its relationship with clients through respect, honesty, empathy, cultural awareness, and avoidance of prejudice. Being empathetic refers to the ability to understand the clients experience and perspective. Empathy helps the client to develop trust and increase their likelihood of opening up to the worker. Respect is also important in developing a fruitful relation with clients. Being non-judgmental also improves the quality of the agency/client relationship. 

The factors influencing the client agency relation refer to elements that determine the quality of the relationship. The skills and competencies of the staff as well as the quality of care offered to the clients influence the client agency relationship significantly (Frumkin & Andre-Clark, 2000). The employees need to be culturally competent in order to handle the clients with respect, courtesy and understanding. The effectiveness of care also helps to improve the reliability of the facility. Clients value reliable service providers and they develop loyalty toward reliable organizations. The employees build rapport with clients in order to set a good foundation for effective therapeutic relationships. 

Community/agency relationship refers to the interactions between the local community and the organization. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center covers the geographical community of the capital district with locations in Albany, and Schenectady. The target population refers to those individuals suffering from addiction with drugs and alcohol. As much as the agencies must meet the community needs, the community should also meet the agency needs (Bhui et al., 2004). In the case of St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, the community members attend to the agency needs by volunteering, referring clients, providing donations and providing clients with support to other community services. For instance, I interned at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center a few years ago. Without volunteering support, the facility would have not effectively achieved its goals and objectives. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center provides community members with services that help with their rehabilitations. The agency also collaborates with other service providers such as mental health agencies, the Department of Social Services, Labor Ready and other drug and alcohol treatment centers. Labor Ready provides the agency’s clients with working assistance so that they can integrate into the society effectively through economic empowerment. 

Intervention models refer to conceptual frameworks that are used to determine the appropriate interventions for addictions. The intervention models help service providers to effectively provide the appropriate treatment for clients with addiction problems. The intervention models are chosen on the basis of the psychological, physiological, and spiritual status of clients. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center uses several models of intervention including Reality Therapy, Crisis intervention, and Behavior Therapy. Reality Therapy focuses on the client taking responsibility for their actions. This helps to promote problem solving and making better choices to achieve treatment goals. Therefore, the therapist helps the clients to set their goals. This involves steps that involve problem solving techniques and making appropriate choices. Such a form of intervention is common at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center. This is because the model helps clients to rebuild certain connections in their lives. Crisis intervention involves offering immediate to short term help to people who have gone through an experience or an event that caused serious distress or problems. Crisis intervention helps to restore the person to his or her former level of functioning, facilitate an understanding of the participating event, identify the way in which the person restored balance, recognize the current state of equilibrium, anticipate any reoccurrence, and reinforce the ability to cope (Halley et al., 1998). The counselors use this model at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center to help clients reduce reactions to their using. This model is common at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center detox facilities. The counselors at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center use the model to help client identify ways to cope with their addiction, triggers and the challenges of sobriety. Behavioral Therapy focuses on the relationship between the client’s environment and behavior. The basis of this model is that behavior is learned. Client’s behavior is the outcome of learning experiences in response to the environment including people, events and situations (Halley et al., 1998). At St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, the counselors use the model to effectively work with the client about how their learning experiences have shaped some of their behaviors hence fostering positive behavior change. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center utilizes Evidence Based Practice. This involves the use of researched evidence and interventions, clinical ethics as well as the client’s culture and preferences to form a quality, effective service and treatment to the patient. Although there may limited amount of research on a given topic, it is an important intervention model. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center uses the model, particularly to increase the credibility of their practices. 

Case management refers to the collaborative process of assessment, facilitation, care coordination, planning, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet and individual’s comprehensive care needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective outcomes. Case management is important because it promote the quality of the services offered to clients. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center pays significant attention to case management as it has Case Managers who ensure that the clients’ goals are met effectively. 

The discharge process refers to the determination of the needs a client needs for a smooth move from one level of care to another. Discharge process is important because it ensures that clients are assisted to transition from addiction to sobriety. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center does this through networking with other service providers to ensure that clients experiences significant improvements in relation to their conditions. Additionally, the progress of the clients is reviewed regularly in order to measure effectiveness of the intervention and the likelihood for discharge. 

Delivery System Evaluation 

Worker effectiveness, competence and professional integrity are important for every organization (Wanzare & da Costa, 2000). They define how the employees are able to deliver services that meet the expectations of the organizations as well as those of the clients. The intended outcomes of St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center is to help patient to gain control of their lives and learn how to gain physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing without dependency on alcohol or other chemical substances. The completion rate of the clients determines the effectiveness of the workers in service deliver. The clinical supervisor helps to oversee the operations and measure the effectiveness of the services provided. 

Staff supervision refers to the process of advising other staff officers and individuals subordinate to the employee in-charge. Supervision is important because it helps to manage and support staff members in order to fulfill their role within the organization effectively and efficiently (Buus et al., 2011). Supervision is normally carried out on all paid staff and interns. The supervisors are responsible for planning and organizing the work to achieve results, instructing workers and evaluating performance and results (Halley et al., 1998). At St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, the supervisor is responsible for overseeing staff work to help achieve organization goals. The supervisor collaborates with staff members to discuss the continuum of care for the clients. At St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, the relationship between the supervisor and the staff is very strong hence contributing to the effectiveness of care. In order to promote the effectiveness of supervision in St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, staff meetings should be held frequently to improve communication. 

Monitoring and evaluation is a process that helps to improve performance and achieve results in a given organization. It helps organizations to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact (McNeese-Smith, 1993). Monitoring and evaluation is done at St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center to improve the effectiveness of services offered to clients as well as in meeting organizational goals. This is done by measuring effectiveness by observing the progress of clients’ treatment goals. The completion rate of clients also helps to measure effectiveness. The general progress of all the clients is reviewed on monthly basis in order to identify areas for improvement. Networking is also used as a measure for improving effectiveness through professional relationships that exist between St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center and other treatment centers. As such, the staff members provide useful resources for achievement of client goals. Networking refers to the active process of building and managing productive relationships within and between organizational units and programs (Halley et al., 1998). 

Monitoring the use of resources is important in improving outcomes in an organization. It ensures that the relevant resources are identified and used in the continuum of care. Availability of appropriate resources improves the effectiveness of the organization. St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center ensures effective use of available resources in the community through collaborations and networking. The agency links clients to other service providers in order to improve client outcomes. The organization also utilizes support from the community through volunteering, client referrals and donations. The staffs of St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center also interact with staff from other organization in order to obtain useful resources for improving service delivery. 

Monitoring and evaluating client progress is important. It provides an opportunity for determining the most effective. Achievement of client goals is of utmost important for organizations. The client progress should be objectively monitored and evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the interventions employed (Funnell, 2000). Evaluating and monitoring client progress is important because it helps to improve the quality of care provided to clients hence improving patient outcomes. At St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center, the client progress is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that client goals are met effectively. 

Fulfilling the organization’s mission is the hallmark of the existence of a particular organization. The mission defines the reason for the existence of an organization. Therefore, the mission outlines the mandate of an organization. The mission of St. Peter’s Addiction Treatment Center is to help patients gain control of their lives and learn how to gain physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing without dependency on alcohol or other chemical substances. The organization has effectively lived to its mandate by providing addiction treatment to affected community members. 


Halley, A., Kopp, J., & Austin, M. (1998). Delivering Human Services: A learning approach to practice, Fourth Ed. 

Frumkin, P., & Andre-Clark, A. (2000). When missions, markets, and politics collide: Values and strategy in the nonprofit human services. Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly , 29 (1_suppl), 141-163. 

Azarnoff, R. S., & Seliger, J. S. (1982). Delivering human services . Prentice Hall. 

Bhui, K., McKenzie, K., & Gill, P. (2004). Delivering mental health services for a diverse society. 

Wanzare, Z., & da Costa, J. L. (2000). Supervision and staff development: Overview of the literature. Nassp Bulletin , 84 (618), 47-54. 

Buus, N., Angel, S., Traynor, M., & Gonge, H. (2011). Psychiatric nursing staff members' reflections on participating in group‐based clinical supervision: A semistructured interview study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing , 20 (2), 95-101. 

Crawford, P., & Bryce, P. (2003). Project monitoring and evaluation: a method for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of aid project implementation. International journal of project management , 21 (5), 363-373. 

Funnell, S. C. (2000). Developing and using a program theory matrix for program evaluation and performance monitoring. New directions for evaluation , 2000 (87), 91-101. 

McNeese-Smith, D. (1993). Leadership behavior and employee effectiveness. Nursing Management , 24 (5), 38. 

Olson, E. M., Slater, S. F., & Hult, G. T. M. (2005). The performance implications of fit among business strategy, marketing organization structure, and strategic behavior. Journal of marketing , 69 (3), 49-65. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). St. Peters Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC).


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