12 Jul 2022


Strategic Plans for Institutions of Higher Education

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Most of the comprehensive research institutions are distinctive in that they have both teaching and research facilities. In most of these facilities, there are graduate and professional schools mandated to award doctorates and degrees. On the same note, these institutions have facilities which offer undergraduate bachelor qualifications and award of degrees to the same. There are a number of comprehensive research universities in the United States. Considering the requirement for this discussion is Cornell University which is one of the most reputable comprehensive research institutions in the United States.

The university had a well thought out strategic plan for the year 2010 to the year 2015 which had the specifications and contents relevant to all the strategic plans for other universities. These included goals, visions, missions and financial resources

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Goals for the Cornell University Strategic Plans 

The goals for the strategy are informed by various objectives which are seen as the points for the enhancement of each goal. The goals include faculty excellence in which the objective is to expand the academic and other strategic areas seen as essential for the development of the institution. Another goal is to ensure educational excellence this will be ensured through the creation of culture aimed at supporting educational activities sustainably at all the learning units. Additionally, there is the goal which intends to promote excellence in research creativity and scholarship. Also, the university intends to ensure excellence in public engagement. Lastly, there is the aim to ensure staff excellence and promotion of retention of the highly qualified personnel within the staff to ensure the restoration of best learning practices (Cornel University, 2010). This is seen as one of the ways in which there is the development of culture and identity of the institution through the retention of these staff who are more inclined and emotionally linked to the institution.

Constituency Solicited 

Upon the onset of the online growing community. The education resources have been placed for student sharing. The scenario termed as open education resource is seen as a platform where students from various universities can engage with each other through collaborative skills to share the learning materials. Within the section of financial resources, the strategic plan has laid down three objectives which are aimed at ensuring that there is financial flow within the university coffers. These include the implementation of resource allocation endeavors which can promote the academic excellence, important is for the implementation of the financially sensitive investments to increase income. Also a review of the financial budgets which can ensure the flow of financial resource inflow. (Cornel University, 2010). The allocation, in this case, is influenced by the management of the resources inclined to the financial output.

Amount Solicited 

The university gets its financial income from different resources. These are in terms of the tuition rates in which there is a difference in tuition fees as per the disciplines. For the financial year 2017/2018, 61,400 USD was charged as tuition for the faculty of law. The medical campus was charged a tuition fee of about 52,500 USD. Generally, there was an increase in the tuition revenue by about 4.6% in the fiscal year for 2017. The combined grants for the year both the direct and indirect revenue rose by 1.7%. The contribution revenue for the year stood at 297.6 million USD (Cornell University, 2017). This was an increase of about 11% in the previous and other prior years. Revenue for educational services including tuition fees rose to 33.9 million USD. This contribution was partly made by the New York Presbyterian hospital.

Similarities and Differences in Education, Fiscal, and Political Issues 

Most university strategy documents are marked by aspects of political, educational, and fiscal issues. Depending on the institution, these issues can harbor some similarities and differences. Most university strategy documents are marked by the aspects of political, educational, and fiscal issues. Depending on the institution, these issues can harbor some similarities and differences. Looking at the case of Cornell University, there are elements of similarities and differences. Taking the similarities, fiscal and political issues have sharing characteristics of dependence. It is learned that the institution depends on the government and other members of the society for financial assistance in terms of grants ( Cornel University, 2017) .

Looking at the political issues the institution is looking up to the government for the formulation of most policies which are seen as essential for the leadership process. In terms of education, the dependence is seen in the tuition being dependent on the fees paid by the students which contribute to the maintenance and development of the institution. The differences are that most of these elements are driven by different departments comprising of different administrative models. Looking at the political issues, there is much to do with the leadership features which are shaped up by the foreign players. The fiscal policies are seen to be carried out in a partial way as put by Timothy Boosinger. 

Other Important Parts Relevant to the Plan 

The plan may face a lot of impediments in case there is no wide consultation and the involvement of all the perceived stakeholders no matter how feeble they may seem to be. It is significant for the implementation team to take with regard the issue of participation of both the students and other stakeholders seen as essential in the implementation process and exploit their interest in order to ensure the success of the strategy ( Cornell University, 2017) . As seen on their regard for the importance of the staff which is commendable, it becomes necessary that the same applies to all stakeholders to increase chances for the interaction and unity. 

Private Not-for-Profit (Boston College) 

Boston College is a non-profit private institution in the United States. The institution launched a ten-year strategic plan to assist in enhancing its functions and operations. The main goals of the strategy are to facilitate the commitment to the arrangement and formation between the students, faculty as well as staff so as to promote its mission and strengthening of its institutional beliefs and norms. Also, the institution is aimed at expanding the scholarship and help the society and keeping up with the common good in addressing the societal problems. In addition, the institution as an objective of increasing its presence and existence in the entire city of Boston, the United State as well as universally (Boston College, 2017). Dubbed as “Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’ s Mission, ” the strategic plan will be implemented within a timeframe of 10 years. The plan was launched at the end of the month of August in the year 2017. 

There are various ways in which Boston College solicits its resources. Most of its funds come from the donations given by the alumni associations and other members of its community. The funding of the strategy is facilitated by other community members around the city of Boston. According to reports, the support received by the college towards its support totaled 1.6 billion dollars (Boston College, 2017). This was attributed to the loyalty and allegiance the support pledge to the institution (Boston College, n.d.). The campaign named “Light the World” was a landmark in the history of support given to any institution of higher education. According to the mission, the engineers of the strategy believed in the effort of the students, the tradition of the college as well as its committed leadership. In addition to these, there is the aspect of the college having a gifted student base as well as a well-endowed public reputation. 

There is noted some differences and similarities in the political, fiscal and education issues in the Boston College. Contrary to other learning institutions, Boston College is marked by a strong religious ethos which most of its community subscribes to. Another notable feature is that the university is marked by the promotion of both scholarship and research (Boston College, 2017). In addition, the college is unique in its educational makeup as it is comprised of the interdisciplinary courses which range from the physical and natural sciences. It becomes apparent that the university is not confined to a specific line of disciplines. 

The political activities of the college are seen in the leadership and partnership of the institution and other members of the community. The fiscal component of the college is that it is not geared at giving any profit to the institution. As seen in their model of collaboration, the college is seen to incorporate the public groups and the government agencies. The similarities are seen in the way the university is soliciting for funds in which it depends on its community for the contribution. Importantly contrary to the other universities such as Auburn, the college is not much dependent on the tuition funds for the running of its operations. 

A Community/Junior College (Santa Barbara College) 

The junior colleges have been in the education system in the United States for more than a century. They were started with an aim of ensuring that the students who were at risk of not continuing with their education would join them. In addition, the institutions were meant to see into it that these students joined the higher learning institutions such as universities. However, these institutions transformed to offer the courses which were seen to be in line with the respective communities they were in. Currently, there are more than 50 institutions in the United States with these statuses. 

Goals and Time Frame for the Institution 

One of the most renowned community colleges in the United States is the Santa Barbara City College found in the state of California. The institution’s strategy has four main objectives which are aimed at the life and career of college students, student, family and community engagement, organizational transformation and facilities within the institution (Santa Barbara Unified, 2012). In terms of the student relations with careers, the school aims at ensuring high expectations are held for every student. On the same note, the institution has an aim of empowering families as they are considered part of the learning institution. In addition, the institution has the objective to embrace the unique diversities of both schools and communities. Lastly, the institution has the goal of creating a learning environment for a modern learning space. This strategic plan was launched in the year 2014 and was meant to last for three years up to the year 2017. This was following the revision of the 2012-2015 strategic plan. 

Solicitation of Funds by the Institution 

The institution depends majorly on the financing from the government which they rely on for their operations. Just as the name suggests, the inclusion of the community in some of its projects has contributed to the carrying out of the financially related projects. Also, the college gets some of its funds in form of financial aid from the federal government. Apart from the federal state, the college sources for funds from the local agencies. On the same note, Santa Barbara City College acquires financial resources from its own resources and investments. Besides, the students are also contributing to the funding of the institution through the payment of enrolment and maintenance fees (Santa Barbara City College, n.d.). There are variations in the amount of fees paid by students depending on different factors. As stated earlier, the enrolment fee is 46 dollars for all the students joining the institution. For the students originating outside the state of California, the fee is 285 dollars. The same applies to international students. 

Similarities and Difference in the Fiscal, Political and Educational Issues 

There are differences noted from this institution. Starting with the education point of view, the school has a structured way in which the review of the master program is carried out by the college planning council as well as the board of trustees. The Santa Barbara City College Educational Master Plan of 2014 is subject to institutional reviews which include both the educational and the systematic evaluation. The political issues associated with the institution is on the accreditation process in which the institution is expected to undergo a reaffirmation exercise after every six years. Contrary to other institutions, this college is indebted to give its mandates to the body for the various approvals. Importantly, the institution is seen to have complicated political issues based on the body of the staff. With this, the classified consultation group which represents the staff is expected to carry the interest of the staff in the issues such as shared governance, deliberations of the college in regard to district policies and assessments. 

An Online and for-profit Institution (Academy of Arts University) 

The main distinction of the for-profit learning institutions is that they are expected to remit financial profits to both their shareholders and stakeholders. This makes them not only to be seen as learning institutions but also business ventures which share some features with some renowned business investments. The average for-profit institution requires the students to pay an average of 31,000 dollars. An example of a for-profit institution of higher education is the Academy of Arts University. The online college has a five-year strategic plan which started in the year 2016 and ends in 2021. 

Goals and Aims of the Strategic Plan 

The strategy was aimed at ensuring institutional effectiveness through the professional services of employers, directors and other professionals. Also, the strategic plan was geared toward ensuring the enhancement of students output through building innovativeness and support centers. In addition, there was an aim to increase financial compliance (Academy of Arts University, 2016). Looking at the objectives and goals it is appropriate to conclude that there is connectedness in financial management and the academic activities. 

Solicitation of Funds by the Institution 

According to its financial statement, the college sources its financial resources from an array of activities. As per the reports, the college received approximately 7.3 million dollars from external funding in the annual revenue (Academy of Arts University, 2019). These funds were meant to support programs such as the students and community engagement programs. The money was received at different levels and disbursements which took a period of three years. Apart from the funding of these projects, there is the program within the college meant to give empowerment to students. The program entails three entities whereby the major empowerment objective is to build and develop on the self-esteem of all the students. 

Other Important Parts Relevant to the Plan 

There are some distinctive features witnessed in the planning of the university strategy. The most striking characteristic of the college is that most of its funds are online oriented. Inasmuch as the funding is brought in by the supporters which in form of donations and financial support from the community of San Fransisco, the college is a profit-based organization which endeavors in its programs to make profits for its shareholders in terms of dividends and shares accumulations (Academic of Art University, 2017). Again it is vital to put into consideration that there are initiations of activities such as the Arts programs which are incorporated within the education programs. These are meant to generate some funds for the school. 

Similarities and Difference in the Fiscal, Political and Educational Issues 

There are similarities as can be seen from this plan’s strategy and other strategies. Taking, for instance, the education, the strategies are inclined within the curriculum and the academic program. Just like other strategies, the aspects of incorporation of the co-curriculum activities in the academic programs as can be seen in Cornell University’s strategic plan. 

In the political bit, there is the aspect of leadership in which the college is influenced by the community involvement in the affairs. Again the fiscal aspects the similarities are seen in the funding of the programs which is more of the grants from the organizations. 

The differences noted from the fiscal point of view is that the school depends on the grants with no government support as witnessed in the case of Santa Barbara College. Again the difference is seen in the political makeup and the leadership activities in which the college is more of privately owned as opposed to the community or government involvement. Finally, the strategy is distinct from others in that it incorporates into its program the special activities like the care for the people with some speech defects (Academic of Arts University, 2016). Again the incorporation of the non-academic programs such as arts is seen as one of the distinctive features of the college. 


Academy of Art University. (2015). Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021. Academy of Art University. Retrieved from https://my.academyart.edu/content/dam/assets/pdf/academy-of-art-university-strategic-plan-2016-2021-part1.pdf 

Boston College. (2017). Boston College announces 10-year Strategic Plan. Boston College, BC News. Retrieved from https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/bcnews/campus-community/announcements/strategic-plan.html 

Boston College. (n.d.). Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’ s Mission. Boston College. Retrieved from https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/sites/strategic-plan/ever-to-excel.html 

Cornell University. (2010). A Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015. Cornell University. Retrieved from https://www.cornell.edu/strategicplan/ 

Cornell University. (2017). 2016-2017 Financial Report. Cornell University. Retrieved from https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/cornell-financial-report-fy2017.pdf 

D'antoni, S. (2008). Open educational resources: The way forward. 

Ikenberry, G. J. (2019).    After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars, New Edition-New Edition   (Vol. 159). Princeton University Press. 

Santa Barbara City College. (n.d.). Fees and financial aid. Santa Barbara City College. Retrieved from http://www.sbcc.edu/parents/feesandfinancialaid.php 

Santa Barbara Unified. (2012). 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan. Santa Barbara Unified School District. Retrieved from http://www.sbunified.org/districtwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Strategic-Plan-2014-2017.pdf 

Wayne State University. (2015). College of Education Strategic Plan 2015-2020. Wayne State University. Retrieved from http://coe.wayne.edu/about/coe_strategic_plan_2_1_2015.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Strategic Plans for Institutions of Higher Education.


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