16 Jun 2022


Strategies to Analyze, Integrate, and Synthesize Writing

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 290

Pages: 1

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Synthesis writing is scripting a piece that conjoins information whose sources are different. The primary reason behind the combination of information from the diverse sources is to enable a writer to formulate a deeply researched paper on the chosen topic. A writer possesses the freedom of drawing his/her points as long as the information correlates with the selected thesis statement. Formulation of synthesizes requires proper conceptualization as synthesis thoughts can occur to being abstract at other times. A writer’s capability of inferring relationships among information springs such as fiction, interviews, and articles is the primary determinant of the final quality of a synthesis paper in the long run. Academic synthesizes demand that the relationships that are inferred from varied sources to be explicated so that the readers can grasp the information being communicated with easiness.

A majority of the articles available for public reading are synthesized materials. The authors of the articles conduct thorough research before incorporating the collected information into a single document. To make a synthesis material is a far much deeper affair than doing passage summaries. Synthesizing process involves the identification of connections that exist between different sources and then using the identified connections to interrelate the diverse passages in a manner that makes the original material to undergo alteration. There are laid out strategies that need to be exploited before the synthesis becomes complete and termed to be a success. There is a need for the author to spend a substantial time frame in going through relevant reading materials during the initial stage, which is the research phase. The writer is then required to do a synthesize of the new ideas via reading actively and doing an annotation of the crucial points. The writer, when synthesizing work from different but related sources, needs to paraphrase the work to avoid formulating plagiarized work.

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Strategies for Synthesis Writing. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/edu/Strategies-for-Synthesis-Writing.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Strategies to Analyze, Integrate, and Synthesize Writing.


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