3 Dec 2022


Stress-Induced Alcohol Consumption among Males and Females

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 318

Pages: 1

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Research Problem in Counseling 

Stress is an important health and psychological issue in the United States. People are often predisposed to a variety of stressors in their day to day living. This affects the person’s social, mental, and physiological functioning by causing derangements such as the lack of sleep and seclusion from colleagues and peers (Faleigh, 2015). Alcohol consumption is widely believed to be necessitated by stress, based on Conger’s 1956 theory of alcohol consumption as a result of stress and tension. People often resort to alcohol consumption to find relief and temporary solutions for their problems .Social support services such as counseling aid in reducing and eliminating stress among individuals. The fast-paced contemporary society offers very little in terms of social support for individuals with stress. As a result, people find alternative coping mechanisms, of which alcohol consumption is the most implicated. Studies have shown that men are more susceptible to alcohol-induced tension reduction. According to Deguchi et al., (2018) this may be attributed to the limited attention given to men compared to women and the relatively demanding male gender roles. Consequently, men are faced with the challenge of fulfilling their societal expectations without reciprocal societal support and adequate counselling services to help them mitigate their stress. 


Stress-induced alcohol consumption is on the rise not only among the United States populations but also globally. The high prevalence necessitates a study to determine and evaluate the underlying causes of stress and the factors that compel individuals to seek alternative stress coping mechanisms. Gender plays an important role in stress, and it is therefore imperative to investigate the influence of gender on alcohol consumption among individuals coping with stress. 

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The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of gender on alcohol consumption among individuals coping with stress and to determine the factors that predispose m to engage in alcohol consumption more than women do when under stress. 


Deguchi, Y., Iwasaki, S., Kanchika, M., Nitta, T., Mitake, T., Nogi, Y., & Inoue, K. (2018). Gender differences in the relationships between perceived individual-level occupational stress and hazardous alcohol consumption among Japanese teachers: A cross-sectional study.  PloS one 13 (9), e0204248. 

Farleigh, T. (2015). Gender Differences in Stress, Alcohol Consumption, and Cigarette Use among College Students at San José State University. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Stress-Induced Alcohol Consumption among Males and Females.


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